Ways of eating pizza?

How does your country eat Pizza? Is there a topping that sounds unique from your country? Like how Korea loves corn in their pizzas lol
Aked by: An Anon who went to http://ask.fm/karmablogger


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Tripp-er #1
anchovies.. weird, right?
I live in australia, nothing fancy there
I don't think there's an unique pizza
topping in my country.. hohoh
I don't think there are. We just steal all of America and the U.K's food, really. But it's mainly cheese or pepporoni over here :3
i eat really different kinds of pizzas <3
hopelesswriter #6
with hands...i guess...except for girly girls who use forks n knives...as for topping...idk...there are some localized version of toppings like Rendang/Satay/Sambal (those flavours can even be found in sushis lol)... but i personally don't really fancy those hybrid style pizza