For the First Time Ejane1004's POint Of View




I was really damn Frustrated this past few days.


I Had actually Finished writing my fics. And just waiting for the result of my Poll.


I had Promised it and sure ill be posting the Fic with high Votes this week.


When everything was going fine , out of nowhere,  I was bothered by someone ,criticizing my My Work, and My  own OTP


Once and For All, I knew I was still Newbie Here in AFF and should still learn more, I never, ever see myself as a good one.


Im a writer and a reviewer, who do give as wise opinions on others work. I do know my limitations on it.


Now Questioning my OTP. (I had this on My Profile ,I already said and indicate it.)


Why are you guys so bothered with it ,everyone has their own bias  ,but PUSHING your favorite PAIRING or Bias for me to LIKE or BELIEVE  they are REAL(Don't you think it’s too much).


I respect everyone’s opinion  and Please Do respect mine too. Don't Push to me, Everything you like .TEUKCHUL will always be My OTP and I don’t have to enumerate my reasons why.Even I write another pairing.(Damn’s not Cheating or Abandoning My favorite Pairing.)its true .

I do write new fics now w/out my favorite Couple  to improve my writing skills as an author.


(That's all *sighs* ive been keeping this within myself and tried not to be immature)Note I accept comments but be wise, Don’t just write to bashed me..Okay.(I wonder why  I receive such comment like that im not even famous and not too good  to have Anti's  )



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rineolus #1
sorry .. I've just been really busy with work lately .. but mmm .. I'm probably one of those who ships teukchul so hard I annouce it to the world and I've had A LOT of those already and yes they can make you feel like crap but hey .. they're assfaces that dont have anything better to do with their time .. so just ignore them and keep shipping teukchul
to hell with all the bashings lol name a bug in your story that somebody stepped on after them or whatever .. use them as an inspiration for a bad guy in your story idk but NEVER as in NEVER let them get to you .. never let anybody judge you because of the tiniest choices you made like choosing a pairing to ship or a group to stan .. coz honestly, I'm going through the same thing .. I'm so into exo rn that a few of my "friends" judged me for I what I chose to like but hey .. I dont care .. if I let them get into me and change my mind then I wont be my own person anymore .. you get what I mean? so just ignore those jackasses and get on with your life (:
Omg i feel bad for you... Srsly i found quite many fans are like that these days, i mean they bash other members and otp, also believe their otp is the real one. I dont like that kind of fan, really. They are too much. I also feel bad if someone bashed our teukchul, tbh i never found any before.... Just get rid of them alr. Its only one or some ppl are like that though... many ppl still supporting you, fighting!!^^