sadness and happiness

Whenever I see people bashing on shippers who ship the opposite couple, I feel saaaaaad. Why? What did I do? Why do they hate me? Am I hated for what I ship? These questions are frequent in shippers whose innocence is proved. It's almost like racism. But here, you don't get arrested (which I understand completly). Still it isn't pretty.

In school, everything is getting worse. I have nice grades, but I dislike my class. We are the trash, stupid people, reproved students are thrown to our class. They blame me, but what did I do? Anyone understands me, they think I'm stupid. They're for sure nice to me, but they think I'm an idiot for being alone. What can I tell them? That I don't want to be with them, that I prefer my corner? I'm not perfect, but why don't they leave me alone? I know I'm not pretty, but why do people hate me? I'm not very comfortable to be with for the majority, I know I'm not the honest perfect person. Because I left someone, everyone is bashing me? Because I want to be alone?

I want to transfer school, to out of my music institute, but why don't my parents support me? Is this decision too much. Do I need to be bad-thought? Only God understands me, I can only count on him when I'm sad. Even if I'm stupid and useless, he will always be a support to me.

That's why when I look outside this things, I can find happiness. God, he's always there. He's not one of those Kings which I can't touch, he embraces me. When I look upon my little world, I feel happy. To have three friends which I can count on. I can smile. I can be happy. Everytime I see their messages, I feel embraced. Everytime they say something more or less funny, I can chuckle honestly. Whenever I remind of God, I feel the most happy.

That's why I use to say: 'After rain, there's always a rainbow'. Thanks to God and those 3 friends.


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