Woollim Entertainment♥New Girl Group♥ Song Jihyun

{Song Jihyun}



Can You Smile?

Username: Kang_Sara

What can i call you?: Sara

activeness: 10


Special Girl

Full Name: Song Jihyun

Nickname: Heodang, Eomma

Age: 20

Birth date: December 14, 1993

Birthplace: San Francisco, USA

Hometown: Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Language: English [Fluent] Korean [Fluent] Mandarin [Conversational]

Face: Lee Jieun/ IU


Back up Face:


Height: 162 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Style: Jihyun likes to wear as minimal clothing on her legs as possible. She just doesnt like the feeling of Jeans or anything going past her knees unless its a maxi skirt or dress. She likes to wear shorts even in the winter, she'll just wear leggings or tights under the shorts with a really warm coat over. A lot of her tops or cute and in warm colors. She pairs as much of her tops with shorts, she has no problem wearing heels as long as it matches the outfit. She likes high low dresses especially in the summer. Jihyuns style is the type that gives that freshness you feel in the beginning of the summer. At the dorm or practice room she wears soft shorts with tee shirts or tank tops.

Casual: One|| Two|| Three|| Four|| Five

At the dorm: One|| Two|| Three|| Four|| Five

Broadcasting: one|| two|| three|| Four|| Five

Extra: Left Ear|| Right Ear|| Belly

Blood Type: O

Cover Girl

Personality: Jihyun is a natural leader, She's outgoing, ambitious, expressive and passionate, but can also bore others to death with her competitiveness and nagging. Shes called the Eomma for a reason, she nags the most telling everyone what to do, what to clean, what needs to be done before they leave the dorm or when they get back. She is an outgoing person and loves to have fun and goof off but she takes being a leader totally serious, and being the oldest she takes it serious at practice, not letting anyone goof off or waste time. Jihyun isn't afraid to take risk, shes considered brave for this reason but its actually her certainty that she will always win. Shes very friendly and has a lot of confidence, she doesn't mind talking to strangers and makes friends easily. She's occasionally doesn't have a filter on and will just say whatever at the tip of her tongue. She has a sharp tongue and makes really witty comments. She has her moments where shes strict but the members can easily take advantage of her because of her Heodang like personality.

Heodang is a person who looks perfect and well controlled on the outside but actually have a lot of flaws. Jihyun is clumsy and trips a lot. She ends up laughing at even the smallest things and gets off topic really easily. Shes smart but gets distracted easily. The fact that shes the oldest means she can bully the younger members, but its truthfully the other way around. When she's nervous or wants to get something out she ends up stuttering or mispronouncing a word. She has a short temper but most of the time she can keep it under control. She's very athletic and good in sports like: soccer, track, swimming, volleyball, and softball. Not a lot of people think shes smart because of her Heodang personality but she's a very hard worker and her grade ranking was always 2nd in her class ever since middle school.

Her Heodang personality only appears on variety shows and occasionally at the dorm. She likes to take over the Eomma personality more. She takes care of the younger members well like preparing dinner when they have time, shes the one that calms everyone down when they're fighting or crying. She wont cry in front of the younger members because she thinks as the eldest she has to show a strong image, but shes really emotional and wants to cry a lot of the time. 


  • Coffee
  • Cold drinks
  • white and pink roses
  • the color blue
  • spicy food
  • up beat music most of the time but when shes upset ballads and soft rap when
  • Taiwanese singer Bii
  • Shes a SHINee and B1A4 fan
  • Hwachae
  • Patbingsu
  • Food in general
  • Horror movies
  • The beach
  • Amusment and water parks
  • Photography, taking pictures, selcas.


  • Hot drinks
  • Tomatoes 
  • Cold weather
  • Jeans
  • Super sweetened food
  • The color Yellow
  • Camping in tents
  • Rain
  • Wet clothing sticking to her skin
  • When People touch her things, especially  her phone
  • Sharing a bed

Fears: Ghost, Snakes

Major Flaws: Clumsy, Gets angry easily, talks to much


  • She was born in America but only lived there for 6 years before moving to Korea
  • She doesnt forgive people easily
  • Its easy to gain her trust, but once you lose it, its hard to gain back.
  • Every morning for breakfast she goes across the street of their dorm to buy Bao and Bubble tea
  • Checks Twitter constantly and is always tweeting fans
  • She can play guitar 
  • She wants to learn to play Piano
  • Her ideal type is a tall guy with dark hair, whos good with kids, energetic like her, and has a nice collar bone
  • She really likes guys with nice collar bones
  • Shes confident in her body and abs
  • She hates people being on her bed so she'll kick them off if they sleep on her bed
  • Shes allergic to plums and cucumbers
  • A Former SM Trainee She trained there for 3 years before joining Woollim, and is close with the members of EXO and F(x) since they trained together.

Real Story

Background: {No sob stories i have a limit to sad stories. Please be descriptive this should also tell me what made her want to become an idol, did the family approve? what did they want to do before becoming an idol? as well as her general background} Jihyun comes from a well off family, they were never poor but never super rich. They had enough money to put all three kids through a good private school as well as college for their two songs. Jihyun was born in America just like her brothers and dad, but when she was 6 they moved to Korea. She always did well in school and joined the track and volleyball team, she was always naturally athletic. However during her first year of high school she watched a live performance of Girls Generation, she loved how cool they all looked and decided that she wanted to become an idol as well. Originally she wanted to become a children's doctor and her parents as well, so for the first few months as Jihyun was auditioning. But seeing as how she failed at some companies her parents decided that Jihyun needed all the support she could get from her parents if she ever wanted to reach her dream.


  • Dad|| Song Jaeil|| 49|| Architecture|| Loud, Funny, Friendly, Outgoing|| Very casually, they always insult each other, and pick fights with one another, they're rude to each other, but its honestly how they show their love for one another, its always in a joking manner.
  • Mom|| Cha Sunhee||49|| House wife|| chic, quiet, cold, motherly|| They don't talk with each other often, but Sunhee always takes Jihyun shopping.
  • Brother|| Song Jonghyuk|| 27|| Doctor|| Chic, cold city boy, attractive, protective, smart, intimidating|| She fights the most with this brother because hes very straight faced and protective, he can easily say no to her and can stand her agyeo.
  • Brother|| Song Jongsuk|| 26|| Elementary teacher|| Friendly, caring, kind hearted, loving, protective, smart|| Hes the fun brother who will let her do anything, and says yes to her and falls for her agyeo easily. Hes protective of her just as much as Jonghyuk though but his protectiveness would include embarrassing her.
  • Aunt|| Song Jihyo||31||Actress, MC|| She tends to be blank, but she has quiet the temper, she's smart, and has her cute moments|| They dont see each other often, but Jihyo is like a mother to Jihyun and the two are very close. If they appear on variety shows together, Jihyo takes Jihyun out for a meal after.

Best Friend(s): 

  • Do Kyungsoo||21||Main Vocalist of EXO-K||He looks kind of quiet when you first meet him but he talks a lot. He likes to cheer people on and take care of them. Hes nice and considerate|| They don't see each other as often as before but when they do see one another its very casual and friendly. Just simple how have you been? and we should hang out soon. They do hang out on occasions but have to be careful because of fans. Surprisingly D.O. shows a lot of skin ship with Jihyun compared to other girls which confuses the members of EXO but Jihyun just finds it normal
  • Lee Jonghyun||23|| Guitarist and vocalist of  CNBLUE|| He's very friendly and kind, very caring. He's gentle, and sweet. Jonghyun is very trusting, and trustworthy but can seriously hold grudges|| He met Jihyun at a music broadcasting, then again the next day at a radio show so they arent super close. But their relationship migrated to close friendship really quickly to the way Jihyun trust Jonghyun with just about all her secrets. they're very supportive of one another, and as a sunbae and oppa Jonghyun enjoys taking care of her.


  • Lee Howon (Hoya)||Age||Main dancer of Infinite||On stage he can be cool but off stage hes very cute and funny. He has a sharp tongue and tries to act tough but ends up being caring and sweet. hes just like Joonhee from reply 1997||Hoya is very calm and friendly. they have soft conversations and its usually in the morning at broadcasting stations or when they're both at the salon and are drinking their coffees or bubble tea. Jihyun likes to learn new dance moves from Hoya
  • Park Chorong||22||Leader of Apink||bossy, can be mean sometimes and aggressive, but shes also caring and friendly. she has a cute quirky side as well||Since Chorong is older she likes to think that she can boss Jihyun around, and when Jihyun doesnt listen she'll hit her, but its like a sister relationship
  • Luna||Age||Main Vocalist of F(x)||Shes very friendly and outgoing. She laughs easily and just likes to have fun.||Very playful, like pulling pranks on one another, or pranking their members. they actually go drinking together.
  • Byun Baekhyun||21||Main Vocalist of EXO-K||Hes bright, cheerful, and kind. He loves to socialize and befriend people. Hes cute and fun||Baekhyun and Jihyun pull pranks on only one another, they're very open around one another and since both don't really mind skin ship they're big on it.


How did you get into Woollim?: She Auditioned

Trainee years?: 6 years

Trainee life: It was normal, It wasn't hard or stressful for her. It was actually fun, for Jihyun it was like her play time. When she was done with practice. She was originally an SM trainee and trained there for three years with some of the EXO members. Since her she could take the bus home she didn't stay in trainee dorms and always went to practice when her homework was done to keep up good grades as well.

Stage Name: Jihyun

Persona: Chic Power Vocalist. Jihyun is a power vocalist and onstage she doesnt fail as a leader to show a mature and cool image. During fun performances however she loses this image and will interact with fans, but since majority of their songs are mature and y she has no choice but to look Chic. She also has this signature glance she gives the camera during the second verse of every song. Its the kind of glance that's y and alluring but at the same time makes a person nervous as if they've done something wrong

Position: {put a red for your first choice and a red for your back up choice}

  • Main vocalist [X] Main Dancer [] Main Rapper []
  • Lead Vocal [] Lead Dancer [] Lead Rapper
  • Sub-Rapper [] Sub-Dancer [] Sub Vocalist []
  • Visual [] Maknae [] Leader [X]

Vocal Twin: Park Jimin

Rapping twin: {if your a rapper}

Dancing Twin: {if your a dancer}

{Important A/N: If Your a Lead anything please also pick something in the Sub or a Visual you should only have 2 if you chose something from Lead. If your a Main please only put another in either Visual, or Maknae. Lastly don't forget to delete this. i don't want to see it on an app.}

Do you want to do any solo activities?: Acting



Love Interest: Name Woohyun

Age: 22

Personality: Woohyun can be conceited and a little to self confident sometimes or most of the time. Hes good with girls which makes him seem like a player but in all truth he would treat a girl well. Hes very friendly and ambitious. He has this charm that doesnt let you hate him for long. On stage or camera he seems really cute and bubbly, but off stage and camera he becomes a bit rude and mean. not to an extent but hes just not as cute and bubbly on stage as he is off stage. He becomes a sort of bad boy off camera.

How you met: When Jihyun came to the company rumors began going around about her being a former SM trainee since SM is such a big company. Infinite were curious as to who it was, and originally thought the trainee was a boy. Woohyun was at the company with Hoya and Sunggyu one day to practice because everyone else had schedules. Lee Jeong Yup found them walking in the hallways and said he was going to watch some of the trainees during vocal practice, he asked if the three Infinite boys wanted to come and watch as well, maybe give them some pointers. All three were happy about that and agreed to go watch.  When they got there no trainers were around and it seemed as though the trainees were just goofing off and had put on a small showcase of their own. They all sat in a semi circle around the front holding their instruments and clapping, none of them even noticed the CEO and Infinite boys enter. A boy was at the front with a hat and he stuck his hand in, he pulled out a piece of paper and read aloud "Lee Jihyun!" everyone started clapping and cheering and Woohyun clearly heard some people say "its the SM trainee" someone was at the piano and they started playing as everyone else shut up to listen to her Sing.

The four men were silent while watching and frowned with open mouths. Woohyun was the first to turn his open mouth into a wide grin and slowly sway to the tune like the other trainees. After Lee Jihyun sat back down the Infinite boys left to continue their practice. Woohyun was last to leave the practice room and it was already late so he decided to wait outside for his manager to come pick him up. while he was waiting he saw a familiar small figure waiting outside as well. He ended up giving Jihyun a ride home and saying he really liked her voice. They saw each other often after that at the company as well.

How you interact: Both don't mind skin ship, they're friends but not close as Jihyuns other friends but the skin ship still isn't a big deal to either. Woohyun drops very subtle hints that he actually likes her because he doesnt want to make things awkward. Jihyun knows Woohyun likes her because she tends to pick up on that type of stuff easily but she doesnt say anything about it because she doesnt want to create a huge issue. When people catch him in his acts of kindness towards her his excuses is that he's like an older brother to her. 

Relationship: Friends. they like one another.

Back Up love Interest:Age:


How you met:

How you interact:

Relationship: {Friends, lovers, Acquaintances, ect.}

Be Mine




Reason for Rivalry & How you interact together on camera and off: 

Love Rival: Lee Jonghyun

Age&Group:  23 CNBLUE

Personality: He's sweet, careing, friendly, trust-worthy and trusting, hes the type of person you can be totally comfortable around. hes gentel and hardly yells unless its to be funny, or if hes mad or annoyed.

How you met: At a music broadcast and again at a radio show

How you two interact: Jonghyun is her best friend, hes the guy she goes to whenever she needs to talk or has problems. They're very close and are usually with one another at broad castings together.

Why is he your love interests rival?: Jonghyun is  a good friend of Jihyuns, on top of that the two are shipped together by fans who have taken photos of the two together. Woohyun also feels threatened by Jonghyun because Jonghyun admitted to Woohyun he liked Jihyun as well.

Nothings Over


Any Scene request?: {Don't use his name because it might be your back up love interest that i have to use}


Password: {You don't have to hyperlink}



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