「 Terra 」— Lee Jihyun





Lee Jihyun

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)Tell me something I dont know

username: Kang_Sara

name: Sara

activness: 10

is English your first language?: Yes


)Let me introduce myself


character name: Lee Jihyun 이 지현

nickname/s: Heodang, umma

birth date + age: December 14, 1992.  20

ethnicity: Korean

blood type: O

place of birth: Seoul, South Korea

hometown: Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea

languages: Korean [fluent] Mandarin [Fluent] English [Basic]


ulzzang name: Kim Seuk Hye aka Joo

links:  1||2||3||4||5

back-up ulzzang: Lee Eun Hye aka Jung Roo

links: Gallary

height & weight: 162 cm 52 kg

extra: Belly Button|| Left Ear|| Right Ear|| Tattoo


)Be who you are

personality: Jihyun is outgoing, ambitious, expressive and passionate, but can also bore others to death with her competitiveness and nagging. Shes called the Eomma for a reason, she nags the most telling everyone what to do, what to clean, what needs to be done before they leave the dorm or when they get back. She is an outgoing person and loves to have fun and goof off, shes the person that isnt afraid to ruin her image by looking stupid or doing stupid things like randomly dancing. Jihyun isn't afraid to take risk, shes considered brave for this reason but its actually her certainty that she will always win (which doesnt actually happen). Shes very friendly and has a lot of confidence, she doesn't mind talking to strangers and makes friends easily. She  doesn't have a filter on and will just say whatever is at the tip of her tongue. She has a sharp tongue and makes really witty comments. The members can easily take advantage of her because of her Heodang like personality.

Heodang is a person who looks perfect and well controlled on the outside but actually have a lot of flaws. Jihyun is clumsy and trips a lot. She ends up laughing at even the smallest things and gets off topic really easily. Shes smart but gets distracted easily. She shouts a lot when people don't hear her because she hates being ignored. When she's nervous or wants to get something out she ends up stuttering or mispronouncing a word. She has a short temper but most of the time she can keep it under control. She's very athletic and good in sports like: soccer, track, swimming, volleyball, and softball. Not a lot of people think shes smart because of her Heodang personality but she's a very hard worker and her grade ranking was always 2nd in her class ever since middle school. Her Heodang personality only appears on variety shows and occasionally at the dorm. She likes to take over the Eomma personality more. She wont cry in front of the younger members because she thinks  she has to show a strong image, but shes really emotional and wants to cry a lot of the time. 

background: Jihyun is the youngest of three with two older brothers. Her parents have been divorced since she was 9 and she hasn't seen her mom since then because she moved to LA. Her dad alone raised his three children and they lived a pretty well life. They weren't super rich but they weren't poor either, her dad had enough money to put both her brothers through university, and Jihyun through a good high school.

Both her brothers and dad are very well musically talented. Both her brothers studied Piano, her older brother also studied Cello, while her eldest brother studied Violin, both up until they were 13. Her eldest brother went on to study composing and producing music in university for modern day music. Her older brother was in a high school band  and learned to play bass drums and guitar. Her dad is a piano instructor and vocal trainer. With all the musical talent in her family Jihyun felt burdened for not going through as many activities as her family members. So she started taking Vocal lessons, and Piano lessons from her dad. She excelled pretty well in both however she started auditioning at the age of 12 and was rejected a total of 12 times from different companies. She was so upset with herself that she was diagnosed with anorexia at the age of 17.

Jihyun is a really hard worker and although she likes to show a super cocky and confident personality in front of many people she gets really self conscious of her musical talent. Both her siblings are musically talented as well as her dad, but failing auditions 12 times which really brought down her self esteem, she was set to debut twice but failed to make the cut. 



  • Coffee
  • Cold drinks
  • white and pink roses
  • the color blue
  • spicy food
  • up beat music most of the time but when shes upset ballads and soft rap when
  • Taiwanese singer Bii
  • Patbingsu
  • Food in general
  • Horror movies
  • The beach
  • Amusment and water parks
  • Photography, taking pictures, selcas.


  • Hot drinks
  • Tomatoes
  • Cold weather
  • Jeans
  • Super sweetened food
  • The color Yellow
  • Camping in tents
  • Rain
  • Wet clothing sticking to her skin
  • When People touch her things, especially  her phone
  • Sharing a bed


  • Watching K-Dramas
  • Running at the Han River
  • Cooking
  • Playing Piano
  • Taking pictures of random things, and tweeting them


  • Snakes
  • Spriders
  • Bugs
  • Haunted places
  • Clowns


  • She has a tattoo on her right hip that says "without struggle there is no progress"
  • She's allergic to plums
  • Its easy to gain her trust, but once you lose it, its hard to gain back.
  • Every morning for breakfast she goes across the street of their dorm to buy Bao and Bubble tea
  • Checks Twitter constantly and is always tweeting fans
  • She can play Piano
  • She wants to learn to play guitar
  • Her ideal type is a tall guy with dark hair, whos good with kids, energetic like her, and has a nice collar bone
  • She really likes guys with nice collar bones
  • Shes confident in her body and abs
  • She hates people being on her bed so she'll kick them off if they sleep on her bed
  • She has the Samsung Galaxy S3 because she hates the s4: Her phone
  • She prefers shorts over jeans any day, she hates the feeling of jeans or pants on her legs.
  • She owns a total of 23 pairs of shorts.


)We are family


mother: Han Sunhee/ 47/ unknown/ Motherly, energetic, loving, kind but only from what Jihyun remembers as a child/ They don't talk to one another anymore.

father: Lee Jaeil/ 49/ Piano instructor, Vocal trainer/ Hes very funny and loves to joke around with his kids, despite his age hes very lively and acts like hes 20 years younger./ He likes to tease Jihyun and they have a really close relationship. He doesnt act like a dad, but more of a best friend, Jihyun is comfortable talking to her dad about anything.

sibling: Lee Minhyun/ 25/ Studying as a musical producer/ Hes the protective brother, and nags a lot. Hes taken up the mother role of their house, he looks like one of those handsome cool chic city boys/ Hes the brother that doesnt let guys talk with Jihyun, He always nags her and she fights with him the most, however despite being a quiet guy, hes will cheer for her and shout at the top of his lungs. 

sibling: Lee Solhyun (Sol)/23/Right now he studies to become a Vocal trainer like his dad but he goes to Hongdae and performs with his band, hes the main vocalist and a lead guitarist however they're only big enough to fill up small park areas, or cafes, no one in the band has dreams of making it big, they just want to play/ Hes crazy, energetic, and friendly, Sol loves making friends and socializing. Hes had many girlfriends compared to his brother, and seems like a play boy, but it was always the girls that dumped him because hes a bit to childish/ Jihyun is closer to Sol than Minhyun because their ages are closer, Sol doesnt really abide by any rules and he even took Jihyun with him to a club and let her drink when she was only 17. They don't fight as often and usually gang up together against Minhyun.


best friend/s:

 Luna/ 21/ Main Vocalist of F(x)/ Shes very funny and jokes around a lot, she's friendly and gets along well with just about everyone/ They've been close friends ever since they've been trainees. Luna and Jihyun both like to pull pranks on one another, but they're also close that they tell one another secrets.


Henry Lau/ 23/ Vocalist of Super Junior-M and Soloist/ He's very cute on stage and off stage, he has a lot of charisma on stage . Hes very friendly and energetic, he's funny and likes to play around with Jihyun. They have a very very strong oppa dongseang relationship.




 Amber Liu / 20/ Main Rapper of F(x)/ She doesnt really talk to people she doesnt know, but if you do know her shes funny, and friendly, Amber is a tomboy and doesnt show a lot of girly sides/ They were friends since trainee years they went out to eat often together

Suho / 22/ Leader of EXO-K/ He's very cute and has a lot of charisma on stage but he has a sense of innocence off stage. Hes friendly and reminds Jihyun of a teddy bear/ They have a strong oppa dongseang relationship, Suho is like an older brother to her. She used to stick close to him when they were trainees and he used to take her out for lunch or dinner if they were at practice for too long.




)My one and only

love interest: Park Chanyeol

age: 20

personality & relationship: Chanyeol is very energetic and outgoing, he has his moments when he can be calm and collected like when he and Jihyun are arguing but he knows how to lighten moods and make her happy easily. They weren't very close when they first met but because Jihyun was always with Suho Chanyeol started getting used to Jihyun and then liking her.

Chanyeol and Jihyun have been in that secret relationship for 2 years where they secretly hold hands under tables or show a lot of skin ship but play it off as being friendly. Chanyeol is always holding her hand at the company. Chanyeol is a sweet boyfriend, hes always buying her small things especially when he goes over seas he loves to bring her back candies. They're not really lovey dovey and but don't have a best friend king of relationship either. They're relationship is the type where they love being with one another and pulling pranks on one another. If they're alone they will have lovey dovey moments, but they don't have pet names for one another both find it awkward, they do however have couple rings.

back-up love interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

age: 20

personality & relationship: Chen is very friendly, and talks a lot, he's always trolling Jihyun and pulling pranks on her. He likes to start useless arguments like over what's the better ice cream flavor. He has a lot of charisma on stage but loses it when hes off stage. He becomes playful and silly like a little child in a candy shop

Chen and Jihyun have been in a secret relationship for 3 years, only known by the other members of both groups, their managers, and president Lee Soo Man. They have that secret relationship where they hold hands under tables, or he shows a lot of skin ship in public like holding her arm, touching her shoulder, or hugging her lightly, but he plays it off as friendly. They're not really lovey dovey but don't have a best friend type of relationship either. They're relationship is the type where they love being with one another and pulling pranks on one another. If they're alone they will have lovey dovey moments, but they don't have pet names for one another both find it awkward, they do however have couple rings. The reason Jihyun is always on her phone is so she can text Chen since most of his activities are in China.


)The perks of fame

stage name: Jihyun

persona: Chic Vocalist

personal fanclub name: Hyesung's (Comets)

fanclub color: #ffcc66

position: Lead Vocalist, Dancer

back-up position: Main Rapper, Dancer


trainee years: 5

trainee history: (how did she get into SM, and then explain what trainee life was like for your character) Jihyun auditioned for SM 3 times and was accepted as a trainee the 4th time. She showed a lot of improvements within her first year and was set to debut with F(x) but didn't make the cut. She was teased by a few other trainees for not making the cut. Because Jihyun didn't have a group to practice with like EXO she usually practiced alone unless the trainers had her practice in groups. She still had a lively personality, and befriended members of F(x) as well as EXO


singing twin: Park Jimin 1||2||3

dancing twin: Seungyeon 1||2

rapping twin LE 1


)The finish line

song suggestions: Every Night- EXID Expectations- Girls Day 

comments/questions: Good luck!^^

scene suggestions: Terra to go on Running man or Weekly Idol both are always really funny^^ Terra to join with SMtown in LA and go to Six Flags (Six Flags is way more fun than Disney land!). Maybe its weird to suggest but a car crash scene. Again weird to suggest but Jihyun to fall off the stage at Smtown and hurt her hip but finishes with the concert, but when its done she goes to the hospital to get it examined

password: French Fries




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