So...I wrote a thing...

So like um....*cough* 

I uh....sorta...mentioned a while back that I might have been working on something? Yeah? No? 

Well, I have been working on something. 

Its a BAP thing too...

It was fully inspired by Travis Garland's Fashionably Late Vol II Album. Two songs in particular. 

You'll know which two songs because I shamelessly titled the fic(s) after them. 


The first part is a one-shot. 


The second installment will be something chaptered and when I get halfway finished with it I will begin posting with possibly maybe and update schedule?


FML idk why I even do this to myself. 

But anyway, I will have it (It meaning the one-shot) fully edited and posted by tomorrow. 

OH BOY!!! 

/claps like an idiot

Alright thats it for now I think. 

Its like almost 1 am here and I have chauffer duty in a few hours. 

Dont hate me after tomorrow!


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