≺ ⁂ khione ≻┊Yoo Jihye


 Yoo Jihye




Username: Kang_Sara
Activeness: 5
What shall I call you? Sara


full name: Yoo Ji Hye
other names: 
*nicknames: Heo-Ji. taking Heo from heodand, and Ji from Ji Hye. She's called that because she has a Heodang image. Her brother as well as Andy call her that. Eomma by the other members because she takes care of things like cooking, making sure everyones clothes, hair, and makeup are fixed well and taking care of the members if they're upset or injured.
age: 18
birthday: December 15, 1994
height & weight: 168cm 52kg
bloodtype: A
birthplace:South Korea
hometown: Cheonan-si, South Korea
ethnity: Korean
languages: Korean [Fluent] English [Fluent but when she speaks it she has an accent]


personality: Very trust worthy, if she feels like she can trust you she will fully trust you. Shes friendly and easy to get along with because of the motherly aura she gives off, she takes really good care of dongsaengs. She likes doing things to help others and will do things with out asking in return. Shes very aware of the things that go on around her, and even though shes young she understands a lot of things that most adults understand (not politics, but things like when someones upset or going through hard times and responsibility). She hates seeing people upset and will try to put others happiness before her own. Because of these traits shes very easy to be picked on and used by others, she knows when shes being used but cant find it within herself to stop it herself. If asked to run two miles non-stop in place of someone else she will. Shes the type that gets guilty over anything and will constantly apologize, even if its something dumb like walking next to someone she doesnt know because space is cramped.

Ji Hye seems like the type that is quiet but shes very energetic and lively. She doesnt like sitting still and if she has to she'll bounce her legs or move her arms around as if shes actually dancing. Shes outgoing, ambitious, expressive, and passionate. She has a lot of confidence and doesnt feel awkward over much of anything. She has a tendency to ruin her image on broad castings because she does a lot of goofy things like making herself look like an idiot by dancing weirdly, making her voice crack on purpose when asked to sing high notes, wearing weird looking costumes, or making weird faces. Shes really competitive as well and hates losing so she always says shes going to win, but ends up losing in the end. No matter what she always keeps a smile on her face even after shes lost. Its how she got her Heodang image, because when you first look at her she looks perfectly normal and pretty, but then she goes on to show every single one of her flaws and ruin her image.

Onstage she changes 180 degrees. Only 180 because depending on the concept of their performance she can look really serious and charismic, but if its a concert and the song is a fun and energetic song she'll skip all the dance moves and just run around the stage waving to fans and interacting with them. She'll even get off the stage to be closer to their fans. She's the type to show a lot of agyeo and give a lot of fan service. She actually has a sharp tongue and always has to back talk no matter who it is.

It kind of shocks people when they see her hardworking side. She doesnt like failing and is the type to push herself to her limits. When shes in her hardworking mode she wont smile and will be totally focused. Its weird for the other members to see because Jihye is very playfull even with the image of an umma, and the heodang image. She doesnt hid her emotions like other girls because she thinks if you smile while crying you dont look strong you just look ugly and scary so when she's upset or emotional she just lets it out. She doesnt keep her emotions in or hide it from others she just lets it all out in one go. She also believes that once you let all your bad feelings and emotions out you'll feel awesome and good inside.
pet peeves: People sleeping on her bed, shes really bad at sharing beds and will hit people who sleep in her bed. People who talk when shes talking, she hates it so much she'll shout at them to shut up. When shes at home (her real home with her family) and her dad or brother dont put the toilet seat down.

  • Tonkatsu

  • Curry

  • Trying foreign foods

  • Playing guitar

  • Checking her twitter

  • Skin-Ship....A LOT

  • Taro milk tea

  • Little kids
  • Taking pictures and selcas
  • Amusment parks/water parks
  • The beach
  • The color blue (actually the same color blue used for this app)
  • Spicy food
  • Shinhwa
  • Food in general
  • cold drinks
  • Horror movies
  • upbeat music that she can randomly dance to when shes bored, but ballads or soft rap when shes upset
  • White and pink roses



  • Hot drinks

  • Tomatoes

  • Cold weather

  • Jeans

  • Super sweetened food

  • The color Yellow

  • Camping in tents

  • Rain

  • Wet clothing sticking to her skin

  • When People touch her things, especially  her phone

  • Sharing a bed

  • being cold

  • warm drinks

  • Bugs


fears: Snakes, shes been terrified of them since she was a kid. Haunted places because she watches to many horror films
hobbies: Playing guitar. Running at the han river. watching Kdramas. Trying new foods
habits: starts mispronouncing words when she talks to fast. not covering when she laughs. Talking back to people. falling asleep during long car drives

  • She doesnt get jet lagged ever, in fact Jihye has more energy after a long flight
  • She has to have bubble tea with extra pearls for breakfast or else she'll be in a super bad mood all day
  • Can hit five octaves but if shes asked to show someone, she'll get to 3 before forcing her voice to crack as a joke
  • Her ideal type is someone whos good with kids, dark hair, tall, simple and an average guy, looks good wearing jeans with a wife beater and flannel over with the flannel open, Doesnt have large muscles but is still toned and has a nice voice. (Lee Jonghyun. Jung Daehyun)
  • Shes allergic to plums and cucumbers
  • Shes can play guitar. Shes been playing since she was 10
  • Shes a fan of Shinhwa, but shes not Andy's fan. Shes a fan of Junjin
  • Shes very athletic, she was in track, and softball during middle school up until she became a trainee
  • Has a dimple eye smile
  • Shes confident in her body and abs
  • She hates people being on her bed so she'll kick them off if they sleep on her bed
  • She has the Samsung Galaxy S3 because she hates the s4: Her phone
  • She prefers shorts over jeans any day, she hates the feeling of jeans or pants on her legs.
  • She owns a total of 23 pairs of shorts.
  • She has a puppy that lives with her at the girls dorm. His name is Bokshiri
  • She says she can rap but what she really does is just shout random things together really fast
  • She almost got kicked out of the company because she constantly talked informally to her dance trainer.
  • Her younger brother is Yoo Seungwoo from Superstar K4
  • She was a power hitter, as well as pitcher on her softball team
  • She takes Bokshiri with her to photo shoots or filming's and her manager watches him until Jihye gets a break and can take care of him
  • Shes a former TSent trainee
  • Her dog peed on Andy's shoes, as well as in her managers bed
  • Her dog was given to her by her brother for her 18th birthday
  • Shes nicknamed a power vocalist but most of the time shes called the soulful singer
  • She prefers popsicles over ice cream

        crazy  ──

family: Sorry i actually dont know Seungwoo's real parents

Dad|| Kim Hyungsuk||48||runs and owns a bakery in Cheonan|| 4

Mom|| Yoo Sunhee|| 48|| works at husbands bakery, house wife||3

Brother|| Yoo Seungwoo||16|| high school student, singer|| 5

  • Youngjae||BAP||19|| He seems quiet but he actually talks a lot. He cant be considered a nice guy because he likes to pick on Jihye a lot, but its in a friendly manner. Hes the type to stay out of other business. Hes a super hard worker. He can be rude and mean sometimes but hes still a good friend.|| Youngjae and Jihye hung out together while they were both trainees and they have a very mutual friend relationship, if you meet them for the first time and hang out with them for a whole day you would probably think Youngjae was gay. He is always asking her for fashion advice, and she ask's him for love advice.

  • Chunji|| Teen Top|| 19|| Hes very lively and outgoing, he has his moments where he can be embarressed and shy but its not often, hes very sociable. He can be really rude and mean sometimes but it really depends on the person for him to be nice. Generally hes a selfish person though.|| Chunji is a bully to Jihye, he likes to and pull pranks on her like hidden cameras, but at the same times shes one of those people hes nice too. He met her while she was a trainee and since she ate alone often for lunch he decided to start eating with her, he doesnt like seeing her upset and wont leave her alone until she tells him why shes upset

best friend: [1. name|group or oc| age| personality|how you met|how you act]

Jung Daehyun|| BAP||19|| Hes very quiet and shy around people he's never met before. But once he opens up hes very kind and sweet. A lot of people think he would be a good boyfriend because hes a real gentleman and treats women well. He can be emotional at times, but doesnt like showing it in front of a lot of people. Hes considerate and noticable of the small things a person says or does. He can be funny and knows how to lighten moods as well as make the mood awkward| Daehyun was the last to join BAP and since Jihye was close with Youngjae she got to meet Daehyun as well. Both were vocalist and usually practiced around the same time with the same trainer, they decided to just train together and became closer through that|| They have a strong oppa dongseang relationship where he takes care of her and she relies on him. They were both with each other for moral support. They naturally have a lot of skinship. Jihye feels most comfortable with Daehyun. there was a time as trainees where they paired up to dance together and she paired with Daehyun. but it was a slow dance style. She felt so safe and comfortable with Daehyun because he wasnt awkward, he held her tightly and with their no space between them.
family background: Jihye's family was pretty well off, they werent poor nor were they rich but  the money her dad made was enough to get her and her brother through life. As well as send his daughter off to Seoul, followed by her brother. Her dad owns a popular bakery in Cheonan South Korea which both her parents work at. Her younger brother Seungwoo is a contestant and finalist in Superstar K4 he also recently debuted as a soloist with his mini album "the first picnic". Her family was very supportive of her idea to train as an idol however didnt expect her to actually debut and were waiting for her to come back home and continue her studying to become a chef.

        bemagirl ── 

ulzzang: Kim Jungyeon
links: Gallery
back up ulzzang: Yi Yi
links: Gallery
style: For her casual style Jihye really enjoys wearing shorts, even in the winter, she cant stand wearing jeans or the feeling of them on her legs, so she wears shorts paired with either cute blouses, our button ups. She also really likes the hihg low cut style for skirts and dresses, she doesnt mind the type of shoes she wears as long as it matches with her outfit. At the dorm she still wears shorts, but usually wears spandex shorts and sports bras, or spandex shorts and loose fitting sweater shirts or tank tops. For training she will still wear shorts or leggings with a tank top or sweater shirt, depending on the outfit she wore that day, she might just train in the same clothes, like if its a button up flannel top and shorts with converse. She really likes the high low cut style for dresses but she also likes short dresses because shes not that tall so she'll show off her legs. Sometimes depending on the outfit it will be shorts. A lot of her outfits are summer and spring styles.


how you got into t.o.p media: She auditioned for TS entertainment when she was 13 while on a family trip in Seoul. She was accepted as a trainee and trained with them for 4 years and 6 months before transfering to Top Media through the trainee transfer programe. She at Top media for 2 months before being told she would be debuting later in the year with their first girl group khione.
trainee history: Jihye wasnt liked by other trainees at Top media, because she transfered from another company and only trained at Top media for 2 months before being told she would debut. a lot of trainees were envious and secluded her when she wasnt with the group. She was awkward around most of the members because she was the last to join the group but they still welcomed her with open arms. Jihye was still very energetic and lively which helped her grow closer to the members. At TS she was especially close with BAP's Daehyun and Youngjae and got along great with the other trainees because she had been with them for some time and most were friends. While she trained at Top Media it wasnt difficult for her because she felt TS trained their trainees harder, she wasnt bullied just secluded.
trainee years: 5 years 4.5 at TS and 6 months at TOP.
*stage name: Jihye
fanclub name: Hyesung's (Comets)
fanclub color: 
persona: Soulful singer because she has a soulful voice. She can be considered a power vocalist but she just likes the way soulful singer sounds

lead vocalist, lead rapper
main rapper, sub dancer
main vocalist
triple threat
lead dancer, sub vocalist

sub dancer, sub rapper, sub vocalist, actress
main dancer, sub-rapper

vocal twin: Baek Yerin|| 15&|| clip 
dancing twin: Seungyeon|| Kara|| clip
rapping twin: LE|| EXID|| Clip
anything else? Visual. Acting. Immortal song

        guylikeme ── 

love interest: Jonghwan
age: 20
group: 100%
personality: He's charismic on stage but in reality hes really playful. Hes really honest and sometimes blunt. A lot of people think at first glance hes really timid but hes actually not. Hes friendly and nice, very sociable. he gets embarressed easily but has confidence in his talents. He looks really cool when hes singing and playing guitar
how you met/meet: Jonghwan unlike the other 100% members didnt have a schedual that day so he headed to the company because he heard about the trainee's transfering, he wanted to see who left and who would be new. He walked into the vocal room first to see if there were any new faces. Some trainees greeted him and some were trainees he was close with since they new each other. Jonghwan asked if anyone new came and the trainees he was talking to said she was in the recording room with their trainer. Jonghwan got all gidy when he heard it was a she and steadily walked out of the room but skipped to the recording room. He knocked once before walking in to see a girl in the booth with his former trainer sitting on a chair watching her. she was singing a song called Love. Jonghwan took a seat next to his former trainer who acknowledged Jonghwans presence with a curt nod. Jonghwan peeked over at the information sheets infront of the trainer and learned her age, name, her special skills was guitar, and where she transfered from. Jonghwan told the trainer that she had an awesome voice, but then the trainer suggested since Jonghwan was free that day that Jonghwan give her a tour of the company. Jonghwan agreed despite suddenly being self causious. The trainer pressed a button and stopped Jihye from singing. he told her: "A sunbae is here, hes going to show you around the comoany, and then you can come back tomorrow for practice" then he left for Jonghwan to introduce himself. Jihye came out of the booth and bowed politly. they introduced themselves and Jonghwan took note of how socialable she was. As he was touring her around Jonghwan continued to run into things and tripping over his own feet because he was trying to point at things, explain things, and at the same time look down at Jihye to make sure she was listening. Being nervous infront of her didnt help either. However jihye found him funny and adorable at the same time. He offered to take her out to lunch since they had nothing else to do for the rest of the day, and that it could help them get closer and be friends. 
how you interact: Jonghwan tries to act normal and somtimes strong in front of Jihye however whenever she touches him even the slightest brush of the finger tip he gets nervous and its almost similar to his legs turning to jelly or the butterflies in the stomach. He can never look her in the eyes directly no matter how hard she tries to catch his glimpse, shes seen his eyes clearly from a distance and thinks he has really pretty eyes, especially when he smiles. Jihye isnt hyper around him, its like he calms her down with his precense. She somtimes becomes clumsy, but lucky for her Jonghwan is always quick to react and catch or steady her balance. She's actually the one that tries to act normal and conseal her nervousness around him, but she can hear her voice shaking sometimes. She knows she likes him because she feels the same way around him as she did for Daehyun when they first started dating. Jihye has skinship with Jonghwan but tries to keep it to a minimal to not seem to obvious. She blushes real easily around him.
relationship: He really likes her (maybe love?) but Jihye is torn between Daehyun and Jonghwan
back-up love interest: Changbum

        badboy  ──

*rival: Hyorin
age & group: 22 SISTAR
personality: Shes very friendly funny and lively, however its been taken note that she and member Bora tend to be rude to both sunbaes and hoobaes. 
reason for rivalry: Both have soulful voices despite just debuting Jihye became a contestant in Immortal song as well as Hyorin for the second time. Both being soulful vocalist were put up against each other, and Jihye won by a long run. Hyorin played it off as cool and supportive for her hoobae, but she was totaly embarressed to have lost to someone with less experience and yougner than her. they appeared on another show together and the host brought up Hyorins embarressing defeat on immortal song. At a music awards event Khione were sitting with Teen Top and 100% while Jihye went off to say hi to Daehyun and Youngjae. She ended up sitting at their table with Secret for a few minutes to catch up and chat. Daehyun was walking her back to her seat but they had to go around the back Hyorin passed them and accidently spilled her drink all over Jihye. Jihye quickly apologized thinking it was her fault Hyorin bumped into her but she was shocked when Hyorin suddenly shouted to bring attention to the three "Your underaged and drinking an alcoholic beverage?!" while pretending she had taken the drink from Jihye but in the process Jihye spilt it over two. The event even went to the press and Jihye was under fire for quiet some days until Daehyun, being the only witness, finally cleared everything up. Hyorin already hated Jihye, but since that event Jihye hated Hyorin as well.


*love rival: Jung Daehyun
age & group: 19 BAP
Hes very quiet and shy around people he's never met before. But once he opens up hes very kind and sweet. A lot of people think he would be a good boyfriend because hes a real gentleman and treats women well. He can be emotional at times, but doesnt like showing it in front of a lot of people. Hes considerate and noticable of the small things a person says or does. He can be funny and knows how to lighten moods as well as make the mood awkward

how you met/meet: Jihye and Daehyun both had the same vocal trainer and time so they just decided to train together. It was 
how you interact: When they used to date Jihye and Daehyun were very natural with one another, Daehyun gave her a sense of protection and saftey that Jihye loved, while Jihye made Daehyun energized by her happy go lucky personality. However after they broke up Daehyun resided as Jihyes best friend, For a while she was still in love with him, but being apart from him for so long, and being around Jonghwan a lot more started to affect her feelings. They still hug one another when they get the chance and are comfortable in one anothers embrace but it just didnt feel the same for Jihye after they broke up and she debuted. Daehyun still thinks that he can get her back but Jihye is skeptical. Hes still caring and they still have the strong Oppa Dongsaeng relationship.
how are they a love rival: Daehyun is her ex-boyfriend. They dated shortly because he had to debut and then she left the company so they broke up with intentions of getting back together when both their groups are older and more mature. Only BAP and Khione know about their previous relationship. But Jonghwan found out when he secretly listened to Jihye and Daehyuns conversation one day at Inkigayo. It was after the Hyorin incident. Daehyun was telling Jihye that he still really liked her/Loved her and would do anything to make sure she was protected and safe. Then it clicked to Jonghwan why Daehyun and Jihye were always so close and had the best skinship together, he realized the two used to date, and Daehyun was still waiting for Jihye. However Jihye was torn between Jonghwan and Daehyun so Jonghwan made it his goal to win her over. But when Daehyun found out Jonghwan liked Jihye  he also worked hard in totally wining her heart.
*who do you want your character to end up with? I kind of want her to end up with Jonghwan...

        risingtogether ── 

comments: Im excited i hope you do well for this, i can tell youve worked hard!^^ i think i wrote to much for the scene suggestions sorry ^^;;

t.o.p media biases? 100%: Changbum and Jonghwan. Teen Top: Changjo and Chunji
suggestions: Sistar's give it to me. Running man. Weekly Idol. something similar to Teen Tops rising brothers, but each episode has different members from TeenTop and 100% on. So like for episode 1 it would be all of Khione and maybe 3 members of Teen top and 3 members of 100%. then every episode would be a different members. Khione should go on vacation to Hawaii...it would be pretty. A cute comercial with Teen Top, Andy, and 100%. so something like they're the students and Andy is the teacher or something like that...TOP media to do an over seas concert, like LA or Canada (LA!!). They also all together as a family (big happy family~! *smacked*) can go to six flags or disney land~. Khione attend KCON. Khione have a vlog diary just like 100% and Teen Top.

scene suggestions: 

  • Jonghwan, Seungwoo, and Jihye to do a special stage at Inkigayo or music core. They perform officially missing you Jonghwan and Seungwoo play guitar and Jihye sits between them, all three of them sing as well. (if you chose me can i pm you who sings what parts?)
  • Jonghwan when asked who his ideal type from Khione answers Jihye because despite her really loud behavior she takes care of her members despite the young age, and her agyeo is cute.
  • Jonghwan and Jihye go with a group of 4 others from the family on rides at Disney land. Jonghwan is her partner
  • On a day when everyone has scheduals except Jihye and Jonghwan he invites her to 100%'s practice room to watch scarey movies. He buys the movies and waits for her while she goes out to buy junk food and drinks for them to eat while watching scarey movies. She also buys a pizza so they have a decent meal. Jonghwan also brough a bunch of pillows and blankets so they dont have to sit on the hard ground, and since its already dark outside and the practice room is cold they end up snuggled up in blankets. While they were watching the grudge Jihye ended up jumping because of a scarey scene and clinging onto Jonghwan.
  • When Khione go to KCON Jihye gets hit in the face by a fan girls board at the airport, but with the edge, it was one of those plastic boards so it actually ended up cutting her cheek. Khione were already far ahead and because of the swarm of people it made it hard for her managers to get to her. Daehyun who was behind the girls with BAP helped Jihye walk because one hand was covering the left side of her face where she got hit making it hard to see. He kept one arm around her shoulder and steered her through the crowd until they got to the parking lot since his van was closer she had to sit and wait for her manager in their van. Luckily the parking lot was empty so the other BAP members waited outside the van while Daehyun used a disinfectent wipe to wipe away the blood on Jihye's face. when he asked if she was okay because she also cried since it hurt. When she didnt answer he ended up just kissing her forehead since she wouldnt talk.
  • Jonghwan Jihye and Daehyun film a CF together where Daehyun has to kiss Jihye fully on the lips. Jonghwan who already knows by now that they used to date is annoyed by the idea since he's just playing the part as Jihye's older brother who gets over protective of Daehyun whos playing a part as her boyfriend. However Jonghwan cant do anything about there kiss scene and just watches with disgust. Daehyun didnt just peck Jihye he fully on Song joongki kissed her (Watch here). Since Jihye and Jonghwan had to ride the same van home Jonghwan was super quirt and moped the whole ride. When they stopped outside Jonghwans dorm, she asked if he was okay he said "No." when she asked why he looked her straight in the eye for the first time and bluntly answered. "Yoo Jihye, i like you" and left the van  slaming the door on his way.
  • Jihye and Jonghwan meet at the company as their groups leave seperate ways, Jihye stops Jonghwan so she can talk to him. She admits she also likes him, but she still has feelings for Daehyun.
  • Hyorin and Jonghwan film a music video for SISTAR together both as the leads for the music video. Jihye realizes as she watches that she was totally jealous and annoyed by the way Hyorin touched Jonghwan and the way Jonghwan touched Hyorin. It was their intense kiss scene that probably should have been rated considering Hyorin was dressed in skimpy clothing, They were on a bed, Jonghwan wasnt even wearing a shirt, Hyorin had her hand hooked around Jonghwans belt, and Jihye was pretty sure there was tongue involved in that kiss. all the feelings she felt: anger, jealousy, envy, annoyance, hurt, and betryal confirmed that Jihye indeed liked Jonghwan.
  • On a variety show Jihye and Jonghwan have to play the pocky game but end up actually kissing one another because Chanyoung thought it would be funny to push Jihye and make them kiss. After their scheduals that day Jihye checked her messages she got one from Daehyun asking if they could meet up later at his practice room, Jonghwan asked her the exact same question just with different words. Jihye had no idea who to go see but ended up going to see Jonghwan. When she went to meet him he asked her fairly boldly if she would be his girlfriend
  • Jihye to have to get surgery for a vocal nodule however no one knew about it except Jihye and her manager, so everyone ends up getting mad and not talking to her including Jonghwan. When Daehyun hears about it he even goes with her and waits in the hospital until her surgery was over. Jonghwan arives later that day to visit Jihye in the hospital and is surprised when he sees Daehyun leaving her room. Daehyun glares at Jonghwan and doesnt let him in Jihyes room saying Jihye was already asleep. Jonghwan nods and says she probably didnt want to see him (Jonghwan) at the moment, and asked Daehyun to give Jihye the flowers he brought for her. Daehyun shook his head still glaring at Jonghwan then said: "Some boyfriend you are to get mad at her right before she has to go into surgery. You know she loves her voice even more than me?". Jonghwan understood what Daehyun meant because Jihye and Daehyun used to be inlove where as Jihye and Jonghwan had only recently started dating.
  • After all drama between the three subsides Jihye and Jonghwan become a normal secret couple. They have that secret relationship where they hold hands under tables, or he shows a lot of skin ship in public like holding her arm, touching her shoulder, or hugging her lightly, but he plays it off as friendly. They're not really lovey dovey but don't have a best friend type of relationship either. They're relationship is the type where they love being with one another. If they're alone they will have lovey dovey moments, but they don't have pet names for one another both find it awkward, they do however have couple rings.
  • Jonghwanto hug Jihye like this:  with her hands in his sweater and him lifting her off the ground. And Jihye tells him that she loves him


Password: Lindor Truffles dark chocolate





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