2nd day -.-'

I just came home awhile ago. /yawns/ 

I'm already tired even though we didn't do anything hard. 

I don't know . . - 3 - 

and my head is starting to hurt. asdfghjkl. 


but I can't just take a rest since . . I have homeworks. damn it. 

It's 2nd day and we already have homeworks.

shees. these people need to chill down. 



I can't believe it . . . like really? 

That jerk is the same classroom as me? like what? No.

I hate that freak kingka. he's a jerk. seriously.

But nah, i don't have time to give him a fuu-- -.-''

Awhile ago, he asked me if I have 'Psy's Gentleman' 

And I was like . . "What? eww." lol. idk. 

I just gave him a disgusted face and i always give him a off go away face.

And he always bug me . . . . like what is his problem? argh. and they were so noisy at the classroom!!! >_<


And my friends were telling us not to go to their classroom 

because their teacher was strict. really strict. 

They can't even go and stay outside the classroom because their teacher would be there guarding the door. 

that's too much. it's just the 2nd day. > _ > 

And they said that they had their break after 2hours. like what?

It's already a torture!!! 

But there I was . . . telling them that my teacher isn't that strict XD

LOL. I'm so bad. hehehehehe. 

Then their History teacher actually really strict but they said she's funny

and makes funny lame jokes. 

Pffft. lol. 

Then they sais they saw a guy that looks like Zelo . . . '___' 



I'll try finish everything I can . . . . or sleep. idk. 

It was really hot outside that i'm having a headache. asdfghjuikl. 

I HATE IT!!! >_<



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i really hate it that im currently wearing sleeveless shirt. kekekekeke.


I'll go nowwwwwwwwwww. bye. 


hehehehe. i love gifs. 

no. they're not my biases. 

lol. <333333333333





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