Application Form || SYKotic|| Lee Jihyun






Hello my name is Lee Jihyun



Are you ready ?

Name : Lee Jihyun

Nick names: Heodang, Heo-Ji taking Heo from Heodang and Ji from her name.

Stage name : Jihyun

Birthdate : December 14, 1993

Age : 20

Ethnicity : Korean

Bloodtype : O

Birthplace : Seoul, South Korea

Hometown : Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea 

Languages : Korean [Fluent] Mandarin [Conversational] English [fluent but noticeable accent]

Personality : Jihyun is a natural leader, She's outgoing, ambitious, expressive and passionate, but can also bore others to death with her competitiveness and nagging. Shes called the Eomma for a reason, she nags the most telling everyone what to do, what to clean, what needs to be done before they leave the dorm or when they get back. She is an outgoing person and loves to have fun and goof off but she takes being a leader totally serious, and being the oldest she takes it serious at practice, not letting anyone goof off or waste time. Jihyun isn't afraid to take risk, shes considered brave for this reason but its actually her certainty that she will always win. Shes very friendly and has a lot of confidence, she doesn't mind talking to strangers and makes friends easily. She's occasionally doesn't have a filter on and will just say whatever at the tip of her tongue. She has a sharp tongue and makes really witty comments. She has her moments where shes strict but the members can easily take advantage of her because of her Heodang like personality.

Heodang is a person who looks perfect and well controlled on the outside but actually have a lot of flaws. Jihyun is clumsy and trips a lot. She ends up laughing at even the smallest things and gets off topic really easily. Shes smart but gets distracted easily. The fact that shes the oldest means she can bully the younger members, but its truthfully the other way around. When she's nervous or wants to get something out she ends up stuttering or mispronouncing a word. She has a short temper but most of the time she can keep it under control. She's very athletic and good in sports like: soccer, track, swimming, volleyball, and softball. Not a lot of people think shes smart because of her Heodang personality but she's a very hard worker and her grade ranking was always 2nd in her class ever since middle school. Her Heodang personality only appears on variety shows and occasionally at the dorm. She likes to take over the Eomma personality more. She wont cry in front of the younger members because she thinks as the eldest she has to show a strong image, but shes really emotional and wants to cry a lot of the time. 

Background : Jihyun originally came from a very poor family who struggled to pay bills, on top of her tuition and food expenses. She hated coming home and bringing friends home because of her living style compared to theirs. Her dad works at a small clinic he owns in their neighborhood. She's lived with her dad and older brothers ever since she was 13. 

When Jihyun was around  the age of 13 her mother passed away from cancer, because her family couldn't afford the medical expenses there wasn't really anything they could do for her mother and just waited.  Jihyun always did good in school and participated in a lot of clubs after school so she could get into a good university. She always placed 2nd within her whole grade since middle school. Shes played softball, volley ball, and track since middle school as well. She was still a lively and crazy child because she never wanted her dad or brothers to worry about her, or put more stress on them if she was upset.

Jihyun always wanted to become a children doctor, like her older brother who was a talented surgeon, she really wanted to help people in the same way he did. However when she was 14 her some friends and her decided to join a talent show, they all sang and danced, but when they won first place and everyone said Jihyun should go on to be an idol instead, she changed her career path and decided to audition.



Lets Get y

Idol Name : Fie of Miss A

Links / Tumblr : 1||2||3||4||5

Back-up Idol Name : Dasom of SISTAR

Links / Tumblr :  1||2||3||4||5

Height : 162 cm

Weight : 52 kg

Style : She really loves shorts and hates wearing jeans, so she avoids them as much as possible. She has a really good sense of fashion, but her styles more suited for summer and spring. when its winter she'll wear leggings or tights under her shorts as well as a big warm coat. She has a lot of soft colored and pretty tops. she also likes high low cut dresses and skirts.

Casual: 1||2||3||4||5

Dorm: 1||2||3

Broadcasting: 1||2||3||4||5




Family :

  • Lee Jaeil| 49| Dad| small clinic in their neighborhood
  • Lee Jongsuk| 28| Doctor
  • Lee Jonghwan| 25| Elementary school teacher

Bestfriend:  Luna | Main Vocalist of F(x) | Shes outgoing, nice, and very friendly. She talks a lot but its always good talk

Friends :

  • Park Chanyeol | 21 | Main Rapper of EXO-K
  • Byun Baekhyun|21| Main Vocalist of EXO-K
  • Huang Zi Tao| 20| Lead rapper and vocalist of EXO-M

Rivals : Hyorin | SISTAR| 22| She can be friendly and nice, be she tends to let the fame go to her head and can be rude to hoobaes, and sunbaes| They don't hate each other but Hyorin and Jihyun both have a large appeal they like to see who can be ier

Hyoyeon| SNSD| 23| Shes very funny and friendly to others, and makes friends easily| Jihyun was never really sure why but Hyoyeon had never really liked Jihyun since they first met, they just didn't get along at all. 



My Baby


Lovers Name : Byun Baekhyun

Age : 21

Group : EXO-K

Relationship : Dating

How long have you been together : 18 months.

How you treat eachother :  Baekhyun and Jihyun are in that secret relationship where they secretly hold hands under tables or show a lot of skin ship but play it off as being friendly. Baekhyun is always holding her hand if they're at the company, and he tries to kiss her but she stops him because they're in public. Baekhyun is a sweet boyfriend, hes always buying her small things especially when he goes over seas he loves to bring her back candies. They're really lovey dovey but don't have pet names for one another because they really dislike those type of things, they do however have couple rings. Baekhyun can be really emotional sometimes so shes always comforting him when hes upset and its been that way since they were trainees. Baekhyun gets jealous when he watches Jihyun dance because her group has a y concept, he doesnt like other guys being around her, even Chanyeol. Jihyun also gets jealous as well when he talks about his ideal type and it doesnt match up with her. Or another celebrity. The only way Jihyun knows to make Baekhyun happy when hes jealous is by giving him a kiss. They're really playful with one another, Baekhyun finds it really funny when he pokes her sides and she jumps because shes ticklish.


Back-up lovers Name : Kim Joomyeon (Suho)

Age : 22

Group: EXO-K

Relationship : Dating

How long have you been together : 2 years

How you treat each other : Suho and Jihyun are in that secret relationship where they secretly hold hands under tables or show a lot of skin ship but play it off as being friendly. Suho is always holding her hand if they're at the company, and he tries to kiss her but she stops him because they're in public. Suho is a sweet boyfriend, hes always buying her small things especially when he goes over seas he loves to bring her back candies. They're really Lovey Dovey but don't have pet names for one another because they really dislike those type of things, they do however have couple rings. Suho can be really emotional sometimes so shes always comforting him when hes upset and its been that way since they were trainees. Suho gets jealous when he watches Jihyun dance because her group has a y concept, he doesnt like other guys being around her, even s. Jihyun also gets jealous as well when he talks about his ideal type and it doesnt match up with her. Or another celebrity. They love pulling pranks on one another.






  • Coffee
  • Cold drinks
  • white and pink roses
  • the color blue
  • spicy food
  • up beat music most of the time but when shes upset ballads and soft rap when
  • Taiwanese singer Bii
  • Patbingsu
  • Food in general
  • Horror movies
  • The beach
  • Amusment and water parks
  • Photography, taking pictures, selcas.

Dislikes :

  • Hot drinks
  • Tomatoes
  • Cold weather
  • Jeans
  • Super sweetened food
  • The color Yellow
  • Camping in tents
  • Rain
  • Wet clothing sticking to her skin
  • When People touch her things, especially  her phone
  • Sharing a bed

Hobbies : 

  • Watching K-dramas
  • Running at the Han River

Habits :

  • She kicks people who fall asleep on her bed
  • Stammering or mis pronouncing words when she's shocked or nervous
  • Apologizing all the time

Weakness :

  • Agyeo
  • Little children

Trivia : 

  • Its easy to gain her trust, but once you lose it, its hard to gain back.
  • Every morning for breakfast she goes across the street of their dorm to buy Bao and Bubble tea
  • Checks Twitter constantly and is always tweeting fans
  • She can play guitar
  • She wants to learn to play Piano
  • Her ideal type is a tall guy with dark hair, whos good with kids, and has a nice collar bone. Lee Jonghyun, or Kim Myungsoo.
  • She really likes guys with nice collar bones
  • Shes confident in her body and abs
  • She hates people being on her bed so she'll kick them off if they sleep on her bed
  • Shes allergic to plums and cucumbers
  • Her belly button is pierced, she also has a lot of ear piercings: Left|| Right 



HeLoveTheWay I RideIt

Persona : TheLeader

Position : Main Rapper, Leader, Vocalist

Back-up Position: Main Dancer, Rapper, Sub- Vocalist

Personal fanclub name & color : Hyesungs (Comets) Color: Gold rod 


Trainee Life : She had a very lively aura and for her training was always fun because she could get away from her poor lifestyle. they often put on small showcases amongst just the trainees after practice and it was a lot of fun. She befriended a lot of trainees her age, including some of the members of EXO. She was never bullied because a lot of people told her their secrets, they were scared if they did something mean to Jihyun, she would reveal their secrets. She was originally supposed to debut with F(x) but didn't make the cut. She was one of the popular sm trainees such as Kim Yejin.

Trainne Years : 4.5 years




comments : im excited for this good luck! ^^

request : Jihyun and Baekhyun lovey dovey moments. Chanyeol and Jihyun to do a duet together but its also a dancing stage, and Baekhyun gets jealous of the two. For a CF Baekhyun has to kiss another girl on the lips and Jihyun gets jealous when she finds out that the girl he kissed also likes Baekhyun. 

Baekhyun and Jihyun go on a variety show and during a part of the show staff brings out food for the cast, but there are plums in Jihyuns lunch, So Baekhyun starts personally eating them despite not liking plums. When asked by the hosts why hes eating Jihyuns food, he explains shes seriously allergic to plums.

For the winter holidays when the idols are given a short break to visit their family Jihyun visits her family for the first three days of her vacation. On the fourth day Baekhyun shows up at her dorm saying he wants to take her out on a date since its vacation, but since he wants to keep them both safe and out of public eyes they just order food and stay inside Jihyuns dorm.

At SMtown Jihyun to slip since the stage is wet, luckily she was in the back so it wasnt totally noticed, Baekhyun who was next to her ran over first to help her up.

Baekhyun to get jealous when Jihyun admits her ideal man is Lee Jonghyun.

Jihyun and Baekhyun to hug like this:  with her hands on the inside of his coat, and him lifting her a bit off the ground.


suggestions : to do MTV Diary, or something similar to it. I think SYKotic should go on a trip to Hawaii or somewhere nice:). One of the sub groups to do Tara N4'ss countryside diary, its such a fun song!






Thanks For Applying ! - Love Kiseops_Wife_




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