

The best things extend their hands to us when we are at our lowest
Whispering encouraging sounds to our troubled mind
The worst things pull our hands when we are at our highest
Hissing malicious sentences that are of a sweet ruthless kind

I want to believe that if I would be writing songs instead of stories, that I would write the kind of songs Taylor Swift does. That is, if I had possessed the endless talent for music as she does, and then still I doubt I would be able to write the kind of songs she does, but that is all beyond the point. What I have always strived for is to write about certain things with regard to life. About how it is, how it could be, how it is not. About how life can make you smile like a fool and cry in bitter sadness. I just want to say, that if I were to be writing songs, I would love to write the kind of songs she writes.

Fearless. That is one of her album titles, and she wrote something beautiful about it. Something I totally agree on. Something I want to share with others who might read this, because it might shed some light for you on some dark parts in your life. She mainly talks about being fearless when it comes to love, but I never think love is everything, so that is why I love to talk about life in general.

Fearless does not mean that you have nothing that frightens you, or that there is nothing stopping you from taking the next step. Fearless means being afraid, terribly afraid even and maybe even for a lot of things, but being able to put that all aside because being fearless makes life meaningless. Fearless is trusting people even though you have been betrayed so many times already, because life is lonely and happiness hollow when you have nobody to share it with. Fearless is daring to disagree when everyone else agrees. Fearless is falling in love again and again, even though you have been hurt before and might get hurt again. Fearless is daring to say goodbye to everything you hold dear, to cut some ties, because certain things just are not meant to be. Fearless is daring to face yourself when you are at your lowest, and be aware of your desire to be at your highest. Fearless is overcoming everything you are firghtened of, because they might always haunt you but will never harm you.

We should hold onto being fearless. We will always have those fears, always have them linger somewhere in our mind. That does not matter. We can deal with them. But they should not be the reason to make you stop moving on. When I read about how young people do not trust people anymore, how they seem to feel so depressed (which is something I am quite against of seeing used as a Psychology major, but that is a whole other topic), and then I will just want them to realize that those fears should not mean everything. Those fears should not mark their lives, should not determine your life.

Fearless is not about being without fears. Fearless is about living while embracing those fears.



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i wonder if there really exists a person who is completely void of fear like you've enumerated here.