Depression Mode

Annyeong!! So lately I haven't been feeling well. You know how life has its "up's and down's" Yeah well I'm going down... like 25482026463916492 miles down. Just happy that school is ending in a week or so... which makes me more upset since I have finals. Life doesnt ever give you a break. I've been watching some dramas to make me feel better but I honestly dont know anymore. Theres this tiny part of me that wants to end everything. Life. Love. Friendship. Oh and then there was Monday where I totally depressed and I was totally alone!!!! No one cared!!!! JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE LOOKS OKAY DOESNT MEAN THEY ARE!!! I was sitting next to my closest (or what I thought was my closest friend) didnt even care. Even my bf ignored me. SHOULDNY THEY BE THERE FOR YOU?!!?? Just thinking about this makes me cry. I hate my school. Hate my 'friends' or should I say backstabbers. Hate my life. Wow im such a hater... I wish I could move and start ALL OVER. so that no one knows me and I could truly be alone. Thanks for listening/reading to my depressing rant. See u guys next time when I feel better and maybe a little more "up"


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My6TeenzOnTop #1
woah, this is exactly me too. Don't worry, you're not alone :)