Hehe Korean Tutor

So I snagged myself a boy to teach me Korean on Thursdays each week

Pfft he's my friend, get your mind outta the gutter~

We shall see how this goes XD


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oppach #1
I know it's only been 3 days since you posted this, but I'm dying to know how the "tutoring" is going!
TheHeather #2
Is it one of the twins?
FallenAngelFromAbove #3
Eh, unnie, we all know you work fast, for all we know, you'll be telling us in a month that you snagged a Korean boyfriend who's also part-time, very part-time, a tutor for the language :P

Keep us posted, your less lucky dongsaengs are waiting :D
.....For NOW he's a friend :P
Dmat17 #5
That is so awesome!!! I am completely jealous!!
aha good luck ^-^ sounds like Thursdays are gonna be fun. :D