
Firstly, I can't online from my pc this near time. My pc has been broken down twice and it seems like my parents want me to be more careful towards my things, so they just keep my pc away without bring it somewhere to repair it again.


I have also been joining some writing contest here, but it seems I can't link the contest and the poster shops from this time. I have been asking for a permission to go to the internet cafe. But sadly, my mom wouldn't let me go.


I am just wondering why, because I know I rarely going out so why couldn't I for this? She just told me to wait for my father's permission and NO. I am not going to ask father because I know he will not let me go out.


I know not everyone will bother to read this, but I think I just want to let all my disappointment out here.


Sorry, I can't link the stories and the shops back for this time, but I will still put the stories and the shops' name in the foreword.


Thank you for reading ^^


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