My sad is such an .

Like I said on my other post.

I was at Forever 21 buying my graduation dress and my award ceremony dress and well I bought this really cute red dress that looks very korean-like and when I excitedly showed it to my dad he said that it made me look flat-chested and that I should go work out and eat.


First of all: that doesn't make any goddamn sense. Second: I am skinny which means that I don't and won't ever have big s. Excuse me mister but you shouldn't be caring about that anyway. Third: I highly doubt that working out will make me any good, what do you want? Me disappearing from the face of earth?


Now I'm all down and thought that I should return the dress and not go anywhere. I literarly stood in front of the mirror with the dress on for like a hour, trying to see something pretty about it. When I was in the fitting room at the store I loved how the the dress looked on me and now all I see is ing uglyness.


I always got bullied at school because of how skinny I am and now that it's coming from my dad, it brings me down and makes me feel unwanted idk, somewhat ugly?

Parents are supposed to say that you're pretty and right? Well my dad always looks at my defects. Like always pointing out how skinny I am and how pale I am. Like dude shut the up, stop bringing me down.



I wish I could get a picture up in here so you can either agree with my dad or lie about how "pretty" it looks, but my phone is stupid and won't let me post one. Anyway I think I'm gonna go puke all the pizza I ate earlier. I'm so ing full I'm gonna explode.


Btw! I was listening to SHINee's A-Yo and nearly cried. That's the song I was obsessed over when I entered the Project and now that I'm graduating I feel rather nostalgic since I won't see my es everyday. Idk it's weird, plus I love the lyrics of the song, its so cheerfull. *sigh* Memories.




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I understand how you feel, my parents are the same -.- Except they don't pick out what's ugly about me, they tell me how I'm talentless and that I shouldn't pursue a career in music (even though music is my everything<3) ;^;
But I agree with Dazzling_Hoe, girl, you're beautiful^u^
Sujuteukieluv123 #2
Lol your dad is like mine, he acts like a teenage boy and it gets annoying cus me and him have the most akward relationship ever
him, your beautiful inside and out :)