✧ ⋮ Seoul Solar Assassins — 이 새별 (Lee Saebyul)


_shuppylove  ⋯  ces  ⋯  4



nickname(s) ⋮ byul -- derived from her name. also mean as star.

date of birth / age ⋮ 24/03 -- 20 years old
ethnicity ⋮ Korean
language ⋮ Korean and English [both fluent]

short bio ⋮ Saebyul became an orphan at the age of 9 when a group of mafia killed her parents back in Los Angeles. She flew accidentally to S. Korea w/ her brother but lost him eventually. As she was about to jump off the bridge, she was saved by a woman in the name of Kim Taeyeon. Taeyeon then started to teach her things and trained her to become assassin as well so that she could seek revenge towards the death of her parents.


face #1 ⋮ Kwon Su Jeong
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face #2 ⋮ Lee Dasom
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appearance ⋮ Saebyul has a straight jet black hair with fringe. She has an odd gray colored eyes that is usually covered with her specs. She has a star shaped birthmark on her chest, near her heart. She has a piercing in her right conch ear.

style ⋮ At day, she likes to wear what she thinks is comfortable to her so she's not really that particular with trends. She is somewhat in the preppy side. She is often seen wearing sweaters (usually knitted) coupled with floral skirts or skinny jeans/leggings. She loves wearing sneakers (like converse) and ballet flats. She rarely goes for sandals though. --- links: {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}

But at night, she wears a fitting outfit.


keywords ⋮ Hardworking. Smart. Obsessive-Compulsive. Timid. Committed.

personality ⋮Saebyul grew up facing the cruel word before her but it didn't make her abhor the world she's living in, instead she learned how to be one with the world. She's smart and wise enough to easily adapt the society she's in. When she was still young, people call her weird, but she's just too advanced and completely mature compared to her level. She just loves to be knowledgeable about everything so she is very studious. But, her classmates are just too intimidated by her little-miss-einstein aura and doesn't talk to her that much. Because of that, she barely got friends back then. But that doesn't diminish her self-esteem towards interacting with people.

She is very hardworking when she knows she lacks this or that so she's trying to improve that part of her aspect. She tries not to be perfect but she just wants to be accepted. She has two faces. One is, she's plain and nerdy. Not that interesting and boring, shy, demure and is often alone. That is when she is just a normal college student by day. The other side is, she's rather totally cool, merciless and cruel. That is when she's an assasin by night.

Saebyul is also known to be obsessive-compulsive type of person. If there is work that she needs to do, she finishes it immediately. She doesn't like bumming around and leave her work hanging in the air. She gets really anxious if she can't finish it. She also ensures that her works are 100% correct and accurate and avoids even just simple mistakes.

She is also scarily organized in all of the things she do. She compiles her documents and put it in their designated category (like her documents/files for her assassin duties are all in her secret room, categorized by alphabetical order, year, done or unfinished, etc. while her paper works in school has its own organizer/cabinet/drawer.) so that it would be easy for her to locate things if ever she'll be in such a rush. Even her desk table in her bedroom and her office table have imaginary labels where she must put her documents segregately.

She is also a neat-freak. her number one archnemesis is dirt and mess. She hates to see anything messy especially in her table such as crumpled papers or unorganized pile of paper works or even tiny speck of dust. she ensures that every area in her room or office is squeaky clean and spotless.

On top of all that being smart, wise and being obsessive-compulsive type, she's rather sweet, warm-hearted and full of smiles when you get to know her  over her outer shell. She may be timid, awkward and/or boring at first but she somehow easily warm up to people whom she knows that is kind and willing to befriend her. She's that type of person that will grow on you gradually if you take notice of her often.

Her determination in being one of the top assassins in SSA is in great extent. She has a strong and firm grip on her perception in life and she stands to whatever she believes in. She likes to challenge herself so that she would know where her limitations bound. She never backs down on anything and she does and means every word she says, making her a loyal and committed person. 

background story ⋮  Saebyul once grew up in a good environment along with her mom, dad and her brother who is 9 years older than her. Her father, Lee Junho, is a computer engineer in one of the best companies existing in LA.

Their mazy and thorny life began when Saebyul turned 9. her father accidentally accessed a hidden file in the company he's working in, showing their illegal works and ties in the black market. Her father found out that his boss, the president of that company is a mafia lord. So, Junho was contemplating whether he should tell this matter to the police or he would just pretend he doesn't know or else his life and his family would be in danger.

Her father told this dillema to one of his close friends at work and it turned out that this friend of his is also connected to the mafia. This friend directly told the president what her father had discovered and they decided to end his life. A day after, men in black suits barged into their home and brutally killed Saebyul's father and mother.

Luckily, the men in black suits didn't notice her and her brother's presence and soon after they were gone, Saebyul and her brother decided to fly to their father's brother, their uncle, in Japan since he is the only relative they know and where to go to. But unfortunately, like destiny is playing a bad trick on them, they boarded the wrong plane and they ended up landing in their parent's homeland, in South Korea.

Even though they are koreans, they don't know a thing there and they haven't had the chance to visit the place so they don't know where to go. They ended up sleeping in streets and stealing wallets of others. It was totally against their will but they don't have a choice so that they can continue on with their lives.

One day, her brother was abducted by a gang because he was caught stealing their wallets. Saebyul didn't see her brother after that and thought she was abandoned by him. Life became tougher for Saebyul and she even attempted to commit suicide on the bridge. But she was stopped and saved by a kind-hearted woman who she soon found out that her name is Kim Taeyeon.

Saebyul told her story to Taeyeon and Taeyeon decided to take care of her. She fed her and even home-schooled her but Saebyul didn't know Taeyeon's secret identity yet. Taeyeon soon found out that Saebyul is actually smart so she thought that Saebyul's intellect would be useful if she would be in SSA. She did not just taught Saebyul academically but also she trained her. Taeyeon lived with the idea that one day, Saebyul will replace her position as SSA's Mercury.

When Saebyul turned 15, she thought that it was time and asked Saebyul if she wants to know who killed her parents and find her long lost brother. Saebyul didn't hesitate to respond "yes". Taeyeon then said that she would able to find out if she will to enroll in SSA. Determined to know the answers to the questions that is bugging her ever since, Saebyul enrolled in SSA and became an assassin.

lifestyle ⋮ Saebyul is a college student by day and lives in a simple cozy apartment alone that is kinda  far from her school.  She's a scholar + a working student in their university library. Every saturday, she part times as a sales clerk in a large bookstore shop in apgujeong.

trivias ⋮

✧  She has an eagle eye, a sharp eyesight. she can notice something easily even in the corner of her eye. Her specs are just for her identity purposes by the way. (like clark kent/superman omg. kkk.)

✧ She blows her bangs when she's tired or annoyed.

✧ She's kind down on the physical side. She gets tired easily when she moves around too much.

✧ She can think more productively if she eats what she craves for that time.

✧ She's more on long-ranged fights than close-combat fight (using long-range weapons like guns and the like)


✧⋮ 시작한다 SHOW TIME!

found or enrolled ⋮ She was enrolled at the academy by the help of Kim Taeyeon because Taeyeon knows that Saebyul wants to seek revenge on her parents
then age ⋮ 15
best weapon ⋮ Sniper | Microchip (where it eats up and destroy all computer-based systems)
special talent(s) ⋮ Hacking. Stealth. Specialized in any type of gadgets and techies.
signature gesture ⋮ an "X" cut on the victims chest
branded symbol ⋮ on her nape

skill points
⋯ intelligence ⋮ 5
⋯ stamina ⋮ 2
⋯ agility ⋮ 3
⋯ perception ⋮4.8
⋯ boldness ⋮ 4

⋯ overall skill ⋮ 3.76 (i did compute the average... o u o)


family members
⋯ Father⋮ Lee Junho : 36 (when he died) : Computer Engineer : Smart. Sedulous. Workaholic. Very dedicated towards his work and family : dead : They are very close with each other.

⋯ Mother ⋮Shin Sae Ryun : 34 (when he died) : Housewife : Loving. Family-oriented. Prioritizes her family over her needs. : dead : They are also very close with each other.

⋯ Brother ⋮ Lee Donghae (aka Black Serpent) : 30 : Mafia Boss : Smart and a serious type of man. Cold. Cruel. Merciless : alive : They were once close with each other but not anymore

⋯ Bestfriend  Juniel : 21 : assassin : Calm and Laid-back. Always wear that confident look wherever she goes. Daredevil. Outgoing. : alive : both of them entered into the academy almost at the same time although Juniel came in first. they trained together and they are mostly partnered up in missions, eventually they became best friends and labeled themselves partners-in-crime..

⋯ Bestfriend Pluto : 21 : Very mysterious and enigmatic. Cold. Emotionless : alive : They became close after when they opened up their histories to each other. They also trained together and became good co-workers. They were also partnered up to some missions. 

rival ⋮ Ham Eunjung : 23 : assassin : Show-off. bragger. Smart. Clever
⋯ relationship with character Eunjung was always the one to pick on Saebyul when she sees her immediately but Saebyul tries her best not to punch her in the face. She just looks her in the eye and retort something witty against her.

love interest ⋮ Kris Wu (aka Dragon) : 21 : College Student/Mafia member
⋯ back-up Park Chanyeol (aka Phoenix) : 20 : College Student/Mafia member

⋯ personality He looks like the typical mafia member: cold-shouldered, arrogant and snobbish that when someone's messing with him, he'll never hesitate to knock you out cold. His punch is faster than his brains so.. yeah, he's a total skull-cracker. He's the type who prefers to be alone. He has a very bad temper and his patience easily explodes like a time bomb. He's usually like that but in the deepest part of his personality, he is soft-hearted and very caring towards others. He's also very sentimental and sensitive when reminded of his bitter past. That's why he stays tough on the outside.
⋯ relationship ⋮ They know each others names since they are classmates in university but they haven't met yet officially.  They also don't know each others identities. But one day, they will.

desired ending ⋮ it's either Saebyul or her love interest will die... (ok do i sound harsh)


extras ⋮Not really about my character but about Donghae, Saebyul's brother. After he was abducted by a gang/mafia, he lived serving them. If he will not do his job well, he gets tortured. Not long after, Donghae became a member of the mafia. Their boss noticed Donghae's skills and intellect, he developed a liking to him and Donghae became his right hand. When his boss was assassinated, he was directly appointed as their mafia boss.

And in addition, Kris works as Donghae's right hand.
scene request(s) ⋮ 

✧ Saebyul and Kris will meet officially the time they will partner up for a diad project (?) lol.

✧ Saebyul was given a mission to kill Black Serpent (Donghae) because she discovered that Black Serpent's gang was connected into killing her parents. Donghae knows about his gang connected to killing his parents but he was brainwashed by their leader.

✧ Saebyul and her team was on a raid for drug dealing and Kris was there closing on some deals. Saebyul and Kris eventually fought each other, not knowing each other's identities (since they're on mask or something) but Kris noticed her nape somehow. So apparently both of them didnt have the chance to kill each other off. Then some couple of months later (the time that maybe kris will fall inlove with Saebyul or wtv), When kris was dreamily staring at Saebyul, he saw a little portion of her nape, and noticed the tattoo that oddly looks like from the assassin he fought some couple of months ago but he brushed it off in his mind coz there's just no way that is Saebyul.

✧ well for the ending... idk maybe Donghae and Saebyul will have a dramatic scene while pointing guns at each others faces. Then Saebyul was about to pull the trigger to him but in order to save Donghae, Kris shot her first. Donghae was shocked, seeing his sister's soon-to-be lifeless body. He grabbed his gun and about to shoot Kris but he just can't do it. It's useless anyway. So he said to him that he must take care of the company and the gang and that he appointed him as the mafia boss, after that he shoot his self. (ok. lol. this is funny and hideous at the same time. sorry if it's not that good. i mean.. im not good at this. omg lol. orz)




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