Can Someone Answer Me?

I want to ask..if we deactivate an AFF account,can the account can be use again?

Will all of what's inside the account will dissapear?


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i think it wont disappear but your story and blog will be inaccessible,if you want to deactivate make sure you make your new account as your co-author.before deactivate transfer your story to your co-author (your new acct)
yes it can be used again and no the things inside wont dissapear :)

why you ask unnie??
are you going to deactivate???
NO!!!!dont please!!!i just started talking to you!!!
Jin_Riri #3
you can log in again to use it^^
yah you can but all of your stries karams and blogs will be vanised + the suscribed stories!
No, you can't. It's gone then. Don't do it! ><
I don't know :/ you can look it up in the help category I think.