Gay Clubs, Man ❤

I graduated es!

I'm so ing happy about that you can't even imagine. I nearly cried the whole graduation, but I didn't because y'know... MAKEUP! Lol

Anyway, at the end of it I took pictures and well I took a picture with my long time crush, Gio. GOD! He looked so ing hot. That son of a .

He hugged me and congratulated me, it was precious.

And yeah. The point.

After the graduation we went to a gay club AND !

I danced like a crazy person.

All of us did.

When we walked into the club no one was dancing but then we came in and started to dance and everyone got pumped and started dancing too.

We drank before going there but I wasn't that drunk, but I guess I was cuz I normally don't dance in front of people so yep.


Some girl pulled me and said something to my ear before we were going to another club but I couldn't understand her since the music was so loud.

She was kinda cute, but my friends don't know I'm bi so I acted like I didn't care.

Also my dress looked like Minnie Mouse's dress so Joshi (my friend) got me the ears. I looked exactly like Minnie Mouse. Lol

I'm sorta frustrated though. There were so many ing hot guys over there. One of them had a septum and he kept looking at me. So obviously i was like COME OVERHEEEER BABY!

He was obviously gay though ㅠ.ㅠ

And all that I did behind my dad's back :D

He thought I was at the movies with my friends when in reality we were drinking and dancing like idiots.

Lying is so much fun!

So yeah.

I think I'll be going to a beach Smirnoff festival or some and I hope my dad lets me go, but y'know some lying will appear.

I hope I can go guys.

I feel so free and happy, which is good cuz I've had a really ed up life.

Anyway. I have an obsession with Exo's My Lady. Been on my head since morning.

Ugh, I'm tired.

Note to self: I have to work out more.





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LOL! Congrats, noona! And gla you had so much fun :)