b e a u t y and the w o l f → ( Kim JaeNi )

beauty and the wolf
whether we love or hate each other, once this life passes, we'll never meet again
Edragonista - El - 5
  i hope you'll remember 
birth name - -  [Kim][JaeNi] 
alias - -  Jenny | Clumsy Jae
age - - 19
date of birth - - September 9
 everything will eventually change 
character type - - The Will-o'-Wisp
personality - -
Jenny is the type of girl who is obviously kind towards others. She does not let her feelings get the best of her and she would always think of others. You could say that if it's in a group, she would be the 'Umma' who is kind and caring towards others. Being a tamer, even, she is always kind to the wolf she is supposedly teach and take care of her wolf despite the fact that the Organization keep telling the Tamers that the wolves are just merely puppets and they are free to do anything to them.
Jenny is undoubtedly a shy girl when she is not in her Tamer mode. She would keep herself at a distance from anyone and would sometimes shrink when people surprise her or blush when someone compliments her. She does not speak out that much and therefore it is easy for others to bully her most of the time. Her wolf would always be there to defend for her and sometimes they would relationship with her wolf by not being just in a tamer-and-wolf relationship. At this, she would blush furiously and stomp off in robotic steps which earn ruptures of laughter.
Being the one who is always bullied and bothered, this girl has a bad side to her. She is actually forgetful of things. When her friends come up to her to apologize, she would just brush them off, saying that she doesn't remember a thing and that she knows that her friends are just making fun of her but they absolutely mean no harm whatsoever. Her wolf would always reprimand her about this trait of hers since she easily forgets what people did to her and forgives them way too easily.
The clumsy one is also her well-known trait. When you hear books suddenly fell from no where, or glasses broke when someone is at the kitchen, 80% of the time, it would be Jenny's doing. The books fell because her feet was caught up in a tangled phone cord which is like at the far end of the room and you'll wonder what she was even doing there. Or the glass broke in the kitchen because she thought that she felt that there were gooey things stuck to the glass when she was trying to reach for it at a higher cupboard. She's just plain clumsy, but don't worry, when it comes to her Tamer job, she would never miss a single detail and try her best to avoid being a klutz.
Of all the things one could be, she would be the naive girl among her Tamers and wolves members. Please, at the exact moment someone starts talking about any mature content, she would blush like mad and close her eyes like she could see the things going on right in front of her. Her wolf would always be by her side and he would redirect her attention from the conversation and remind her of her unfinished task for the day.
likes - -
  • Dogs
  • Cactus
  • Perfumes
  • Snowmen
  • Breads
dislikes - -
  • erts
  • Dirty clothes
  • Unhappy thoughts
  • Burnt foods
  • Yogurt
  • Vampires
pet peeves - -
  • She dislikes it when a driver does not respect the other road users
  • She hates people who cuts the line
hobbies - -
  • Cooking
  • Singing
  • Gardening
habits - -
  • Jenny tends to hum if she is happy
  • She would talk to her plants if she gets annoyed with anything
  • Jenny would knot her fingers together when she gets scolded by the elders
fears - -
  • Blood
  • Horror
  • Nightmares
trivia - -
  • Jenny's shyness would dissipate when she trains with her wolf
  • When Jenny wants to award someone for their performance, achievements or good deeds, she would cook their favourite meals
  • Jenny likes to make snowmen very much and that's the only thing she is very good at
  • She is a picky eater, so that's why she actually cooks for herself
  • She would be very happy to receive a single rose than a bouquet of them. Jenny thinks that it is a waste of money
  • She saves up money monthly and hardly spends on the money she gets except for groceries
  • Jenny believes in superstitions and would never go against it
 the past can repeat 
history - -
Jenny grows up with her Grandma only and she comes from a small, quiet village. She, growing up with her traditional and superstitious Grandma, have known about mythical creatures since she is a little girl. Her Grandma had told her stories about Vampires, Werewolves and so on. At first, she thought that it was just a normal bedtime story, but her Grandma would always say that they are true and she thinks that it is just to scare her. But, one night when she dreamt about the parents she never met, Jenny was crying and told her Grandma about it. She was then revealed the truth about her parents' death and since then Jenny had secretly despised Vampires and would always ask her Grandma to tell her more stories about her parents.
Later on, she learns that she is a descendent of a Tamer and that she would be taken away from her Grandma to serve for the Organization. Jenny never wanted to leave her Grandma behind since she has grown up with just her Grandma. And the thought of leaving the old lady made her heart grow heavier to leave the quiet and peaceful village. Her Grandma had told her that it is her destiny and that she must accept it, no matter what happens. No one could hide from the Organization and her future is already decided when she was born into the family. Reluctantly, she agreed with her Grandma and she began to think of finding the Vampires which killed her parents. She finally has a new mission in life and that is to avenge for her parents.
So, when people from the Organization finally tracked her down on her 5th birthday, she was taken away from her Grandma and starts a life as a Tamer.
family - -
Grandmother | Kim JuNi | Kind, hardworking, loving, soft-spoken
friends - -
Lee Taemin (SHINee) | Quiet, understanding, narcisisstic, childish
other relationships - -
Tamers | Personality varies | Good friends
 you won't forget 
ulzzang - - Angelababy
pictures - - 
back-up ulzzang - - Yiyi
pictures - -
height - - 159 cm
weight - - 43 kg
special features - -
Jenny always keep her hair long and she has a fang mark on the back of her neck when her parents tried to save her from the Vampires that tried to attack her when she was still a baby
 you'll always be my one and only 
wolf - -  Huang Zi Tao
back-up wolf - -  Kim "Chen" Jongdae, Kim "Suho" Joonmyeon, Zhang "Lay" Yixing, Kris Wu, Kim "Xiumin" Minseok (in ascending order)
obedience - -
Yes, he does
relationship - -
She tends to keep things between them a secret. In front of others especially the Organization, they are just tamer-and-wolf, but behind close doors, they are really close since her wolf would always be by her side to comfort her when she has her nightmares, to stick up to her when she is bullied, to tell her it's okay to be clumsy and cry about it.
ideal type - -
The guy should remind her of home. Comfortable feeling added with the feeling of being in safe hands when you are around that person. She would go for someone who reminds her of her Grandma's kindness and how the guy would always make sure that she is safe. Maybe a little clingy is fine too. He should be taller than her, plus a little buff. Yup, that should do wonders to cross out her short genetics. Looks doesn't really matter to Jenny, because what's important is his attitude towards others especially respect towards the elders and being sincere.
additional details - -
During their relaxing or hanging out moments, they would start talking about mature stuff. That's when Jenny would close her eyes and blush hard. Her wolf boy would then close her ears to muffle all the sound of their conversation and she would smile and blush at his thoughtfulness
Jenny would teach her wolf how to cook because they lost a bet among them and the other Tamers and their wolves. They would end up in a food fight and they would fall to the floor
The first time she joined in the Organization, she had a terrible nightmare and her wolf was there to calm her down but she never met him until a week or so later because that was the time when they get to officially meet with their Tamers
 before you disappear 
questions - -
how would you react if someone close to you dies? a stranger?
Even if the person is a stranger, the person is still someone who is close to me. I would not be able to convey my feelings physically, but deep down, inside of me, I would be shattered into pieces. My parents were taken away from me, my Grandma is alone and far away from me, why would I have to suffer even more?
what are your thoughts about others disliking how close you are with your wolf?
Personally, I think it's fine by me. The bond I have with my wolf is God's gift and I thank my parents and the rest of them in my family tree who gave me the opportunity to actually have something so special that others don't have. Plus, there are others out there just like me and I've never felt alone even once.
are you willing to sacrifice yourself? (do you mind if your character dies in the story?)
Up to this point, when I joined the Organization as a Tamer, I know the responsibility of being one and if it is right for me to die, then I would face my death with pride. I'm sacrificing for everyone and my parents. The thought of that is enough for me, although leaving behind my loved ones would be difficult, but I hope they'll understand
what do you consider most precious to you?
My wolf. When I am assigned to it, the wolf has become a part of me. He does not choose his destiny like me, but we both accept it with all our hearts. If he is willing to do anything for me, then it would be the same for me too. He is precious and he taught me a lot of things in life.
 i know we'll meet again someday 
comments - - Her persona actually pin points the fact that she is shy when people comes close to her. Will-o'-wisp is like a lantern of hope. It helps people to find the right path and it actually gives hope. Plus, it disappears when people comes close to it. I hope you don't mind me using such persona for my character. I'll change it to a different one if you ask me to. And should everything be in bracket form? I just left them there, if you'd like me to remove them, I'll do so A.S.A.P. I hope I did the right thing and therefore, I am done! Sorry I made so many mistakes
suggestions - - A battle among Vampires and Werewolves. There might even be a mole among the people in the Organization. Some fluff, perhaps?
password - - WOLF!




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Her personality is so cute. xD I like her background as well~

I think you're the first (and maybe even only so far) that got the pictures right! Thank you! :D

I like your suggestions~

Thanks for applying! Everything's good! ^__^