♚ Sarae Evans





From Heaven, Sarae Evans
noonachinae || Niqua || 10
And you are...?

↺ Name: Sarae Evans

Age: 22

Birthday: 05/20

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Black

Birthplace: Los Angeles,Cali

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: English (native), Korean (fluent, grew up there)


Face of an angel...

Face:Tyri Rudolph






Back up Face: Elease Donovan






Height:5'6 ft.

Weight:135 lbs.

Extra: ears

Style:Sarae has an expressive

style.Its all about how she feels that day.One day It could be a dress, the next it could be jeans. She loves wearing oversized shirts with

tights and boots. Also she loves button down shirts with skinny jeans and oversized glasses.
























At Home:












I'm Sarae and I am an angel.

Personality: Sarae's personality is best described as an equal person. She is maybe the fairest person one could know. She tries to see the good in everyone and believes no one, not even demons are all bad. The powers she has were traits she also had as a human. Caring and looking after the ones she loved was and is something she cant help doing. But dont mistake her sweetness as weakness. She has a very smart mouth on her and will surely tell you what she thinks.Her heart is pure and has peoples best interest. When she begans dating her boyfriend/ lover Ilhoon, she treats him as her equal and not her enemy. Despite him being a demon, (one of the most feared demons at that), she treats him like a regular guy. Although she knows that relationship shouldn't be, she goes with her deepest feelings and continues to love him anyway. She is very pleasant to be around. Always smiling and cracking jokes with people around her.

One of her main goals is to make sure she does whatever she can to help anyone who needs it. Whether it be a human who needs guidance, or a fellow angel. She is well respected among other angels, but none of that goes to her head. She always remains humble and loving. Her powers are very great. Greater and stronger than most really think. She tries to never use her power to it's full extent, knowing that it could harm the person she's using it on.

Although she's an angel, she still has her humanly desires. She hates sitting around bored all day.She finds things to get into,(sometimes michevious things). Instead of waiting on her missions,she goes out to find one herself. Sarae will take off on her motorcycle in a second just to distress. From time to time, she'll drive her car in some underground street races. It feeds her adrenaline.

Summary: Sarae's is loving and helpful,but she can tend to be a handful for her opponents though. She cares about the welfare of others and wants everyone to be ok at the end of the day. She is strong willed and does what she thinks is right, even if it seems wrong to others.

Likes: (6+)

♦knowing others emotions


♦cotton candy

♦being an angel

♦protecting others

♦being with Ilhoon

Dislikes: (6+)

♦her enemies

♦that she doesnt know why her ex had her killed

♦ hates she had to leave her family behind

♦dislikes using her full power of empathy/possession,if she possesses them for too long it will drain their life energy and they will surely die


♦hates math lol

Biggest Strength: She is best at bringing the best out of others and being a comforter for them.

Biggest Weakness: Her biggest weakness is letting her guard down in certain situations.


Hobbies: (3+)


♦plays guitar


  collects shoes

Habits: (3+)

♦ talking in her sleep

♦blocks out others emotions when she feels down

♦Asks people what's wrong after she's read their emotions


She still celebrates her human birthday while she's an angel, joined a band in high school and played guitar, sings in her spare time, still loves listening to music after her death, wears a necklace given to her by God himself which is a small vile filled with a baby blue elixir that can be used to turn anyone into an angel/demon/or human, whichever they desire, cooks for the other angels,wants to dye her wings pink

When I was given wings...

Specialty: I have the power of empathy/possession. Empathy is the ability to sense and control others emotions. I can also for a short period of time (no more than 20 mins.), possess people and control them from within.

Tattoo: My tattoo is the actual symbol of empathy.Its on my left wrist and is pink,outlined in gold.




Here's to the old me...

Background: As a human i had a pretty good life. Both of my parents were US Army officers stationed in Seoul, so that's where i grew up. I had many friends because many people wanted to get to know the little black girl in the class lol. I became fluent in Korean by the age of 10. I was always a positive force in the lives of the people around me. My main focus was always whats best for them more than myself. When my older brother was 19, he was shot to death. He was a drug dealer and had gotten mixed up with some bad enemies. The shot him two days before his birthday. I had always hoped he had got into heaven, despite all the rotten things he had done.Same thing with my bestfriend Chunji. He was a common crook. Robbing people and carjacking them. I always looked past all that and saw him as the sweet little Chunji i grew up with. The one that married me on the playground when we were 5. He was stabbed by the last person he tried to rob. I have an adopted little brother that I always had to look after. We didnt get along great when he first came to live with us, until the day I saved him from being hit by a car. It was jus natural instinct for me to pull him out of the way, and ever since we've been close.I was never perfect. I would hang out, drink and party with the best of them.Even became a stripper for a while in LA. Had to get the bills paid right? The  people i loved and associated may not have been the best company, but i never loved them any less. That was just character.I had a boyfriend in Seoul by the name of E.Den. He was in a gang that called themselves LC9, an I was also a member.I loved him and thought that i could help him see a better life, but obviously the feeling wasnt mutual.I could sometimes be a jerk, just depended on who I was talking to. In the underground gang world, I was known for being a smoothe talker and having a slick mouth. I went to LA for college at UCLA. I had some family there since that's where I was born. After two months of living there, my life abruptly ended.

Death Date:05/02

Death Place: In LA while i went back there for college.

How: While at a party, I was drugged,then kidnapped, and shot execution style by someone hired by my then boyfriend who was still living in Seoul. The reason he did it, is still uknown to me.

Why: I was sent to heaven mostly because of the way i tried to live. I was always empathetic (hence the power i was given), towards others and always put others before myself.

Outlook: I love being an angel and being in heaven .It's everything I ever expected plus more. Being one really makes the resentment from my murder go away. As an angel, I try my best to do well here and do whatever I can to help out. It's weird to say, but im pretty happy that I died. Life here is wasy more meaningful for me and now I can really use my gift to help others.


My old protectors...


Mother | Terri Evans | 42 | US Army Officer | Sweet, understanding, supportive,loving | 4| alive

[father | Jay Evans | 44 | US Army Officer | loving, fun, outgoing,sometimes stern,attentive | 4 | alive

[brother | DJ Evans | 19 (age when he died) | drug dealer | loving,secretive,stubborn,supportive,sweet but tough| 5++++(very close) | dead | demon

[brother (adopted)| Baekhyun | 20 | drug dealer | sweet, loving,careful,sensitive,naive,sometimes quiet | 5 | alive

My new (Kind of) potectors!


Bestfriend || Chunji || 20 || demon || funny, whittty,sneaky,sly, conceited|| 5 || On earth, these two were best friends. They did everything together growing up. Chunji died two years after Sarae and became a demon. Although they arent attached at the hip like they were, they still see each other frequently. Never for long periods of time though, and when they do, it's like they were human again. Even when they meet on business terms, (when they are battling for the soul of a human), they still treat it like friendly competition.

Close Friends (2nd bestfriend)||Sungjae || 18 || angel|| sweet, naive,funny,outgoing,loving || closeness 4 || Sungjae was the first angel to approach Sarae when she got to heaven. Ever since they been pretty close.They help each other and even go on missions together as partners. Sometimes he doesn't understand how she can associate with Chunji and her brother DJ who are demons. He feels that she should just let that part of her human life go.

[ Friends || Amber|| 21 ||human || outgoing, funny,caring,supportive,loving || 4 || Amber was one of Sarae's friends she made in high school. They were totally different, which balanced their friendship. They would sit and talk for hours. When they went out to places people would think they were a couple (since amber is a tomboy). It wouldnt offend them, they actually would sometimes play along and hold hands. Amber sometimes thinks Saraes death is her fault, because she is the one who convinced her into going to LA for college. Sarae often visits Amber in her dreams often to keep in touch and comfort her. They talk about many things, almost as if it were all real again.

My reason for carrying on...




Love Interest: Ilhoon, The Demon

Personality: Ilhoon is a cocky, arrogant demon. A conceited jerk.He is one of the most desired of his kind. The female demons and humans go crazy and throw themselves at him. Despite liking the attention, he hates that they do this. He cant take them seriously.When he is with Sarae however, he tones it down a bit. He tries not to show his feelings, but cant seem to help it around her. When he feels himself being too nice or sweet, he'll immediately say something jerk-ish to maintain his demon image.

Relationship: These two's relationship is way more than complicated. At first, they were rivals. Being two of the best of their kind, they frequently fought each other on missions. Unlike Chunji and Sarae's "friendly rivalry",hers and Ilhoons was not so friendly.Actually it was down right fierce.He would say sly remarks and say a lot of degrading things to and about her.And her having her slick mouth had many uncut words for him as well.Her being a woman, Ilhoon figured he could use his charms and good looks to weaken her. But to his surprise that didnt work one bit. She didn't even give him a second look, which left him both confused and interested. He realized he wanted to really know her so he summoned for her, telling her that it was a soul up for grabs and that he was on his way to get it.  When she met him there at the park, he was a total different person. He was nicer and more easy going. He told her that he found her interesting and wanted to be closer to her. Of course she already knew this because she sensed his emotions. Surprisingly to him, she agreed. From then they began to hang out secretly and became friends. They ended up falling in love.Around Sarae, he is anything but evil. It actually seems like he has a heart. They talk about their human lives often with each other.He becomes kind and warm when he's with her,still saying sly remarks here and there to keep his image. Saying things like, "You're alright, for an angel." When in each others presence around other angels and demons, they pretend to still hate each other. Ilhoon gave Sarae a small german sheppard puppy, Jax,as a symbol of their love. On the puppy's collar is Ilhoon's family crest from his time as a human.

What he/she loves about you:

♦ that she's an angel

♦that she has the ability to care for anyone, even a demon like him

♦How she didnt' throw herself at him and that it was him who chased her instead

What he/ she hates about you:

♦hates that she can read his emotions, he has an image to keep up after all lol

♦hates that your fellow angels always tell her not to associate with any demons

♦That they cannot freely be together

Back Up Love Interest: Sunjong, Hoya



All done!

Comments: Hey! me again lol I know that I applied for your other story but i loved this idea too. :)

p.s. doesn't Ilhoon totally look like a demon boy in that pic above hehe 

Scene Requests: Maybe some fight scenes between her and ilhoon (before they were together),scences after they start their relationship,angel-demon *covers eyes*lol, her appearing in Amber's dreams, watching over and trying to guide Baekhyun, scenes with Sungjae, Scenes with her and Chunji being rivals in a battle but still behaving like two best friends playing a game,I would for sure like to see the scene where Ilhoon gives her  the puppy.

Ending: Hmm this is tough. The story ending with a twist would be good, then again it would be good to see some of the desired endings people hope for lol. I would honestly like to see these two end up with a child somehow.


Password: Ilhrae


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