SHINee Sonnet

Today in my English class we had to make a satirical sonnet…yay -.- So I decided to have fun with it and snuck in as many SHINee references as possible!!

If anyone can come up with a better one I will take any request and personally write you an oneshot. (But it HAS to be SHINee based!)

I am very proud of myself so here it is!


Title: Teenage Romance

Satire: Never last


Hey baby, you and me.

Seem just like a dream.

Fit together like a lock and key.

We repeat the theme.

Like Romeo and Juliette.

You took my breathe away.

At the time we first met.

My teenage romance was put on replay.

I’m so curious.

Do you want to be together?

Why so serious?

I didn’t mean forever.

I met you as a stranger.

Now you call me Lucifer.


Now I know it’s not the best but keep in mind I only had 20 minutes to think of it so I’m decently proud. :3

Ok so now I’ll show you all the references:


Hey baby, you and me.

Seem just like a dream. (lyrics from Get It)

Fit together like a lock and key. (do I really need to tell you…)

We repeat the theme.

Like Romeo and Juliette. (song title Juliette)

You took my breath away. (hinting at Love Like Oxygen)

At the time we first met.

My teenage romance was put on replay. (again do I need to tell you?)

I’m so curious. (lyrics from Sherlock)

Do you want to be together?

Why so serious? (love this song!!)

I didn’t mean forever.

I met you as a stranger. (song title Stranger)

Now you call me Lucifer. (if you don’t know then leave)


I look forward to seeing your sonnets!! (They don’t have to be too long fyi)



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Oh, smart.
trying to sneak in Kpop references for a poem in English.
So far failing.
Raveness #2
Woah... this is good!
I can't think of anything ... But It's a Good think to Do when You'Re bored at school .. The teachers wouldnt even say something xD
And the reference from lucifer ... Ahaaahha oh god that was awesome xDD