✌ BABE ✌ Bang Sunmi ✌ Lead Rapper/ Lead Dancer

✌Bang Sunmi✌
Lead Rapper/Lead Dancer


✌ Ireumi Mwoyoyo?

Username: noonachinae
Activeness: 10
Nickname: Lani
Personal Message: Hi! I really like your idea for this story and fully support it!


✌ Nal Bwa YOU~ YOU~

Character Name: Bang Sunmi

*Nicknames: Her nickname is Speed of her swift and slick rapping abilities. Her brothers started calling her that. Soon enough it caught on and everyone started calling her that.

Age: 20

Date of Birth: (05/16/1993)

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 52 kg.

Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea

Blood type:O

Ethnicity: Korean, 1/4 African American

Languages: Korean (Native), English(Fluent),Chinese (Basic)


✌ I Want You Beautiful Love~

Ulzzang: Yoo Hyun Jin

Photos: 1   2  3  4  5  6  7

Back-up Ulzzang: Kim Seuk Hye
Photos: 1  2  3  4  5 


For training: For training she normally wears sweatpants or shorts with tshirts or tank tops.

casual: 1  2  3  4  5

formal: 1  2  3  4

dorm: 1  2  3 

Extra:6, Piercings (ywo on each ear lobe and an industrial bar at the top of left ear,which is considered two piercings),1 tattoo going down left side that says, "Do What You Love Or Do Nothing", also wears numerous hairstyles and colors. Nothing too crazy though.


✌ Tell Me Tell Me


  Sunmi was born and raise in Seoul, South Korea until she was 6. She and her family moved to San Diego, Cali to be with her mothers side of the family. Her mother is half black and half Korean, while her father is Korean. She has two older brothers Jaehyun and Jun. As a child, she was always running around the house pretending to be a superstar. She would always find one of her mothers gardening gloves and pretend to be Michael Jackson.
  Her brothers always played rap music, so she then developed a love for rap as well as hip hop dancing. She would frequently go with her friends to rap battles at the local park late night. She knew she could get in trouble for sneaking out, but it was something about it that kept her coming back. After a couple times of going, she became a competitor in the battles. Her fast LED (ultra fast), raps use to amaze everyone. The couldn't understand how such power and speed was coming from such a small person.
  To accomodate her rapping, she Sunmi excelled at dancing. She began taking dance classes at the age of 9 and her love for it grew over the years. At her request, her parents sent her back to Korea at the age of 14 to pursue her dreams of becoming an idol. There she lived with her cousin and continued to perfect her craft.

Personality traits:

 Daredevil, fun, loving, hard working,helpful, optimistic


Personality Expanded:

Sunmi is a very outgoing individual.To many on the outside looking in, she's very shy and quite but when you get to know her she opens up like a flower.She is known for doing shameless advertising plug-ins for her group while on variety shows and other programs. Sunmi keeps a positive attitude about everything and gets excited quickly. She is goofy, crazy, and to some maybe a psycho, but in a good way of course lol. She is a prankster and jokster, who likes to keep the mood light. She also loves running around the dorm in her animal onesie's lol.

Sunmi is also an adrenaline junkie. Anything extreme gets her pumped and she'll be willing to try it. She skateboards, snowboards, and she plays the drums. She is the self procalimed "Glamorous Tomboy". Sunmi calls herself that because she loves doing wild exciting things that girls might not usually have an interest in, but still loves dressing up and looking very pretty. She is also somewhat of a :) hehe.Sunmi has a giant heart and desires to help everyone.

She is close to Park Chanyeol and Sehun from EXO K. The three of them use to playfully rap together for fun.Key from SHINee and Amber from f(x) are her bestfriends. She's also close to B.A.P's Zelo,although she calls him her skateboarding rival. Sunhwa from SECRET is her cousin. She confessess to being an ultimate SHINee fangirl, (more specifically for Jonghyun). She has a pretty laid back attitude and doesnt tend to worry about much. She just goes with the flow. Sometimes Sun has her days when she doesnt want to be bothered, and just want to be alone.But hey everyone has those days right? She has the mindset that she'll try anything once and to just have fun without extra worries and baggage. Mind set of a hippy is what Sun has lol.

Likes: Anything pink, horror movies, sports, Dogs (animals in general), photoshoots, taking selcas, imitating Michael Jackson, LOVES SHINee

Dislikes:close-minded people,running out of food,thinking she has hurt someone,heat,not getting sleep, sleeping in a lot of clothes, boring people


*Fears: Her two biggest fears are living life wondering what could have been and injuring herself to where she could no longer perform.

Habits: Oversleeping, talks in her sleep, sometimes comes out of clothes while sleeping,learns male idol group dances, cleans up everyday, keeps fresh pastries and sweets in the dorm

Hobbies: playing video games, skateboarding,baking/cooking, painting,choreographing

*Internet: twitter: @BabeSunB, Instagram: Sun.Speed

Education: Graduated from Seoul Arts High School in 2010. Currently attends Korea National University of Arts.


  • Pretends to have her own cooking show when she cooks/bakes
  • Jonghyun of SHINee is her ideal type. She loves his playful spirit and his abs
  • Cameo in "To the Beautiful You", and " Tah-Dah: It's B.A.P"
  • Was a student in B.A.P's "Stop It' video
  • Has gone skydiving
  • owns 45 snapback hats
  • cousin of Sunhwa from SECRET
  • Has done background vocals for SECRET and SNSD
  • 30+ pairs of Jordans
  • 10 skateboards
  • loves loves loves skinship
  • has 6 piercings



*Scandals or Rumors:


Sunmi use to hang out a lot with her bestfriends Amber and Key before she became a member of BABE. One night as a joke, Amber dared Key to walk out of the club and kiss Sun right on her lips. Key thought it would be brilliant and hilarious so of course he complied.Sure enough he planted a nice big one her right in plain view of everyone. He even grabbed and pulled her hair as he did it. Typical Key right? lol. Soon enough headlines such as " Who is Key's Mystery Lover?" and " Key's Lip Locking Beauty", were all over the papers and blog sites. The scandal didn't last long and died down without her being exposed as the mystery girl.


There was a rumor going around that she was dating Himchan. They were seen coming out of the TS building arm in arm. They both shot the rumors down, saying they were just two friends linking arms nothing more. A short time after that, she was spotted holding hands with SHINee's Minho and entering his dressing room on the set of "To the Beautiful You". He himself addressed these rumors, saying that he was actually grabbing her hand to take her to Sulli's dressing room so the two girls could meet.


✌ Love Love Love



Bang, Min Woo |47|father|Architect |loving, understanding,funny |alive |Their relationship is a pretty healthy one. Although he didn't understand her dream at first, he now fully supports it.

Bang, Miranda |43|Mother |US Army officer |nuturing, loving, attentive |alive | Sunmi is closest to her mom more than anyone. She has always believed in her daughter and pushed her to be her best.
Bang, Jaehyun |22 |Brother |College Student |annoying, funny, fun |alive |They have the typical brother -sister relationship. They drive each other nuts, but the love is always there.

Bang,Jun |Brother |19 |College Student |naive,sweet, quiet| alive| Sunmi loves her little brother.He's like her baby and she always looks after him.



Park Chanyeol |20| idol (EXO)| funny, happy virus, sweet| These two met at the SM building. She was hanging out with Key and Amber in the practice room when Chanyeol came in. They introduced themselves to each other and grew into close friends| Together, they are the example of a good time. They have similar personalities so they get along acceptionally well. They joke around and play pranks together.

Liu, Amber |20| idol f(x) |funny, outgoing, whitty | Met while Sunmi was a trainee at SM. Key Introduced them. | When they are together, they act like to kids. They really bring out the children in each other and just do fun things together.

Choi, Jun Hong |16 |idol(B.A.P)|shy,fun,competitive | Met at TS entertainment of course. He was introduced to her by her cousin Sunhwa. She told him that her rap styles were similar and that she knew the two would become friends.| These two have a very playful relationship. The are very competitive with each other in rap, dance, and of course skateboarding. Because he's younger, she cuts him no slack and loves teasing him. 

Best Friend: Kim, Kibum(Key) |21 |idol(SHINee) | loud, outgoing, funny |Met while being at SM together.Key saw her dance and just knew he wanted to know her. He introduced himself and they hit it off instantly. He originally asked her out, but because of hectic schedules, they became besties.| These two are literally Bonnie and Clyde. They are each other's ride or die lol Together they are as loud and crazy as ever.Never a dull moment with these two around. 




✌ I Hate This Love Song

Love Interest: Jung, Ilhoon (Ilhoon from BTOB)

Personality: Although a very powerful rapper, Ilhoon is a sweetheart. He's very whitty, caring, and down right hilarious. He is very easy to be around.

How did they meet: Sunmi and Ilhoon literally met onstage at Show Champion. They were placed in a scenario together as an elderly married coupled by the MC's. They later had a chance to talk backstage and exchanged numbers.

How they behave around each other: Around each other, they are very loose and comfortable. They dont need to be their "idol persona's", but can actually be themselves. They have a very playful and fun relationship full of jokes, pranks, and plenty of skinship, (even though he hated it at first).

Who falls first?: Ilhoon fell for Sumni as soon as he saw her, and when he saw that her rapping was similar to his, he was pretty much ready to pursue her. Initially, Sunmi just thought Ilhoon was pretty cute.

Back-up Love Interest: Park, Chanyeol

Personality: same as above 

How did they meet: same as in the friend section

How they behave around each other: same as above in friend section 

Who falls first?: same as above



✌ You Inside My Dim Memory

How long did she train: 5 Years

Trainee life: Trainee life was rough at first because she mainly missed her family.She made great friends and met cool peopl along the way so that softened the blow a little bit. She was previously a trainee under SM Entertainment for 4 years before coming to TS. 

How they were accepted: Despite her plans to audition at different companies, she was discovered at an amusement park. She was in line singing a tune while she waited to get food and a woman claiming to be a talent scout for SM gave her a card. She called that next day and was immediately invited for an audition. When she auditioned she was immediately signed as a trainee.


✌ Show Time

*Stage Name: Sun B.

Position: Lead Rapper/ Lead Dancer

Persona: Girly/ Glamourous Tomboy

Back-up Position: Main Rapper

Fanclub Name: TomDolls (Tomboy Dolls)

Fanclub colors: Pink and Brown

Special skills: LED (fast) Rapping, Playing drums, dancing, cooking/baking (especially baking)

*Pre-debut: Some modeling as a child

Singing Twin: Ji Hyun ( 4 Minute)

Rapping Twin: Miryo (Brown Eyed Girls)  Link Here at 2:42 mark :)

Dancing Twin: Hyoyeon (SNSD)

Fan Intro/Message: "Annyeonghaseo. The glamorus tomboy of BABE, Sun B.-imnida!", or just "Hey, its the Glamourous Tomboy of BABE, SUN B.!"


(Answer the following questions in the point of view of your character)
1. Even though I am a super fangirl of Jonghyun, I have to say my real ideal type is my buddy Park Chanyeol. The reason, because he is a complete smiling idiot like myself and i love that lol.
2. Im closest to the other rapper in the group. We share the same love and craft so we kind of bond over that.
3. Ah, I cant imagine my life not being an idol, but I would honestly be a dance instructor or a pasrty chef.:)


✌ Goodbye Baby Goodbye

*Anything else: Nothing else from me. I love and support this story idea. fighting!
Password 001: I Got A Boy by SNSD
Password 002: Link
*Scene Requests?:

Sweet scences with Ilhoon, maybe then rapping together for a special stage, for sure scenes with Sun and Zelo skateboarding, maybe doing a feature on another artists song, weekly idol,bestfriend scenes with Key



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