Autumn application




AFF username: BabyCBang

Name: Jung Haemin

Stage name: Star

Age: 18 years old 

Nationality: Korean

Blood type: AB

Hometown : Jeju Island(Korea)

Persona: Messy Angel

Position: Face of the group,lead vocalist

Fanclub name: Moon


Lee Eun Hye/Jung Roo - 1 , 2 , 3

Lee Jung Ha - 1 , 2 , 3

Kim Shinyeong - 1 , 2 , 3

Personality: Haemin is a pretty laid-back and easygoing person but is also a very messy person who always leaves her clothes and crumbs on the floor at the dorm when she's eating.This has caused her to lose a few of her items before and also earned her the title of the 'Messy Angel'.The word 'Angel' came about because of her beautiful and soulful voice when singing.However,when it comes to things that matter,she always keeps her precious objects such as the notebook she uses to composes songs in,her guitar,her lucky soft toy and more neatly arranged and never loses them.She is a perfectionist who will continue to practice till the wee hours of the morning alone just to perfect the dance steps and her singing.She's always eager to take up new challenges and tasks.She has a special love for food,especially chocolate as it boosts her energy more than any energy drink.

Haemin can be very stern and strict when needed and often helps manager with the schedules,causing her to gain the nickname ''Manager Min'' from fans and members alike.She doesn't tolerate any type of nonsense when things get serious.It is a large contrast to her regular self as she is normally always smiling and goof-ing off with the members.Although Haemin can be strict at times,members know that she's just being like that to help them learn from their mistakes.However,there was also once when Haemin came back to the dorm drunk at the evening and wasn't able to practice with the members for their debut.When she came back to her senses,she stayed in her room to reflect on her own accord and wrote apology letters to the members and manager.It is said that after that evening,around 2am in the morning,a cleaner saw Haemin practising on her own in the practice room while everyone was sleeping.And the same cleaner said that,she was still practising there even after the cleaner was making her rounds and collecting the trash at 8am.

Haemin changes hobbies very often as she can lose interest easily.She used to collect stamps,knit,sew,cook,read books,etc.However,performing is one interest that she will never get tired of.Her other constant hobby is playing the guitar.Her new current hobby is collecting keychains from different countries.A good thing that came out of changing hobbies so often is that she had gained new talents.

Haemin is afraid of grasshoppers.Weirdly enough,she's okay with sharks,lizards,insects and cockroaches[if they don't harm her].But she just can't stand grasshoppers.She despises them but her role model Yoo Jae Suk has the title of a grasshopper and she adores him.He has been her inspiration since young when she watched him on television.If possible,she would also like to take up the challenge of being a MC.This is somewhat related to her being the face of the group.She is the one who advertises the group as much as possible and introduces their album and songs when need be.


-She blinks alot when she's telling a lie

-When she's thinking hard about something,her eyes always look to the right side and she spaces out.

-Leaving crumbs on the floor when eating.

-Leaving her clothes on the floor after showering

-She learnt taekwondo and judo before.

-She gives off a delicate and fragile aura but she's far from that.[I mean she can break bricks with her bare hands!]

-Her favourite color is red and black.

-When she first meets a stranger,she is very quiet and doesn't smile unless necessary which makes people think she's rude/proud.But the reason is actually because she's shy and awkward and doesn't know what to say.

-She always bows 90-degrees to everyone even the cleaners.

-Her role model is Yoo Jae Suk. 

-Her ideal type is Bang Yong Guk from B.A.P as he's interesting because his rough exterior and his kind heart doesn't match.She also likes his rapping and charisma.

-Used to model for a popular online shopping mall.

-She didn't have a dream of being a kpop star until she saw Shinhwa on the television many years ago and became a big fan of them up till now.It is her dream to meet them and be acknowledged by them.

-She talks in dialect sometimes unconsciously though she is trying to learn how to hide it currently.


Family background: Jung Haemin grew up in a normal home,with parents who love her very much,even though her father didn't show it.When she was 7 years old,she decided to try taking up a musical instrument just for fun and so she tried guitar.Little did she know,she would fall in love with it so much and couldn't be seperated from then on for a while.She loved the music/sounds the guitar could make just by strumming a few strings.However,she did not think of being a kpop star at that time.When she was in her teenage years,she was watching the television one day,that was when she first saw Shinhwa's live performance.They blew her away with their amazing vocals and dancing.After that,she tried searching for them on the internet and soon became a big fan of them.They were the ones who inspired her to be a kpop star and she hopes to be acknowledged by them one day.She also watched Yoo Jae Suk's variety shows and was fascinated by his kind and friendly nature.She also respects how he manage to pull through the dark days of his life when he wasn't popular and became so successful now.Whenever she's in a slump,she thinks of how he managed to overcome the obstacles and perserves on.

Jung Jongho | 45 | Businessman | Father | Although he appears stern,he cares alot about his family and always make sure to give the best to them.Although he initially was  against and unsure of Haemin's dream of being a kpop star,he decided to have faith in his daughter instead after seeing how much commitment and potential she has.He loves his wife dearly and they were highschool sweethearts.|Alive

Lee Yujung | 43 | Housewife | Mother | She is the one who is always supporting Haemin and listens to her problems since young.(Haemin has a closer relationship with her mother because of this.)She's also the one who calms Jongho down when he gets mad or frustrated,which always works.She always whips up all of Haemin's favorite dishes whenever Haemin comes home from long hours of practice and even applys ointment for Haemin whenever she has muscle aches due to practising for too long.She loves her husband dearly and they are high school sweethearts. | Alive


Ahn Jae Hyo | 23 | Sub-vocal and main visual for Block B/Former Ulzzang | She met Jaehyo at a photoshoot once when both of them were still ulzzangs.They got along instantly as Jaehyo was very outgoing and friendly towards her and they had similar interests in being an idol.During breaks,he started talking to her excitedly about his plans of being a kpop star when he found out she was a trainee as well.Jaehyo smiles and laughs very often,sometimes at nothing,but they are very contagious and before Haemin knew it,she was smiling and chatting away in the same excitement with him.

Kim Sung Ah  | 21  | Medical school student and part-time waitress at a cafe  | Sung Ah is just like an elder sister to Haemin.Whatever troubles or frustrations she had,Sung Ah could always seem to find a solution to them.Whenever Haemin was down because of the practices,Sung Ah would try to cheer her up and joke,''At least you're doing something productive with your life! Look at me,I'm studying away all my life!'' and laugh.But Haemin knew that that was what Sung Ah wanted to do in order to achieve her dream of being a doctor in the future.Sung Ah is the one who has been supporting Jiwon all the way since the first day,she was always the one who persuaded Haemin's father to let her audition at the company,so Haemin treasures Sung Ah alot and would ''kill'' anyone who tries to harm her.


Haemin doesn't hold grudges against anyone so she doesn't have a rival in particular.However,she does treat herself as her own rival because she strives to be better than she was yesterday.She's known to be too much of a perfectionist as well.



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Name: Bang Yong Guk

Age: 23 

Personality:  Has a very kind heart which is a contrast from his fierce/rough exterior on stage.Haemin often sees him taking care of s by bringing them drinks and food when they are having a break.He is very hardworking and never complains even though he is tired.She also spotted him picking up trash once at the studio.(Doesn't know much of him yet except that he's nice and friendly because they're still strangers ^^) 

How you met your partner : At the studio where his group,B.A.P was recording for their new album.But she knew about him before that as she followed the group since their debut last year.

Back-up partner: Ulzzang Park Taejun

The boss of the shopping mall she used to work for.He is very popular and has featured in a few music videos before.

He is very outgoing and likes to messes around and pulls pranks.Haemin and him used to pull pranks on the other staff and her colleagues together.They were known by others as the  'Pranks Duo'.He knows about her being a trainee and supports her as well.




How do you get selected : Travelled to Seoul just to audition and managed to make it to the finals and was chosen to be a trainee.

How long have you been training : 4 years

Trainee background : It was hard for Haemin to cope with school and travelling to the studios in Seoul to practice regularly.She was also only 14 years old when she auditioned so even though she got in,she wanted to quit multiple times because of the stress and the exhaustion but she perserved on.Her friends and family supported her and she also got close to some trainees there who encouraged her along the way.



Suggestions: I hope you'll be able to make Haemin and Taejun get closer :3

And maybe a group scene of Haemin constantly spilling crumbs on the floor and getting reprimanded by the members(maybe the leader? :D)

A group scene of them having fun \O/

A group scene of them talking about boys while watching performances on television at the dorm :P(With the members teasing when B.A.P appears on screen) Blame raging hormones ohoh~

Comments: Thank you and I hope you'll like her :)


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