Kakao Talk CF- Malaysian Version

Gyoon-ers!!!!  Have you guys watched the Bigbang Kakao Talk CF malaysian version? ^ ^

Too bad that I can't find the Malaysian's version on YT, there are only Indonesian and other version on YT..

Okay, so actually this is kind of irrelevant, but I can't help but to joy over it..So the opening of the cf first showed GD search for a friend to chat with in his contact list using Kakao, and he choosed Yuna ( This is of course not Yoona, she is the model of this cf, keke) and chat with her..Ehem, get what I mean??? Haha, okay..You can laugh and call me delusional but yeah..^^

Edit :

Today I found another version of the Malaysian Kakao Talk CF, that is Top's version, the opening begin with he choosing the contact person in his phone list and then calling her ( Yuna, this cf's model) by using phone, and said "Hello Yuna"....... Oooohh it sound very SWEEEEETT..>.<
Not sure if the cf it self has another version with the remaining 3 Bigbang's member..

Okay, once again I know this is irrelevant, but I just can't help to feel happy when I heard Top spelling the name that similar to Yoona's..^_^


Edit :

Hey all, I've found the videos, becoz I'm using mobile, so I'll just post the links.. (Gd ver)m.youtube.com/watch?client=mv-google&hl=en&gl=ID&v=99l0vxPLSSU (Top ver)m.youtube.com/watch?hl=en&client=mv-google&gl=ID&v=cRfXwvSSJDo


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Hi would you mind sending me a link please? :)