Random Questions~

Random Questions About You:


Spell your name without vowels: ml l


Your favorite number: 6, 7, and 8~


What color/s do you wear most? any. 


Least favorite color? um. i dont have one. maybe like a rlly ugly neon. 


What are you listening to? Boyfriend - On and On~


Are you happy with your life right now? Yeah, I guess.  


What is your favorite class in school?  math, sci., social. 


Who is your best friend? um. prob @Inspirit_1997 aka kimi~


Are you outgoing? for the most part. 


Favorite pair of shoes? I like.... my converse~


Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth? Nope... 


Can you whistle? Nope. 


Write with both hands? Nope. I'm trying though!


Cross your eyes? With something in between my two eyes to focus on. 


Walk with your toes curled? probably. 




Do you believe there is life on other planets? Maybe... I watched too many documentaries on that. 


Do you believe in miracles? Sure~


Do you believe in magic? YEAH. EFFIN HARRY POTTER 4 LYFE. 


Do you believe in Satan? Sure?


Do you like roller coasters? Yeah. Not a fanatic, but i like them. even though i probably feel like puking after them. 


Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?  Some things. 




Have you ever asked someone out? Nope. 


Have you ever been asked out by someone? Yup... 


Have you ever been to the ocean? Yup~


Have you ever painted your nails? Yeah. and then failed miserably so i went to a nail salon.  




What is the temperature outside? 67 degrees farenheit~


What radio station do you listen? z100. i guess? there r others too. but idont rlly listen to it. 


What was the last restaurant you ate at? Taro. its some chinese restaurant near my house. 


What was the last thing you bought?  Cookie dough~


What was the last thing on TV you watched? probably Good Luck Charlie or something. 




Who was the last person you IM'd? I dont have one. 


Who was the last person you took a picture of? LOL i dont take pics of ppl. 


Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?  Kim Donghyun. (idk why i feel all shy now...)


Ever really cried your heart out? Yup. Plenty of times... ugh. why do i have to be so emotional?


Ever cried yourself to sleep? Yup. 


Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?  Nope. I dont think so. Probably not, no. 


Ever cried over the opposite ? Yup. 


Do you cry when you get an injury? weirdly, when its like a fatal injury like a freakin closet falls on me, no. when like someone hits me in the neck and chin with like a volleyball effin yes. i am so weird...  


Do certain songs make you cry? With the mv, yes. And probably a few boyfriend songs from their perfection. idk. 




Are you a happy person? For the most part. 


What is your current hair color? Black. 


What shirt are you wearing? My shirt. LOL jk. its a light green and white striped shirt. kinda baggy. 




Necklaces? None. 


Underwear? Obviously. I'm doing this right b4 i have to go to school. 


Eye color: black. or like a very very dark brown. 


Short or long hair: very short. well like over the shoulders. im probably going to cut it. 


Height: 5'1 which is like 150 cm? or a bit more. like 150-155. 


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CaratCake #1
Oh you said I love you to Donghyun -grins cheekily- Heheh~

Why does it seem like you're always making cookies? xD