The Do's, Have's, What's, and Who's + About You


Do you believe there is life on other planets?  Myees!

Do you believe in miracles?  Yes.

Do you believe in magic?  No.

Do you believe in Satan?  No.

Do you like roller coasters? Hell Yeah!!

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?  Maybe..



Have you ever asked someone out?  Yes >.<

Have you ever been asked out by someone? No.

Have you ever been to the ocean?  YES!!!

Have you ever painted your nails?  Yup



What is the temperature outside?  It's 22 degrees right now 

What radio station do you listen?  Radio... Screw that!

What was the last restaurant you ate at?  A china restaurant, I think..

What was the last thing you bought? Two ice creams ^^

What was the last thing on TV you watched?  The Simpsons



Who was the last person you IM'd?  I don't have IM

Who was the last person you took a picture of?  Myself xD

Who was the last person you said "I love you too"?   I said I love you to my mom...

Ever really cried your heart out? Yes!

Ever cried yourself to sleep?  Yes!

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder? Yes!

Ever cried over the opposite ? Yup.. That bastard!

Do you cry when you get an injury? Yep.. I got burned on tea water, it hurts like hell!!

Do certain songs make you cry?  Yes!



Are you a happy person? I have heard I am.. 

What is your current hair color? Some brown color xD

What shirt are you wearing? Black shirt with someflowers on my chest 

Shoes?  Not wearing any shoes..

Necklaces? A silver necklese with a half heart that I am sharing with my best friend and a clover

Underwear? You wanna take a look?

Eye color: Blue (I'm singing my bluuuuuuuuuues~)

Short or long hair: shoulder lenght

Height: 166 cm... I am short! >.<

Stolen from: min_neulmi 


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Eeey, if you are short then wtf am I a dwarf? XD
How interesting! I might steal this later! ♥