99 Facts about Me :3

1. real name: Johanah Dee Chua

2. nicknames: Joh

3. zodiac sign: Aquarius

4. male or female: female

5. elementary school: somewhere in the Philippines.. 

7. college: one of La Salle's colleges in the Philippines

8. hair color: black slightly tinted dark brown. Used to be red hair.

9. tall or short: Short but don't look short

10. im or email: email

11. sweats or jeans: Jeans

13. health freak: just a bit

14. orange or apple: apple

15. do you have a secret crush on someone: Celebrity yes, real life no.

16. eat or drink: why not both?

17. piercings: 2 pairs both ears.

18. pepsi or coke: neither

19. been in an airplane: countless times

20. been in a relationship: yes, currently in one

21. been in a car accident: nope

22. been in a fist fight: I think?

23. first piercing: when I was 4 I think

24. current best friend(s): My boyfriend

25. first award: Too long can't remember

26. first crush: too long can't remember

27. firstword: the heck should I know

28. last person you talked to in person: my boyfriend

29. last person you texted: co-worker

30. last person you watched a movie with: my boyfriend

31. last movie you watched: Epic

32. last song you listened to: Nod Along M.I.B.

33. last thing you bought: Medicine

34. last person you hugged: My boyfriend 

35. favorite food: pasta

36. favorite drink: ice tea

37. bottoms: shorts

38. flower: carnations

39. animal: cats and dogs

40. color: black gray and white

41. favorite movie: white chicks

42. favorite subject: psychology


have you ever: (put an x in the brackets if you have)

43. [x] gotten baptized.

44. [x] celebrated halloween.

45. [x] had your heart broken.

46. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

47. [x] had someone question your ual orientation.

48. [] got pregnant. 

49. [] had an abortion.

50. [x] did something you regret.

51. [x] broke a promise.

52. [x] hid a secret.

53. [x] pretended to be happy.

54. [x] met someone who changed your life.

55. [x] pretended to be sick.

56. [] left the country.

57. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

58. [x] cried over the silliest thing. 

59. [x] ran a mile.

60. [x] went to the beach with your best friend.

61. [x] got into an argument with your friends.

62. [x] hated someone.

63. [x] stayed single for a whole year. (back in highschool lol)



64. eating: nothing

65. drinking: Nothing 

66. listening to: GDM M.I.B. Feat. Tiger JK and Bizzy Konrad Remix

67. sitting/laying: Lazing around on the couch

68. plans for today: probably have early dinner then work nonstop.

69. waiting for: thursday to come.


your future:

70. want kids: Yes, I want 2-3.

71. want to get married: yes, hopefully soon~

72. career: chef and have my own restaurant. Be a successful graphic designer as well.


which one in a significant other:

73. lips or eyes: eyes

74. shorter or taller: taller

75. romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous

76. hook-up or relationship: relationship 

77. looks or personality: Personality. I don't want no barbie.


have you ever:

78. lost glasses/contacts: yes

79. snuck out of the house: yes

80. held a gun/knife for self-defense: knife yes. Brought one to school 

81. killed somebody: no

82. broken someone's heart: yes.

83. cried when someone died: Yeah


do you believe in:

84. yourself: pretty much

85. miracles: yes

86. love at first sight: no

87. heaven: religion is a hard topic but yes.

88. santa claus: never really

89. sex on the first date?: no

90. kiss on the first date: No

91. is there one person you want to be with right now: my parents and my boyfriend. Maybe my bias too

92. do you know who your real friends are: Yes ofcourse

93. do you believe in god: religion is a hard topic but yes.

94. post as 100 truths?: there's only 99



95: quote a famous person: Respect is earned.

96- say something funny: Justin Beiber is amazing and I'm a huge fan of his. 

97- laugh at yourself: i just did.

98- last message: too lazy to work

99- a picture of you: no way


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