My first SHINee dream [really O.o - UPDATED]

Hey there all you lovely friends ( and who else will read this).

I woke up this morning and I realised I woke up to my very first SHINee dream. *throws confetti*

Let me tell you, first of all I NEVER ever dream about celebrities and I adore loads of them O.o. (yap, what can I say, I admire what I hear and see, huhu ^^)
The only band I ever dreamed of years ago was Backstreet Boys ( yes I am that old).

Anyhoo what did I dream in the first place?
First of all I had been walking and wandering around quite a few places (forgot what I was doing exactly, lol) but everywhere I went I bumped into Jonghyun and in the strangest places too, it was a bit odd and he gave me one stern look and I felt so weird and strange (in real, not in the dream, lol) so I thought what is the deal here? Why do I bump into Jonghyun to begin with? (Not that I mind, but it was distracting me a bit, lol).

Then the next I knew I dreamed I was with 2 other girls, my best friend and an old friend I am not seeing anymore for quite a few years already and we wanted to go back to the city I was coming from. But then we were stopped by my best friend who said that we needed to go and that the whole place is flooding and we need to find shelter (Imagine we have floods for real here in Germany) and I was freaking out so bad O.o I was losing it literally (I can't remember why exactly, but I paniced while sleeping, I  feared for someone I really cared about, forgot who it was tho) and my friend dragged me with her down some stairs where some mobile cars were pulling up and one of the guys asked if we needed a ride and I stepped into the car my dad was driving (he passed away in 2007 and I believe when you dream of someone who is no longer there they are actually visiting you).

Then next thing I knew I was no longer in a car but in a van and whi was sitting next to me? Taemin ^^. I realized I was in the way to the SHINee dorm with girls I didnt know (My friends disappeared, lol). I asked Taemin if it was ok to stay at their dorm and he said "that's what brothers do right?" O.o. The van stopped and we got out exploring the dorm and first I checked Key's room. I checked all rooms and all of them had girls in bed, 2 in each, lol (those girls I was in the van with). Last room I checked was Jonghyun's room and found two girls fangirling in his bed. I left and went to the last room, Onew's, lol and said to the girl I seemed to be pretty close with (dunno who this person is, lol) "I will wait for a personal invite to go in his room" (Jonghyun) and went brushing my teeth in Onew's room. I opened the tap to get water, but it was coming down on me like a shower (like wtf? haha).

And then I got waken up by my alarm playing SHINee's 'Why So Serious?'. The funny part went off 11:28 and I set the alarm at 11:15 in the first place O.o...I dunno if I have slept through it the entire time until 11:28, but it was weird, lol and I felt weird too when I woke up and I was like...HUH?

Ok here comes the actual explenation why I NEVER dream about celebrities, I just never do O.o, don't ask me why, I just don't, but when I do, something is about to happen involving this band/musician (believe it or not). The only band I dreamed about ever as I mentioned above is Backstreet Boys (I grew up in the 90's, go figure :P) and these guys were the first band I fell in love with and at some point I started dreaming about them (not in the first years actually being a fan of them, but more repeatedly I'd say from 2003 maybe) and it started with just a weird dream like this one, which I couldn't explain at all and and the closer it got to 2005, the dreams became more real and vivid and now looking back to it, I realize that it was trying to tell me something (or prepare me for it if you will). You will not believe and from 2005 I have met this band quite often and seen a ton of their shows and got to be around them a ton of girls would kill me for in the first place, LOL, but it happened and the dreams I had before I met them, kind of made sense after meeting them! Same thing when meeting them again in 2007 and after that I stopped dreaming about them, which explains, never met them again afterwards eventhough I was in their area, with friends who knew them etc, it just wasn't meant to happen.

What I am trying to say is, now this same thing is happening with SHINee O.o (I have to see if this is just a one dream event or more will follow, I just don't know) but I woke up with a feeling it was trying to tell me something, although I can't make any sense of it right now.

Some of you might think I am even crazy for that matter and that's ok ;) but I just don't believe in quincidences and everything happens for a reason. I am very open and into astrology as I find it fascinating and I have found out through several sources as in my birth chart, my personal horoscope, hand reading, card readings that I should pay attention to my dreams and write them down if I remember them, because these are telling me something. How much more confirmation do I need that it says the same thing astrology wise and spiritual wise? ;) Exactly....I at remembering dreams and when I do remember them, I write them down and  believe it or not, they do tell me something eventually, even at first it doesn't make sense at all. And no I am not making this up :) I am a very sensitive person and pick up people's energies very easily (through photographs sometimes for example) without knowing the person in person.

I'd like to it is just me....or is there anyone else who has this kind of experience?



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it was fate. your dad helped you out there!
LOL i had a dream that sm had vaca together and i somehow stuck in there,
and then i slept outside in the living room on the floor
with minho. i wasnt sleeping next to him, but knowing he's there makes your heart pound enough! s
surprised i didnt die in my sleep!
i also had a dream that i watched their concert front row, touching the stage,
and i evenn got on the stage and nobody realized i was on it.
they were singing replay <3
URHG. shinee dreams are just TO DIE FOR. but they're pretty rare for me too...
Evil_Keshi #2
Haha XD
I dreamt about them once, I think it was some months ago... I was weird but fun ^^
And just so you now, I like Backstreet Boys too xD
Haha if only that would happen in reality :3