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lethargic #2
ini linknyaaaaaa
lethargic #3
lethargic #4
Hm.. all dbskgirl4ever's story~ wkwkkw
now i'm reading Say "No!" to L. Joe! by littlepenguins~ that one oke" also~
Sleep first lah~ besok ga bangun pula wkwkw
lethargic #5
that's why~
so many ya~ 21k leh~
lethargic #6
not yet~ still baca cerita~
lethargic #7
coba liat atas, go to yg social then karma
there you can see the most highest karma xD
lethargic #8
trus also comment" terus story org xD
lethargic #9
Perasaan dr beberapa bulan yang lalu aku collectnya
lethargic #10
ga tau leh~
lethargic #11
you know who is jeija?
lethargic #12
lethargic #13
why confuse? ( I reply from here, you reply from there)
lethargic #14
i wanna make 1000 my karma whahahahaha
lethargic #15
already~ wahahahah