☆AeroPlane // ☆Jung Mina


☆Jung Mina

☆This Is Me!

Username; BabyCBang

Activeness; 8.5

Nickname; Sundae

Why do you want to join AeroPlane; I read through the existing chapters and this story seemed promising and had alot of potential.I hope that I could see my character come to life and grow in this story :)


☆Me, Myself, and I!

Korean Name; Jung Mina

English Name; Mia 

Nicknames; shortie,byuntae/ert,baby(by the members)

Date Of Birth; 10/04/91

Age; 22

Birthplace; Busan,South Korea

Blood Type; AB

Height; 156cm

Weight; 45kg 

Languages; Korean(fluent),Japanese(semi-fluent),Chinese(fluent),Engrish(aka broken english so not fluent)



☆This Is How I Really Am~

Personality; Mina is easily liked by people due to her seemingly friendly and cute appearance.She's extremely naive which makes her an easy target for pranks and tricks because she always seems to fall for them.Naive in a way that she believes others easily.But she's not innocent,in fact she's one of the most ert member in the group though she tries to hide it infront of the media.:P She's also the number one fanservice member in the group.You know how in every group,there's always one specific member who seems to emphasize on how much she loves her fans in every interview,concert and more?The member who always waves energetically at the fans once she gets out of the van no matter how tired she is?Yup,that's Mina.She always makes it a point to take care of her fans.Once,a fan came up to them and asked for a picture.The manager declined the fan as the girls were already exhausted and were in a rush to head to somewhere else but Mina immediately went to take a quick picture with the fan and even signed an autograph.She feels that the fans are the ones who are supporting the group and making them successful because without them,even if the group produces amazing songs,there would be no one to listen to them.

Mina is really petite and she can get insecure of that sometimes.Because of her height,she had to wear compartively higher heels than the members in order to match the height during some performances.She thinks it's nice of people to say that her height is cute and she shouldn't worry about it but she always seem to have some sort of complex about it.So she can get pretty sensitive when someone makes fun of her height all the time,namely her love interest.But she doesn't mind if her members kid her around about it.She drinks at least one cup of milk in the morning and before she sleeps,in the hope of growing taller.Her dream is to have long beautiful legs.(?)
Despite being one of the oldest,Mina is often treated like a baby by her members and she sometimes dislike it cause she wants to be sort of an 'older sister' or 'motherly figure' to the group so she would always try to be independant by doing things by herself but she fails anyway because she's so clumsy and the members had to end up helping her.But she would always listen to the members' problems and give them advice as she's older and more experienced so she does seem like a older-cute-little(?) sister to the members but they wouldn't confess it because it's fun to seeing her reactions when she's being treated like a baby.She pouts,she fums,she rolls around on the floor.As weird as that sounds,she doesn't know that by doing that,she's being more cute and similar to a baby.But despite wanting to be treated like an adult,she also uses her age as an excuse when she gets tired easily by dancing.Dancing isn't exactly her forte as she can't get the moves down fast but she tries hard so the end result is still good but it takes more time for her to learn.So she would always use her age as an excuse and complain of the aches she gets jokingly.The members would always pretend to massage her and in the end,tickle her instead.And she constantly falls for this same trick.
Mina also talks alot so she can MC fluently and maybe this is why she can pronounce words so clearly and fast which could explain her position as the rapper.Most people on first glance don't expect her to be the rapper as they expect someone with more power or mature-looking.However,rapping is one of her passion as she loves how each word is to be emphasised in different ways with different rhythm and beat.

Background; She came from a middle-class family but always seemed to get what she wanted because her parents doted on her so much.She tries not to take advantage of that though and only asks for what she needs.Her parents actually home-schooled her during elementary school because they thought it would be better for her but in the end sent her to a public high school as See Ah envied 'normal' people.See Ah loves her parents very much and gave them her first paycheck when she worked at a convenience store part-time previously.Her father was initially unsure of her decision to be a kpop idol but after much time and consideration,he decided to support her dream.

-Cannot pick up dance moves fast
-Is picky with food
-Is very sensitive
-Can space out atrandom moments
-Is stubborn
-Can get muscle aches easily
-falls asleep easily if tired at any random time and moment
-Gets sick easily


  • Pancakes with maple syrup is her love
  • Chocolate fondue,I mean who doesn't?
  • People who know when to be serious and when to joke around
  • Composing songs.She carries around a notebook with her where she writes down interesting things that happen during her daily happenings.It can sometimes lead to a good song.
  • Romance novels.She's a super romanticst.She believes romantic and nice gentlemen are extinct though.
  • Christmas.It's such a jolly season where people get to enjoy each other's company and exchange presents.Plus fantastic dinner with turkey galore.
  • Organising parties.It's always a good way to socalize with more people.
  • Acting cute to her members but because she does it so excessively,the members are all used to it.
  • Kimchi fried rice.It's her favourite food of all time.When she first heard,Taeyang[Big Bang]'s song I need a girl,and he mentioned about kimchi fried rice,she was elated about it being a song.She hopes to make a song about kimchi fried rice in the future.
  • Singing.It releases her stress.She especially loves being in a studio or enclosed room by herself as she sings and belts out the high notes of a song.It somehow takes away her frustrations.
  • Sleeping.She can sleep anytime,anywhere.She's mostly always the first one to fall asleep when the girls have to move to another location.She can even sleep standing up straight,a technique she learned from taking public transport regularly in the past.She hopes to learn how to sleep with her eyes open.
  • RABBITS.They're so adorable and fluffy and cute and everything.She just can't resist them.They're her favourite animal and she longs to keep one in the dorm but fear that it won't get enough care.(But she's still determined to get one any way)


  • People who are cold.It's like no matter what you do,they won't be happy so she doesn't really like it.
  • Pickles.It just tastes weird to her.

  • Milk.She doesn't really like the taste of it but drinks it anyway in order to increase in height.

  • Falling sick.It lowers her energy level and brings down the pace of the group so she always feels bad when she falls sick.

  • Horror movies.She gets scared easily.Its' a nightmare to watch horror movies with her because her screaming is scarier than the movie itself.

  • When she can't look y no matter how hard she tries.[LOL XD]

  • Soda.She dislikes the frizzy feeling of it down .She prefers ice water to it.

  • Chocolate ice cream.She just hates it with a passion and doesn't understand why so many people adore it.She would eat anything rather than chocolate ice cream.She loves chocolate and ice cream but seperately.The combination is just horrible to her.
  • People who insult her parents.She's okay if people insult her but if people insults her parents,she becomes furious because she doesn't want anything or anyone to hurt them.She can be considered rather protective.
  • People waking her up when she's sleeping in her bed.She gets SUPER violent.She throws pillows,bolsters,soft toys,alarm clocks,basically anything she can find near her.She also kicks around alot and scratches.She basically just turns crazy.
  • She hates most vegetables and only likes certain ones like broccoli (because it looks like little trees) and carrots(because she likes rabbits).


  • Knitting.She loves to knit things for her loved ones.She has knitted shirts and beanies for her members before.
  • Watching dramas on internet.Her personal favourite is Full House starring Rain and Song Hye Ko.
  • Collecting stamps.The group travels to different countries for work and she always makes it a point to buy at least one stamp from that country and add it to her collection.
  • Watching variety shows and music banks with her members.Then they would discuss on their ideal types and which boy group is rather attractive lately.[;P GIRL TIMEEE XD]
  • Singing to her soft toys that she has on her bed and pretend she's having a concert
  • Making Origami.She loves making little objects out of just paper.Also,she has a bottle with stars and another one with cranes in her room.
  • Collecting manga.She's a fan of japanese anime and manga so she has multiple collections in her room.Her favorite and largest one is One Piece.
  • She spends most of her time on the internet playing computer games as well.Not those that everyone's so obsessed with but like dress-up games,taking care of a shop,diner dash on websites.She's been teased many times for this.
  • Drawing.She loves to draw everything.In fact,she had drawn so many different angles and portraits of the members that they were begging her to stop as she was constantly giving to them and their room was filled with it.


  • Fiddling with her phone when she's bored.
  • Fidgets around when she's uncomfortable with the situation
  • Throws a 'temper' when she gets treated like a baby.[Not  a real temper]
  • Always uses the 'sad puppy eyes' when she really wants something.
  • Always tries to wear shorts under skirts or dresses.
  • Sits in a barbaric manner.As in legs wide open or one leg over the other,shaking.She gets lectured about this constantly by everyone,saying she should be more ladylike.
  • Puts on a facial mask everyday before sleeping.Once,she scared one of the members by appearing in the dark with the mask on.
  • Drinks a cup of milk before going to sleep every night


  • Horror movies/stories.She can't stand anything related to them.If someone tells her a ghost story,she can have nightmares or get scared just by imaging it.Even when the television shows an advertisement for a move about it,she always closes her eyes and cover her ears for protection.She has always wanted to visit a haunted house in amusement parks but had no courage to enter.
  • Being alone.This is why she always tags along with other members even when going toilet.She just thinks that something's going to get her if she's alone.This could be due to the incident where she almost got kidnapped when she was 8 years old.
  • Pulling the group down.Mina has low self-esteem at times and thinks that she will pull the group down as she's not talented enough.


  • Eats the food she dislikes first when she's having a meal.As in,she dislikes pickles so she eats it first before eating kimchi fried rice.
  • Likes to make promises by doing the good-old 'pinky swear'.
  • Likes to kakao-talk/text people when she's bored.
  • She listens to ballads alot as it expresses so much emotions in one song.Her recent favorite is K.Will's 'Please Don't.' and she thinks that mv idea was genius.
  • Bites her lips slightly when she gets angry.
  • She's a huge fan of running man,especially Song Jihyo.She also loves the other members as well.She hopes to star in an episode someday.
  • She wishes she has dimples.She thinks its adorable.
  • She hopes to be able to branch out into acting too.
  • Is known as the fake maknae in the group because of her very young , almost kid-like looks.
  • She can't stand it when people just can't kiss well in a drama.She loves watching dramas as her past time so when she sees scenes where the girl just stands there as a brick wall while the guy's doing all the work,she can't stand it.She swears to kiss better if she ever gets into a drama.
  • She can't stand people who make fun of her height repeatedly even though she had already told them to stop.
  • She can't stand people who accuse her without getting the facts right.She detests being wrongly accused.


☆They Make Me Smile~


Jung Chaerin | 47 | Housewife Dotes on Mina alot and would always cook delicious food for her whenever she comes back home from the dorm.She would always check to see if she's doing okay or if the training is hard whenever she's on the phone with her.Chaerin fully supports her daughter's dream of being a singer and promises to be there for her no matter what happens.She's the one of the people who Mina turns to if she has problems. | Mother | Alive

Jung Chanhee | 48 | Doctor | Chanhee is constantly busy because of his job but he always tries to make time to spend with his wife and daughter whenever possible.He's a joker and loves to tease See Ah but he loves her very much as well.He was unsure of her beinga kpop idol at first as he thought she won't be able to earn much money and should get a more reliable job.However,seeing her passion for it,he decided to just support her. | Father | Alive


Park Hyungseok | 21 | They are childhood friends since they were 5 years old and their friendship is still going strong.People would always joke about how they would end up married to each other but the two would always dismiss it as they have totally no romantic feelings for each other.Hyungseok always takes care of Mina despite being 1 year younger and would always listen to her worries.He tries to cheer her up with cute texts and funny jokes whenever she's feeling down. Her ultimate selca buddy and best friend of all time.

Song Jihyo | 31 | Jihyo is just like an older sister to her and they met at a party organised by her best friend,Park Hyungseok. |She is like a role model to Mina as she's flawless yet willing to show her real self infront of the camera.She's constantly asking Jihyo to let her starr in one episode of Running Man in the future and Jihyo would always laugh and said she would try telling the producer.They're good friends who meet from time to time.| Mina would always beg Jihyo to do aegyo for her.Her reactions are the thing that amuse Mina. | Friends
Kim Hyo Jung | 22 | They met in a dance studio when Mina had just became a trainee and Hyo Jung was getting ready to debut. | They're the same-age friends who would pour out their troubles of their older age to each other.They're both the vocalists of their groups and hope to have a duet together in the future.In fact,Mina already has an idea in mind.Hyo Jung loves to pull pranks on Mina because she's so naive and easily believes her.But Hyo Jung is also worried for her because of that because she's afraid that she might get taken advantage of.


☆Who Do You Think You Are?!

Rival Name; Yoona  

Group; SNSD

Personality; Yoona's off-screen personality was entirely different from her on-screen one.On-screen,she seemed so friendly and nice but off-screen,well,she was a royal pain in the .She did carry herself like a princess and was very cocky.She seemed to think that everyone was the dirt on the ground and she was the angel that was in the sky.This especially applied to trainees like Mina who were older.She would look down on them as she think that they took so many years just to be an idol which was an easy feat for her.

Reason of Rivalry; They met at a practice room at SM Entertainment.Mina was practicing with other trainees when Yoona just barged in with her manager and demanded to use the room.Not surprisingly,everyone was shocked.Mina tried to step up and explain to her that they were assigned to use this studio to practice and audition to debut in a group in just a few days but Yoona just dismissed her and claimed that Mina should respect her sunbae.She stated that she was much more important than them since she was in a group already and she didn't care if they didn't get to debut because she wanted to use this exact same room to practice.(Even though there were other rooms for her)So basically,Mina hates Yoon's attitude and Yoona looks down on Mina.


☆How Do I Look??

Ulzzang Name; Hong Young Gi 

Links; 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ( a gif cause it's too adorable ;w;)

Back up Ulzzang; Hana Reum Song Lee

Links; 1  , 2 , 3


☆Before Fame Came..

How'd you get in SM; Mina auditioned for SM entertainment after seeing a poster at a mall.She knew she would be up against tough competition but she thought this was her lucky break,the time she could finally shine.After much discussion,she auditioned for it.She faced many difficult obstacles and emerged as one of the top.Despite passing the audition,she was still training for a period of time before she was selected to be part of the group.

Trainee Years; Mina was initially looked down by many of the other trainees because of the fact that she couldn't dance as well as they could and her age was a big factor.She used to be EXTREMELY stiff and couldn't even do a basic body wave or chest pump so some trainees just dismissed her,thinking she could never be selected for a group.(It was her rapping and singing skills that got her accepted)They also felt that she was too old to be in a newly-debuted idol group.But contary to their beliefs,Mina managed to get selected after practising very hard on her dancing and singing when she found out about a new group forming.She stretched until she felt as if her legs would break,she sang till her she would get a sore throat and finally the long hours paid off and she managed to get chosen to be in the group.

Position; Rapper | Vocalist | MC | Dancer | 2nd Actress

Back Up Position; - (Unless in XYZ)

Persona; Small Giant { Small cause of her height and giant because she has a huge presence and charisma on stage}



Stage Name; MIA 

Years of training; 2 and a half years

Desired Position; Rapper | Vocalist | MC | Dancer | 2nd Actress

Fanclub Name; MIAholic 

Fanclub Color; Sea green


☆Crazy Little Thing Called Love!

Love interest; Jung Yunho

Group; TVXQ

Personality; Yunho is the type to constantly tease the girl he likes thus he would always make jokes about Mina's short height though he secretly think she's really adorable.He mainly does it just to see her cute reactions.But he's really reliable and loyal.If you're his friend and you're having a problem,he would do anything within his means to help you which involves lending you money.He's been cheated by a few of his 'friends' because of this trait and gets lectured by his other friends about his being too trusting but he just dismisses it.[This is one trait that is similar between the two of them :p] 

Relationship; Enemies.Or at least that's how Mina sees it though she secretly likes him but wouldn't admit it.Jaejoong's attracted to her too so maybe a little of love-hate.But mainly,they're colleagues in the same company :)

Back - Up Love Interest; Super Junior's Eunhyuk


☆Goodbye, Hello!

Comments; Hope you'll like her and thanks for waiting for me :) 

Suggestions; I hope you can make more scenes of them as a group and perhaps a few scene of her with Yunho if possible ? :) 

Scene Requests; :I would like a group scene where they pretend to massage her after a dance practice but end up tickling her and having lots of fun! :D And of course their first live performance ^^.And maybe one with them just hanging out together on a free day.One with them drawing on Mina's face while she's sleeping in the van would be funny too xD! ANDAND A SCENE WHERE THEY JUST RELAX AND TALK ABOUT GIRL STUFF LIKE IDEAL GUY TYPES OR ATTRACTIVE BOY GROUP MEMBERS XDDD For Love interest,I would like a scene where Yunho keeps making fun of her and she gets annoyed.And I would like a scene where Yunho really hurts her feelings because of his teasing and she gets really upset and he feels guilty and they make up. :3

Password; Here bby c;








☆Thank You!



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