Other Biases

Writer’s block. My current story won’t be updated until July for personal reasons. Sorry guys.

I’ll post two blogs instead.

Everyone’s who’s ever read a story of mine or looked at my profile should know that my 3 ultimate biases are Amber Liu, Lee Jungshin, and Seo Juhyun, but I don’t really talk about other Kpop idols I like or other groups I listen to. Truthfully, I don’t listen to that many other groups, mostly only SM artists. But there’s some other groups that I love too.

Here are some other members that I like in my favorite groups:


Hyoyeon. She was originally my first bias. I switched to Seohyun shortly after, but I always keep a look out for Hyoyeon. She’s so funny and just not full of herself, and her dancing is no joke. I watched an older video of her dancing with the SM dance instructor, and I couldn’t believe my eyes. It’s also perfect that she and Seohyun get along so well! I’m pretty sure she’s Seohyun’s favorite SNSD Unnie. I love SeoHyo :)


Victoria. We’re the same age, and we’re a lot a like… except I’m not Chinese nor a traditional dancer nor a flexible person nor a gorgeous idol. But we act pretty similar. I think we’re both stuck in between feeling youthful and feeling like mature women, in between being cute and being y. I relate to her the most in f(x).

CN to the Blue… (who I’m currently mad at lol)

Yonghwa, and not simply because of Yongseo, but it has a lot to do with it. “You’re Beautiful” was the first thing I ever watched him in, and I couldn’t stand his character. His character was quiet and boring and made me uncomfortable. But Yonghwa is the exact opposite in everyway, and I learned this while watching WGM and his interviews. He’s really outgoing and funny, and I think I’d be really good friends with him in real life. I always say if I ever had to choose one member to be my roommate, it would be Yonghwa because I’m not romantically attracted to him, and we’d get along really well. Couldn’t live with Jonghyun because we’d be doing unspeakable things within the first week. Couldn’t live with Jungshin because my feelings would grow way too strong, and I’d have to confess and make things awkward. Couldn’t live with Minhyuk because I think we’d argue over everything haha.

He’s my favorite “Kpop” leader. From what I’ve observed, Yonghwa is a natural leader. What he says, goes in CNBlue, and I think it has to do more than him being the hyung. He’s had to build up a hell of a lot of trust and care with the others in order for them to be able to joke around with him AND follow him unconditionally. He doesn’t have to have passion, doesn’t have to put effort because he’s rich, but he does. He could just keep his mouth shut and play the songs his company gives him to play, but he fought with his CEO to let CNBlue compose the songs for Re:Blue. Yonghwa doesn’t just want to be famous, he wants to be respected as a musician and wants his band’s name to reach the corners of the world.

Other “biases” from other kpop groups I like:


When “Warrior” came out, I liked it and was impressed, but I never planned on becoming a Baby. Didn’t like “Power” so I thought that was the end of that… but then I kept watching their stuff. “Crash”, “Stop It”… and then, “No Mercy”. No Mercy is my favorite song by them, and “One Shot” became my all-time favorite Kpop music video. Overworked, yes, but what Kpop group isn’t? These guys are doing exactly what they need in order to move up in ranks. I don’t even consider them a rookie group. They’re just too good.

Choosing a bias in this group is super difficult. I think it’s Zelo. I’m not a pedinoona, but it’s stupid not to say the boy isn’t a cutie. I’m always so damn proud of Zelo in whatever he does, and I’m always paying attention to him. So much talent. But at the same time, Daehyun was the first one I really noticed, and the boy is FINE. I just want to take his face and… I don’t even know. I love his voice, and I like his outgoing personality as well. But as of now, I think Zelo is probably my bias. Yongguk is trying to steal the bias spot… the grown-up things I want to do to that man…but I won’t let him take it from Zelo or Dae.

Favorite Song so far: "No Mercy". Favorite video: "One Shot"


Taemin… Minho is a super close second. SHINee is one of those groups who I tried so hard not to pay attention to (it was the pastel pants and the name), but like most SM artists, they’re just too talented to ignore. Taemin is… wow… I squeal like a little girl whenever he’s doing anything, and he has grown up to be so fine. He is my favorite dancer in all of SM, even over Hyoyeon, who I swear by when it comes to dancing. But now that he’s older and hotter, I just… yeah. And I love love love Minho. He’s so hot and charming that I just can’t get enough. But Taemin just overtook my heart.

Favorite Song so far: either "Hello" or "Lucifer". Favorite video: "Lucifer"

Super Junior

Eunhyuk, but for the longest time, it was Yesung… mainly because I love his dark features. He looks so intense, and he’s such a weirdo that I love it. He has great vocals, but to be honest, I only liked him for his looks. Truthfully, I’m not that big into Super Junior’s music, but I love them as people. It’s kind of weird. Eunhyuk just stands out to me. I always want to see him. I always look for him whenever I watch something of Super Junior’s. I don’t consider him ugly at all. He has an interesting look to him, but he’s good looking in my opinion. The only time he wasn’t was with that blonde bowl cut. Ugh.

Favorite Song so far: "Oops" ft. f(x). Favorite video: "y, Free, and Single" 


Specifically, AOA black, the band version. They’re an FNC rookie group, but I like them a lot. My current bias is the leader, Jimin, that little bad . But in the future, it could become Choa or Mina. Choa is also very talented and she is perfection when heading the band. I hope that they’ll get to perform their instruments live someday. I hate aegyo, but Mina’s is the only aegyo that works on me. She’s so charming! So it might even become her, who knows.

Favorite song so far: "Elvis". Favorite video so far: "Get Out"                     

I also love the ever controversial Hyuna. 4Minute was almost my favorite group until I was introduced to f(x), and I didn’t like her. But now, she’s the only one I can pick out in a line-up. Everyone hates her because she’s too y, and sometimes I even think it’s a little too much, but it makes her stand out. When I think of 4Minute, I think of Hyuna immediately. And I like her singles more than her actual group’s. Everyone says Cube makes her act like that, but I don’t think that’s completely true. Korea doesn’t strike me as a country that appreciates girls acting overly sensual in any setting so it would hurt their promotion more than help it. I think it’s partially their influence, but mostly who she is. She wants to bubble pop. She wants to drop it low while singing about ice cream. She wants to toss that hair. But I bet she’s never even had . So she obviously can’t be a . My philosophy is to let Hyuna be Hyuna, and I’m cool with it as long as she keeps coming out with good solo songs. She needs to brush up on her live performance skills though because those are lacking. 

Favorite song so far: "Change". Favorite video: "Ice Cream". Favorite 4Minute song: "Huh". Favorite 4Minute video: "Huh"


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