so... this might be the end .

my keyboard has  failed. i'm  using the onscreen  keyboard  and  its a pain in the neck using it. so darn slow.


okay  so, what i was going to say was...


you remember i told you my grandma was sick? yeah well... for the past seven days she hasn't been able to use bathroom.


and that's what happens to people who've nearly reached their end.

no really. it's happened to my relatives and family friends. its cuz when you're  about to die, your  kidney  fails and that causes this problem.


i dunno. she's already at an age during which people pass away. i somehow don't expect her to become better.

i haven't  exactly  been the 'good' grand daughter all the time. i mean, i've  lost my temper at her on numerous occassions. and... if she's really not going to be around for long, i guess i have to be with her and spend some time. maybe eat chocolates together and play word games. yeah. that'd be  really  nice.


so... um yeah. people  who're born one day have to die right? this is like that, i guess.

i dunno, i mean, my parents and i are brazing up for it. its more difficult for me because for the past year i've  been dead scared about the day when she (and my other grandparents) goes. i think it's  my fear - death.


so... because of that (and this keyboard problem) i dont think i'll be active for a while. please forgive me if i don't  reply to your comments  and such.


i'm  sorry. and please pray for my  grandmom.


^^ thats it for now. see you guys tomorrow.





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Are you okay Kazu? And is your grandma fine or not?
*commencing prayers*
I'll pray for strong!
I will pray for her and I hope she recovers. Spend time with her and enjoy it, I'm sure you've been a great granddaughter and she lived a long and happy life. let's hope she will get well. :)