
Hey, What's up everyone! I don't know but I feel like everyone has changed on here ever since I left. So, when I come online I never feel excited to talk to anyone but the times I do get excited is when my favorite fics are updated or some blogs I can't wait read. Honestly, it might be me..but I don't know. I recently recieved a letter to get a job which I was happy about and now I have to set up a schedule for a interview...well when they call me back. So..I might not be on here frequently like I am right now. Especially, because I trying to do stuff for my group and myself. So far, I have like one person on my aff family because she's a loyal and good friends. Actually, I might select someone every month as my monthly ninja buddy. xD Depending on if I enjoy talking to you this month. UI will announce the winner of the month starting this month. I'm going to try and make a video to tell everyone who was nominated and why they were. Question of the Day: If you were allowed to change the world. What would you change? COMMENT!!! Or Pedobear will get you. -yumechrys~OUT BaiBai~!


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oh my god I have no idea :x there are so many things but I think it all starts with how considerate people are ... omg this is hard im sorry otl i would change the people's minds hahaha if that is possible