#3YearsWithInfinite! (Super long post, I'm warning you)

Pretty much writing this for myself, so feel free to ignore! (: (Fell asleep typing this but whatever, it's still 06.09 in America)

So when I first made this account here on AFF (friend asked me to (: hehe) I read a lot of stories. One of MuzikMaster's stories-I forgot which-had songs for every chapter. Now that is how I first found interest in Infinite. My favorite group. This was in 2011. The song's title was Amazing in their Over The Top album. During that summer, I watched like every single video, show (Sesame Player!!), & listened to every single song. I know it sounds stupid, but once I found out about how they reached their dreams, they instantly became my inspiration.

Kim Sunggyu, the adorable grandpa hamster. Leadergyu. The one that is the oldest. I'm amazed w/ the fact that he is such a great leader. He can be strict when necessary, yet compassionate all at the same time. Like in Sesame Player when they were practicing hard for Be Mine. He knew when they still had to practice & when they needed a break. I also admire how he's able to keep up w/ the others even though he's the one w/ the most age! I love his aegyo w/ Woohyun, his ADORABLE smile, & of course, his amazing voice. I absolutely loved his voice, which I first heard in his solo song Because in their Over the Top album. I found out that he was practically kicked out of his house & forced to live alone because of his dream of being a singer. As he lived alone, he suffered trying to make money from part time jobs to support himself. At the same time, he went to all those auditions. And look where he is now. In a band, might I say a singing band. He even has his own solo album! Wow, just wow. I seriously love his solo album, Another Me. Each song is so uniquely beautiful, & his voice adds more to the amazing effect to it. I really love it when he gets so into the music, like when it's like a sad song. ♡ He's in the same entertainment as his role model, Nell's Jongwan. I love the story where the manager of Nell found Sunggyu. It makes me laugh all the time at how some incidents can be so coincidental. Maybe it's just luck, or maybe fate. Who knows. It's what God wants to happen, so we should just leave it that way. He knows what is best. I believe it's all planned. Like how he started off w/ a school rock band. And now it's like his job. Your voice & your determination brought you to where you wanted to be, Sunggyu oppa. You taught me that w/ the right amount of determination, anything can happen. 


Jang Dongwoo, the Kenyan dinosaur. The one w/ amazing rapping & dancing skills. The one w/ the DORKIEST laugh ever. I noticed that he's almost ALWAYS happy, bubbly, & jumpy. So positive. I admire that. I aim to be that kind of person (well I kind of am but still. Not as impactive(?) as him~ hehe I don't know if that's a word but yea). And your laugh, oh your laugh. I've never met a person w/ a laugh as contagious as yours. To be honest, I know this is very shallow, but when I look a group up, I automatically make a list based on how much I like them by their look/position in the group. Sorry, I should stop doing that. So at first, Dongwoo was my last. I just don't know why. But as I watched Sesame Player, I started loving his character more & more. He's so sweet & down to earth. Like when he picked up trash on the ground at the Idol Star Atheltic Championship thingy. While all these other people walked past the trash, he bent down & began to collect the trash. I'm not trying to bash on the people who didn't pick up the trash, because really. It's not their job. There's probably some janitor that does that. But the fact that he knew he didn't need to, yet he still did it out of his own will. That's why, whenever I see trash on the ground now, I do exactly what Dongwoo did. Because I realized how there's so much trash people throw away, but there's not enough people willing to pick it up. (I'm talking about like at school & stuff, which is understandable). I love how he types paragraphs on like Twitter & Google+. It does show how he puts a lot of thought into his posts! & when he got super scared in the Ranking King Haunted House special.. hehe♡ I also love how he basically set his goals in front of him. Like how we had a mindset that he would become a dancer/singer & get popular so his crush(?) could see him. Or something like that. I find that extremely sweet! From you, I learned to set my goals in front of me, & never stop until I reach when I want. 

Lee Howon, the Busan dancing machine. I feel like Myungsoo oppa's not the only person who has two sides. Howon oppa can be so shy & quiet at times, yet so explosive & incredible when it comes to dancing. Like what? When he's dancing, his appearance is totally different from when he's not. But somehow, I feel that watching him dance feels more comfortable than watching him do something else. That sounds weird but I basically mean I feel like he's more at ease when dancing. I don't know maybe that's just me. Ahh, when he started acting in Reply 1997! I swear, one big reason why I began to watch this drama is because of our Busan dancing machine. Of course, I watched it because of Jung Eunji too (: but anyways. I absolutely loved him in this drama. The fact that this is his first time acting didn't really process in my brain as I watched his amazing acting skills. He portrayed his character, Junhee, soooo well! Although I feel bad for him because he was the gay character, I'm sure he knows that there are a lot of Inspirits out there that watched it for him! Even though he was, well, gay. I like died when I saw him staring at Yoon Yoon Jae. I swear, it felt so real! & I liked all the parts where he hung out w/ Shiwon (: but don't get me wrong. I'm Sung Shiwon x Yoon Yoon Jae all the way. Hehe. When Howon & Dongwoo released their Infinite H album, I was overjoyed. I bought it right when presales began! (x it helped that it was released near my birthday, so my oppa bought it for me^^ can I say... I LOVE IT. Special Girl is sooooo good. The rest of the album is amazing as well. Like Without You, Fly High, etc etc etc. ♡ It's sad how he wanted to be a singer but he just became a rapper. But he's such a great rapper. I think Howan taught me.. to make the most out of every situation, even though it doesn't come out the way you want it. ♡

Lee Sungyeol, the choding. The most childish 22 year old I've ever seen. The super tall one. The one that messes up on some dances because in order for him to dance in sync w/ the rest, he has to like match up to their height. The one that acted a little. The one that got super sick from wanting to throw away his choding image w/ working out & a billion cups of coffee a day. The one that is known as the choding, yet is so 멋있어 (cool) in every way to me. All I wish for is for him to get more parts. I don't understand why he's so unconfident about his voice! It's actually really good. & he can rap. (Cover Girl guys♡) I was very happy when I first heard Man in Love, because he had more than a few words! He actually had an entire 2 lines! :D I hope that continues, & he gets more & more parts from now on. I admire how even though he had relatives in the entertainment business, he wanted to do everything himself. You know, I don't get how someone like him can be so funny. Like seriously. In Sesame Player & Ranking King, he always found a way to make me laugh in every single episode. When he digs through the other members' stuff, or when he pranks them. Anytime. I think he's such a sweetheart when he convinced the other members to go to his hometown, when the ulterior motive was to see his family again. Awh. So cute. He realized his dream a tad bit late, but he still made it. I learned that wherever you are or whoever you are, it never hurts to be your crazy self. Even if you're on TV. ♡

Kim Myungsoo, the weird, strange one. The one w/ a cute smile, heart-killing stares, & awkward yet cute derp faces. L, the cold city man who hides the real Kim Myungsoo. The pineapple, as Sungjong oppa says (: He's hard & rough on the outside, yet sweet on the inside. Oh, & of course I can't leave this out: the VISUAL. & yes, he's very suited to be the visual. Like did you see his face? P.E.R.F.E.C.T. I would still say that about his pre-debut pictures as well, except for.. well you know. His bushy hair. (x I swear if I had to rank kpop guys based on their looks, Myungsoo oppa would be number one. But his looks aren't the only thing. He can sing so well! I'm sure if Sunggyu & Woohyun wasn't there (which won't ever happen because it's not Infinite w/out all seven of them), he would pass as the main vocal. He's a great actor as well! When he was Hyunsoo in Shut Up Flower Boy Band, I looooved his character. I found myself practically crying when he was like taking care of his sister, or when he got hurt & had to play guitar w/ his hand. & I definitely cannot exclude his photography skills. When his photobook first came in a box in front of my house, I was super happy! I looked at every single picture on each page & I was purely amazed. His pictures are actually really good. No wonder it's his hobby. He should continue & never ever stop. His photobook also makes me want to study Korean even more! I will zealously study Korean more often than I normally do. Watch me, Myungsoo oppa. By the end of summer 2013, I will fully understand every single page-no every single word in your photobook. He taught me to do what I like & continue my hobbies because they can actually lead to something. ♡

Lee Sungjong, the lemon-candy maknae. The phrase that comes up in my mind when I think of him is "Smile~" Hehe. & also the "If you have a lot of thoughts, have a lemon candy!" Sungjong oppa is honestly the prettiest boy I've ever seen. He's prettier than like all the girl idols out there. Not that it's a bad thing. Some guys can look girly, & some girls can look guyish. It's not their fault that they were born that way. I feel like he embraces his feminineness by doing girl dances. Oh Sungjong oppa. I think he's so cute & nice, honestly. He has to put up w/ the other members ordering him around & bullying him (which the members say he bullies them back LOL). That's understandable though, because he's the maknae. That is showing how close they are to each other. It's just the same as an older sibling teasing/bossing around/bullying their younger sibling around (not in like a severe way, of course. Otherwise, that's baaad..). I can tell that his hyungs really love him. That seriously warms my heart, hehe (: I actually like his sweet, soft voice. He should sing more often w/ Sungyeol! & when he plays piano...♡ He's amazing. I know this is weird but I love the fact that he has/had a teddy bear to pour out his anger. It shows me that hello, even idols are people who get angry at times. I find it so funny that he most feminie looking one is so tough. Like how he watches scary movies & doesn't get scared. When Ranking King had a Haunted House special & he like greeted the 'ghosts' that he should be scared of. I also love how he has the guts to sometimes even tease the other members back. The fact that he's close w/ a lot of other idols tells me that everyone must love him. I bet it's his sweet, caring personality that makes him so lovable. I think he taught me to embrace the way I am, not hate myself. 

Lastly, Nam Woohyun, the heart-throwing king. Can I just say that I love him so much. When I first looked Infinite up, he was my first bias. & he never wavered from that position. I guess it's because I mainly fell in love w/ his voice at first. I looked up his solo song, Time in the Over The Top album when I found out about them. I love that song to death. It has been my ringtone for like over a year now. Stupid, I know. But that's how much I love his voice. This greasy tree is just so amazing. I love how he's so greasy towards his fans, but not to s (x I find it a coinkidink how I'm such a cheesy person as well. Hehe. It's kind of sad how he grew up in a poor family. It shows me how even someone at the bottom can rise up to the top. He even is kind of a cheap person because he just wants to give more money to his parents. So sweet. Since his first dream, which was to be a soccer player, failed, I'm happy to see that he acheived his dream of being a singer! Through his job as a singer, he can now live out of poverty, which is such a good thing to know. I find it cute that he wants to be a chef if he's not a singer, just like his hyung. & I love the fact that he can cook. Seriously. A guy who can cook. Am I the only one who finds that extremely attractive? So like.. My lock screen picture is of Woohyun cooking a meal for s at the show TrunQ in their condo? Apartment? I don't know. But I really like that picture. Like a lot. Hehe. I admire his confidence, because I believe confidence is something all people should have. We're all beautifully made by God, so why be unconfident about it? I aim to be confident about myself, hehe (I'm a very unconfident person). I love how he puts a lot of emotion into his singing. I love watching live stages of Infinite because I like anticipate Woohyun singing those adlibs(?) (I think that's what you call it). He always sing those parts really well, & even manages to add a little grease into his close up w/ his hearts. Man, I love him (x I love how he plays piano & is beginning to compose a little! He fits so perfectly into my ideal type. Actually, what am I saying? He is my ideal type. He's musically talented & taller than me. (He also is pretty fit like considering his chocolate abs but like that's not that important to me, although it's really hot.) Older too, but he's kinda waay older than me. But who cares. He's my ultimate bias, & he always was ever since I first looked up Infinite. I don't even know why anymore. I seriously don't. I guess the greasy hearts just kill me. Hehe. I believe he taught me that even if you're at the way bottom, you can always make it to the top

Aspire, then inspire.

I don't know why this came into my mind as I wrote this. Like I didn't even know what aspire meant before I googled the definition right now. But wow. It fits perfectly. Each member dreamed to becoming a singer (or at least I think because why else would they be on stage right now o_o), & now they're inspiring me to really pursue my dream, which is to be an Interior Designer. I don't know why I want to be one, but all I remember is that I wanted to be one around the time I first found out about Infinite. I should work harder to reach this goal, especially since it's not a dream that will come true for someone like me.

Please, come to America again. When I first found out that Infinite was coming to America for like the first time, I was so so happy. The fact that they were only like an hour away from my excited me, but at the same time it made me a little sad.. but oh well. There's always next time. There are rumors that they might have a concert in America at the end of the year, & I really hope it comes true. Even though it's a rumor, I began to collect money for it. I'm sure that I won't be able to ask my mom to buy me front row seats then & there, but I think she would at least let me collect money from doing chores & buy my own ticket. Yes, it's pretty crazy for a 14 year old to collect like $300+ until the end of the year, but I will try. & nothing will stop me.

I simply looked them up out of curiousity, & they suddenly became my favorite group for a long long time. I fell in love w/ their personalities by watching Sesame Player, but their skills & looks are a plus♡ I love all of their amazing voices. It's stupid but whenever I hear their songs, my heart like flutters(?). Yeaa, I know. I'm weird. They are so amazing at dancing. They're perfectly in sync. All those practices for hours a day really shows. They worked hard to be the best they can. That taught me to do the best in everything I do. They have been my favorite group for like a year & a halfish, & they will continue to be my favorite group until forever.

I have so much to more say, but I think I'll just say it a year later when we're celebrating their 4 years. All in all, I want to thank Infinite. For debuting, for teaching me all these important life lessons, for making music to cheer me up when I'm in a bad mood, & so much more. Thank you, Infinite! Congratulations on your 3 year! I will forever be an Inspirit who supports you, even though I live like a billion miles away. You guys give me pride in being a Korean.



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This is so cute <3 omg I love you x3 infinite is also my bias group!!! I'm so glad our boys can have such amazing fans like you. I'm like crying like seriously crying. Hehe my bias is my myungkitty^^ I could go on and on and on about fangirling but ill spare you xD
I'm also saving up for their concert!
ailisu #5
omg aww eunjin! you are so cute ^__^ <33
and this just shows how much you love infinite <33
and i love the paragraph about woohyun <3 (your husband hehe)
INSPIRIT FOREVER!! and good luck saving up the money! I BELIEVE IN YOU ^O^