K.N.S Lee See Ah,Melody

Trainee Application
♬ Melody ♬


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Username (hyperlinked): BabyCBang
Activeness (1-10): 8.5/10
Name : Lee See Ah,Sai [Japanese],Melody Lee,Li Xiah or Li Xi Ah. (Her names are all somehow related to her as they mean 'talented')
Nicknames : Ice Princess/Wood by people.
Age : 18
Height: 168cm 
Weight: 47kg
Birthday : 16 June
Blood type: AB
Ethnicity: Korean
Religion: Buddhist
Birthplace: Busan,South Korea 
Hometown: Busan,South Korea
Personality: See Ah is a very ambitius and hardworking girl.She stresses herself out regularly,wanting to achieve perfection in every aspect.She doesn't believe in procrasting and believes that anyone who lazes around despite having the talent or not,doesn't deserve to be an idol.She sets extremely high expectations for herself and doesn't care what happens to her or her body as long as she can achieve them.This is proven when she collasped after practising too much for long hours without needed rest.She is rather stubborn and would not stop from aiming for her goals.See Ah has always wanted to be an idol since she was extremely young even though she knows that being an idol means sacrificing everything.She is very serious when practising and even behind the scenes,she does not joke around and smile much,which creates an image of her being very stiff and that's why people call her the 'Wood' or sometimes in a nicer way,'Ice Princess'.She despises people who laugh and play around during practice time.She also does not socalise with people as she doesn't feel that there is a need to and she would rather be alone.However,she is very respectful to the elderly/sunbaes/her seniors as she know she have plenty much more to learn from them and they have alot of experience.She comes off as aloof and cocky/arrogant to people and she doesn't sugar-coat things.When someone asks for her critism,she doesn't give a compliment if they/it dont deserve it and points out all the flaws.
Habits :
  • Closing her eyes and counting to three when she's mad/frustrated to calm herself down.
  • Giving death glares to people who irritate her
  • Her posture is always straight no matter what she does
  • Taps on the table with her fingers or her pencil when she's deep in thought
  • Raises her eyebrow when she sees something she dislikes
Likes  :
  • Deserts (People don't expect her to like sweet things because of her personality so she hides this fact)
  • Composing songs and tunes
  • DBSK (they were her biggest inspiration and she was devastated when they seperated)
  • Using spoon/fork to eat instead of chopsticks.
  • Rice. (It's a staple.She can just eat plain rice with just pickles or any small side dish)
  • Rainy days.(She can just stay in and drink some mocha while composing songs)
  • When she achieves something that everyone told her she couldn't before
  • Keychains (She has many keychains attached to all her bags)
  • Ballads.(She loves how emotional and soulful they are)
  • Being recognized by people she admires
  • Soft toys (she has dozens on her bed.However this is a secret and her room is out of bounds to everyone except manager and important people)
  • Cuddling when she's cold.(She treats this as a weakness so no one knows about it.And since she has no close friends with her,she only cuddles with her soft toys)
  • Music
  • Kim Jaejoong
Hobbies :
  • Jogging in the early morning/evening
  • Taking a stroll in the park at night and just breathing in the fresh air 
  • Sewing and knitting(She has sewn many soft toys by herself.)
  • Cooking.(Her specialty is kimchi fried rice and spicy chicken stew)
  • Dancing/Singing/Acting/Modelling.(Basically anything to do with entertainment industry.She wants to be a true star and perfect in any way.)
Dislikes :
  • Bitter food
  • People who do not work hard and laze around
  • People who take things for granted
  • Hyper people.(They irritate her)
  • Being looked down on
  • People who bother her when she's trying to focus(especially when she's practicing or composing a song)
  • Being told that she cannot achieve something
  • Sasaeng/obsessed fans 
  • Tomatoes.
Hates :
  • People who want to become idols just to get close/be in a relationship with another idol
  • Most animals/pets.(Dogs/Cats/Rabbits/etc.)
  • Onions and garlic.(She always trys her best not to order anything with them in it but if she doesn't have a choice,she just endures it and eats it while drowning water)
Fears :
  • Being alone (As strange as this sounds since she distances herself from people,See Ah gets lonely easily but she never voices it out)
  • Not being good enough
See Ah is allergic to fur which is why she can't stand animals/pets.
Trivia : 
  • A huge fan of DBSK.She went to many of their concerts before.
  • Even though she pretends not to care about what people think of her,it sometimes hurts to know that they're gossiping about her but she acts nonchanlent and tells herself that this is for her dream.
  • Used to be an ulzzang and modelled for Aboki ( a famous online korean shopping mall)
  • Since young,she was forced to learn many skills like piano,violin,figure skating,gymnastics,singing,acting.
  • She participated in multiple musicals when she was young.
  • People think that she's perfect but she actually has hidden flaws and low self confidence
  • Used to hate salads with a passion but in order to be slim which is like an requirement for an idol,she forced herself to like them.
  • She loves eating rice so she has to burn the many calories after that by running on the treadmill or doing other exercises.
  • She regularly challenges herself for new things
  • The main reason why she's so obsessed with being perfect is because of her parents
  • From YG Entertainment
This is me!
Ulzzang: Baek Sumin
Ulzzang photo(3+): 1 , 2 , 3 ,  ,
Back-up ulzzang: Park Sora 
Description of your appearance : Mask.  See Ah has an average height but she has long legs which girls would die for.She also has a slim waist and a S-line. (This didn't come naturally though.It took alot of strenous exercises and she used to wear corsets to get the body shape) She has obvious collar bones and long wavy hair that reaches to below her bra level.
Style : See Ah also makes a point to be dressed well.She doesn't even wear tanktops and trackpants unless a program requires it or she's at home and not at the dorm.She can be seen mostly wearing a dress or skirt to events and programmes.She's her own stylist (but she does have one).She chooses the matching accessories,shoes,clothes for each respective event by herself when she can.She believes that first impression always counts.
At events : 1 , 2 , 3
At home : 1 , 2
At dorm : 1 , 2 
My family!
Family background: See Ah is from a talented and rich family.Her father is a well-known businessman and her mother is an actress,her brother is also an idol.Her family is very wealthy but her parents didn't pamper her.No,if she wanted something,she had to work hard for it.It was some sort of discipline for her since young.See Ah has always envied and admired her brother because he was so talented and seemed to be good at everything.However,she got annoyed when he started to go on variety shows and got the image of  the 'village fool'.Her brother was no fool.He was in fact very smart and good at dancing but he acted dumb in front of the cameras.She despised this side of him.Her parents are also very strict and rarely gives praises so she has always wanted to gain any sort of recognition from them.This is also why she wants to be perfect so badly.
Lee Minhwan 》 A very strict father and businessman who rarely spends time with his family as he's always busy at work.However he shows encouragement by going to both of his children's first concerts. 》 38 》 Father 》 Alive
Choi Jimin 》 An ex-actress and a famous housewife.She is very pretty and used to have many suitors when she was an actress.She's a mix of bitter and sweet.She won't hesitate to scold if it's someone's fault but she also comforts them in her own way.She always make sure to cook her children's favourite dishes when they come home from their dorms.She also fully supports their dreams. 》 35 》Mother 》Alive
Lee Chang Sun 》Known as Lee Joon.He's the opposite of See Ah.He's quirky,funny,easygoing and doesn't get mad easily.He's actually very talented and smart.However,in order to branch out to the variety entertainment to become more known,he went on more shows and acted dumb,gaining him the image of the ''village fool''.He worries alot about See Ah as she's too stiff and unfriendly around people even though he knows that she's actually really sweet and caring.He's also worried about her overworking herself.Basically,he's always concerned about her. 》 25 》 Older brother 》Alive
Ideal type : Caring and sensitive.He knows when he's supposed to joke around and when not to.Someone who has charisma and sings well.
Kim Jaejoong 》27 》 Ideal type 》 He's calm and collected most of the time.He always gives off an aura of charisma and sings extremely well. She has always admired his singing skills.She also thinks he's extremely handsome of course secretly.
Kwon Jiyong 》24 》Crush 》 He's a talented and friendly guy who always go out of his way to make things okay for people.He also has a lot of charisma and always makes the stage lively.Even though See Ah dislikes hyper people,Jiyong is an exception somehow. 》He's very caring and nice.Even though he did not know her when he saw her practicing hard at the practice room at YG ent,he still left a can of coffee and a note saying ''Hwaiting! You can do it!'' and left.She found out it was him when he did this the second time even though she pretended not to notice.She was touched just by this small gesture as no one besides her family really encouraged her sincerely before.She also admires his skills at composing and singing/rapping.
Circle information : See Ah has friends but are not close as she keeps distancing herself from people.However,they are friendly and outgoing people who doesn't get affected even if See Ah does not seem to want to be with them.
Ryu Junsung 》 18 》Friends (not close) 》 He's a lively person who always makes an effort to try to get to know See Ah.However,See Ah closes herself up and thus they are not close friends yet.She does acknowledge him though and says hi when she sees him.
Jung Sungah 》 20 》 Advisor 》 See Ah sometimes goes to Sungah for advice when she's troubled.However the matters are mostly small ones like about her diet and stuff.She never discuss deep issues with people.Sungah is caring and cares for See Ah like an elder sister.She's also chatty and witty.
Hong Minjung 》17 》 Junior at school 》 Minjung treats See Ah as her role model and admires her.She's always trying to stick around See Ah though See Ah always pushes her away.She's persistant and has potential.She's also very talkative.She can talk on and on about random topics.
Park Hyosung 》18 》Friends 》 Hyosung is also a trainee at YG and sincerely wants to make friends with See Ah.But See Ah's wary of her and over-friendly nature.Hyosung is outgoing and cheerful.She's petite and has alot of aegyo which sometimes make See Ah cringe.
Best friends:
Noh Jiho 》19 》 Best friends 》They are childhood friends but he's currently residing in California now with his family.So they communicate with each other by online methods like webcam and messanger.She was more friendly when she was younger so they remained close till now and she sometimes share her problems with him.He also promises to fly on plane to come to her first concert.
Camilla Smith 》18 》 Best friends 》They met online 5 years ago and surprisingly,clicked and are best friends even till today.Camilla is American and lives in Paris currently but she has a great interest in kpop and supports See Ah's dream.She doesn't aspire to be a kpop idol but does dance covers now and then which she sends to See Ah and See Ah has to admit that she has talent.Camilla is somewhat similar to See Ah as they both work very hard and stress themselves out.They communicate over the internet regularly and wants to meet up one day.However See Ah is secretly worried that her attitude in real life will put her off.

So both of See Ah's best friends are people she talks to over the internet,she does not have the opportunity of talk with them in person.She is also more friendly through the internet as she is less guarded.

Stage name: Melody
Position : 
Lead Vocalist
Main Vocalist
Main dancer
Lead dancer
And if possible + composer for any of the position listed.(I don't really mind any :D just thought of her being a vocalist first)
Personality  : Does not smile very often so she is still called the ice princess.She is often picked by male idols as the ideal type because of her demure and feminine appearance.She also participates actively in programmes and games,showing off her sporty side.When she does smile on screen,fans go crazy,seeing a glimpse of the ice princess' smile.Somehow it is also this persona that attracts many male fans.
Solo Fanclub name and colour: Royalty 
Mascot: Crown
Dear Diary/Journal,

Dear Diary,

I'm going to be in a program called K.N.S.I was assigned by my company and no matter what,I'm going to be the best there.Since my company has faith in me and decided to choose me for this,I won't let them down.This is my time to shine.If I can do well,I can finally achieve my dream of being an idol and being on stage.Being the main,and not a back-up dancer.I'm not going to underestimate anyone there.If i make just one move,i could get kicked out from the program and everything would be back to square one.But no matter how talented any of the trainee there is,I have to be better.If I don't have enough talent,I will make it up with hard work.I HAVE to do well.It isn't an option.I'm going to overcome any obstacles along the way and debut successfully.I will be the star that shines brightly in the limelight now.

Message to viewers : Hello everyone.My name is Lee See Ah and I'm from YG Entertainment.I'm going to be participating in a upcoming program called K.N.S which is guaranteed to be thrilling and fun to watch so please stay tuned and don't change the channel!Please support me as well,I'll do my best.Thank you.

Self-introduction : Hello everyone,my name is Lee See Ah and I'm a trainee from YG Entertainment.I love to sing,dance and act and I want to be a kpop idol who serves as a role model to others.I hope that we will all be able to have a fun and fair time during this program.I look forward to seeing all of your talents and learning new things as well.Thank you.



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I like it and I don't see anything wrong :3
And I agree with Yami since both Jihyun and See Ah will be coming from YG ^ u ^
yamitan7 #2
I guess it is okay. ^^
I think Jihyun and See Ah will get along well x3