Henry's Debut: Trap!!!









It's finally here!!

Und for that, I will give you the "Happy Shamu" GIF ^^ 





I'll leave the video for you down below, so you can see it if you haven't. And then you can tell me in the poll what you think about it. 




It's been a long time coming - CL




                     It's certainly been a long time coming!!! So, Soo man finally thought it was time for Henry to get his own Debut!! As an ELF, I am happy for Henry. He's really talented, and I think it's about damn time that he get more attention. What the song sounded like was really unexpected too. I was thinking it was going to be all Techno, Dubstep, and EDM (and honestly I think we can all agree on that one). But he went for a more, contemporary pop sound. It's got a nice easy feel to it, not too fast. Might I add, haivng the Ferrari in the video was a nice touch. it was very unexpected. 
                     I'm glad that Kyuhyun, an Taemin were there to help him. However, I have noticed that during the 3rd verse, Kyuhyun did most of the singing. It's the of the song, and yet SM gives that to Kyuhyun. Now, I'm not dissing Kyuhyun (Wonkyu shipper here) but I just think that should've gone to Henry. Who the hell am I kidding! We should all be lucky that SM even gave him a debut!! Taemin's part really surprised me. I thougth that he was going to do some intricate dance moves or something like that. But, he didn't take away from Henry's spotlight too much. What really caught me off guard was how little we saw Kyuhyun. He comes in at the end of the song! I was like 'Wow. They didn't show him much.' I thought he would get more facetime. Now that I think about it, I'm sorta disappointed. But anywhooooo............ I really liked it. I hope he and CL get an AllKill on the charts. the music show stages for this should be awesome too! 

So, Here has what I noticed:

1. His voice sounds different to me. I don't know what it is, his voice just seems, different. Maybe it's the way he's singing? It still sounds good though.

2. He also looks skinnier too!! The last time I saw him, he had a fuller face, and it looked chubbier, more baby-faced. Now it looks longer and skinnier. He still looks good though. 






 ELF's you better support this! We always talk about how, Zhou Mi, and Henry should get more attention. Now that's it's finally happened, I don't want you to back out on this!!1 You better support it!~! I'm being serious here. 

Also, feel free to leave comments. 


On another note: 

Since SM's been doing all these comebacks, back-to-back, when can we get a comeback for F(x)? Really SM, really? We got one for EXO, BoA, and Henry. Now, I like all those people, believe me I do. But he better come with some good for F(x). Because they have been out the game for far too long!! They need a good club banger!! And Luna, needs more attention as well. She can sing krystal's head off, and she can keep up with the chreo.........we need to do something with that, like ASAP!!! 


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Yes finally :D Man all three of them were just...incredible in this MV especially Henry ^^ I was really happy to hear about his first solo debut because it shows how far he's come along <3 Brilliant as always.

And I agree with you about the FX part. I'm not really a fan of that group, but I hope SM does SOMETHING for them geesh.