Okay I'm totally done with all this bull that started just cause Guk posted a ing picture of Jieun. OMFG THEY ARE FAMILY. SAME COMPANY. STOP MAKING IT SEEM DIRTY AND SOUND LIKE A SCANDAL. Whats wrong with fellow members supporting their other members??? WHEN THE FAWK WAS THAT A BIG DEAL??? I see YG family close as hell, even collaborating, doing surprise acts together, one kisses the other, like that is okay. But For Guk to support Jieun is like catastrophe?
I mean do you people even think about it logically? Why do you all decide its wise to come across as in psychos and bash him and the girl. Not to mention the fact some of you were definitely Babys. Im ashamed. What kinad fandom puts the members they should love and support through . OVER SOMETHING SO IRRELEVANT. OMG. LIKE FUH REAL??? IS THERE NOTHING BETTER TO DO IN YOUR GODDAMN LIVES???

He even deleted that picture. BUT NOOOO. GO TO HIS OTHER PICTURES AND KEEP WHININ AND BASHING. Would he not be sick and tired and hurt?? CAN YOU BLAME the guy for opting out of INSTA? WHOSE IN FAULT WAS IT??? I THNK WE ALL KNOW THE ANSWER.
Now it won't even end there. You go bug his brother about, it by spammining his pictures, bring GUk back. Tell hhim to make new insta. EXCUSE ME? Can you not stress out more people? Especially his family? You know as much as you want him back, your not the only friggin ones. I DO TOO. But what your basically doing is harrasing the outta YongNam. And OFC why stop there? Himchan Jongup and Zelo go to their pictures and pull that same too. Now whose to say you're not giving them a headache or freakin them out? If they dissappear too will that satisfy you?

YOU know Insta was the one thing that brings us international fans closer than ever to these boys...and other artist...and you people with your hate and even took that away. Thanks dude. And not only that, good job make the drama grow and grow into something big for no reason. Really. Why can't u have just let things go. GEEJUZ. I can't say enough of this but. Please think about what you pulled, or are pulling...

IF you dislike a person, for all you haters. WHY THE FAWK U WASSTING TIME. Following them and picking at every they do??? GEEZUS CHRIST MAN. These boys are still growing and innocent, can u not corrupt that side of them? It's a part of who they are. People pulled this on Krystals instagram, cuz of GD. I swear You guys have nothing better to do but repeat this cycle is it???

UGH JUST UGH. Pissed. my rant stops here for now. Just ...tired. 
Really majority of you guys that played a role in this. Need a ing reality check..,.

Thanks. [Sarcasm x infinite]


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Amen. es ain't . TS got this... BABYz 4life...
Haterz gonna hate but lovers gonna love...
I just wish we can do something to let Guk and TS know that we still love them... so soo much...
Sighs... too much es in this world.
CLassi #2
Wait what happened O.O I missed this? wuttt?? D:
I saw this too and was extremely pissed. Like wtf, they're family. Having friends of the opposite is ing illegal all of a sudden? I promise you if someone was genuinely interested in someone or actually dating, they would not make it so obvious. Look at Hara and Junhyung, the last two people anyone thought would get together. It's disgusting. Who the hell are they to do any of that? But you know what they say, misery loves it company and those fans are beyond miserable with their crappy lives. Also, the YG family does deal with that all the time. They've just been in the game for so long that there who gives a meter is on high.