There's this girl

Okay so this is long. 
First, let's introduce the characters:

Me - Me. 
Best Friend - Let's call her Su Ah.
Close Friend - Let's call her Dahee. 
The Girl I will talk about - Let's call her Minyoung.


Okay. So in the total number of students in my batch is 19; 4;15 - FOUR girls and fifteen boys. The four girls are Su Ah, Dahee, Minyoung and I. I'm going to have to tell you about their personalities..

Su Ah - Ultimate Best Friend. VERY optimistic. VERY CHILDISH. Smart (Rank 1). Anime&Kpop Lover. 2nd Shortest, 2nd Oldest.

Dahee - Shy, but makes the best jokes. Silent but deadly. Tallest. 3rd Oldest.

Minyoung - *sigh* stubborn, doesn't give her full effort, kind of spoiled since she's an only child, reaaaalllyyy mean, frenemy, kind of finicky, pretentious, uhm, too girly. (Maarte, to Filipinos). You know those kind of stereotypes where in the girl is rich, mean, and acts like, 'Ew! Like, you are sooooo ugly. Ohmaygosh. My lipstick does not match my bag! What a, like, dis-asterr!' Well, she's one of those. Oldest. Shortest.

Me - Maknae. Second 'Smartest' among the girls (LOL SELF COMPLIMENTS. [It's all liesss~]). Second tallest. 

Ok. So here's the thing.


I used to put up with her mean acts but now I JUST NEED TO VEENNTT IT OUTT.

Reasons why I absolutely dislike her:

1. There was this time when our teacher asked about a memory that our father did for us that we could never forget. Me, of course, answered. Then lucnch came and since everybody (except for me and Minyoung orz) bought lunch, they went out and left us alone. So here I was pulling out my lunch when she suddenly said,"Awwww. Your father is soooo sweeet. How toucchiiinggg." You know that mocking tone that makes you want to rip her heart out and feed it to the lions? Yeah. That's exactly what I mean. 

LIKE SERIOUSLY. WTF? GOD. I JUST. I CANT EVEN. *Writes her in my Death Note*

2. She just does everything so..Ugh I can't even explain it. There was a time when we had to decorate our classroom for a contest, and she was assigned to cut the gingerbeads. After she did them (With the help of Dahee of course) I told her I would paste it while she should draw more gingerbreads. And you know what she said? "I only know how to cut and paste. Let me paste them instead." Yet again, WTF? I know some of you will say, "Lol WTF is wrong with you? Do you have something against people who can't draw?" Sorry bout that but ALL SHE HAS TO DO IS TRACE THE CARDBOARD ONE I MADE. EVEN A 4 YEAR OLD CAN DO THAT. 

3. When she teases, she TEASES. So I have 3 crushes in school, I didn't like the other one anymore 'cause he has a girlfriend. Lol I'm not that kind of person. So anyways. That was last year so when Su Ah mentioned that they broke up I was like, "REALLY?!" I was about to say "I bet she got sick of his face 'cause I did." But then she butted in and said "YOU LIKE HIM DON'T YOU? OMAHYGOOSHH." Then she started to tell the other girls and know they tease me. Even if I tell them the truth, they won't believe me (Though I think Su Ah believes me) THANKS TO HERR.

4. I don't know, but I have this gut feeling screaming BAD BAD BAD BAD whenever I see her. I automatically get irritated when I look at her. (LOL LAME REASON)

5. One activity we had was to write what you thought about the person on the paper on their backs. I, of course, mostly got positive ones since I'm a saint (LOLJK) but she was the only one who wrote 'BULLY' when SHE was the bully! Then of course our teacher read it and was all like O.O and know she knows me as the 'Silent but deadly' one. SHE EVEN SPREAD IT TO THE TEACHERS. GREAAT REPUTATION.

6. I don't even talk to her anymore, yet, she talks to me, starts a mini-argument, then calls ME the one who started it. I don't know. I just get really pissed off.

7. Minyoung does everything to make me jealous. One time she told me that she would hold a sleepover and I wasn't invited. I was like, "Who gives a ." Then she starts talking about it in front of me with the other girls (;~;) and she invites them and of course they say yes. *Sigh* Then she bragged about going to the beach with Dahee and Su Ah, but I knew it was a lie 'cause Dahee and Su Ah's skin didn't even darken. Plus, Su Ah could have atleast posted a pic on IG. Then she bought a souvenir keychain and probably gave it to them earlier when I wasn't looking. And she was like holding it up in the air and said, "Hey Dahee. Where's yours?" Ugh. I just want to push her off the cliff. And Dahee and Su Ah are into her little 'prank'? *Sobsob* I thought they were my friends. 

Last week, the teachers switched up our places. So now the seating arrangement goes like this;

Su Ah --> Minyoung

Classmate --> Me

NOOO. I'M AFRAID THAT MINYOUNG WILL STEAL SU AH FROM MEE. I know I'm possesive. But anyone can sit next to her. ANYONE EXCEPT HER. 

Oh. And about number 7. 

Why are Su Ah and Dahee into it? Why won't Su Ah tell me, atleast? Like, a hint? 

I don't even know my friends anymore.


I just hope that Minyoung transfers to another school. I'm happy with just the three of us. 




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Reading this is so xDD
Ah shizz I can't stop laughing xD
Give me a moment. *falls down a cliff*
And oh lol wait!!! Since when did you named her Minyoung?? xD
Dahee. *rolls on the floor*
To be honest, I wasn't really into the prank xD Because whenever Dahee (oh lol I'm gonna laugh again xD) is into it, I'm on it too. I'M TOO FREAKING INNOCENT. Like, whenever we go to the cafeteria to buy lunch (You dunno dat since you have packed lunch~) I will be like: "Oh lol I dunno whut to buy. Dahee (xD) whut do you want?"
"...Dat one."
"._. Okay then dat one." Then we have the same lunch xD
(I really can't type long todaaay xD I'm friggin laughing too much)
wow, just wow. that girl- idek-

I agree with the person below though. If your friends are real friends they will not fall apart or smth from you just because of her~!
I have a friend who is exactly like that.
She's a total drag and I really hate it when I see her.

Goodluck and trust Su Ah, if she really is your true friend, she won't get "influenced" by Minyoung. Fighting! ♥