Edit: Only one story update.

Nvm, the update for Unfair will have to be tomorrow because after going to town, coming home and doing my chores and some homework, beta-reading a chapter for a friend of mine and doing the update for The Art of Breaking, I am exhausted. T.T Especially since I stayed up till 4 AM last night for Henry's MV release. (Only to not get it. Screw you SM for ruining my sleeping schedule.) 


But I did start on it so Unfair will finally be updated tomorrow night. 


Sorry (sorry, sorry, sorry.) ^^;


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:( you're cruel... I just woke up and I was so happy thinking there'd be an update but instead I got this sigh... and no, ur dancing and singing cutely to sorry sorry isn't apology enough xP the chapter better be a-ma-zing (just kidding, write how u usually write and I'll be satisfied)

the MV isn't out yet?? what a great morning lol