Not all those who wander are lost

Jumping from one place to another is such a rewarding experience. From forest treks, to beaches, to the great colorful city lights. 




Like the usual saying of a wanderer "I am trying to find myself."


The case is not true for me. 


I travelled because I want to not because I need to. 


In a way, it made me realized a few things.


1. Appreciation for HOME - Yes. The comfort of my own bed, the sweet smelling frangrance of my mom's (err dad's) cooking, my undeniably cringe worthy flower garden, the craziness of my siblings and yes.. my laptop, my dear Master Mickey Mac (don't laugh).


2. Nature - This part of the world showcases nature and I took advantage of it. There is a point when I woke up one morning and looked out the window! Lord! You truly are amazing and one great artist!


3. Friends - New acquintances, old friends, former enemies. All comes to mind when you are travelling and how you need a companion to be with. A part of my journey, I was with a friend and the latter parts of it, I am alone. The freedom of choosing which direction to go is liberating but at the same time I miss the banter of another human being. It wasn't boring but a joy shared is always doubled.


4. Strangers - I got lost, not once, not twice but a few times (sad to say). I never get discouraged walking around in circles and asking for directions. People, how busy they are in their lives, will always be happy to help. I was given a map by one person, the other made sure we rode the same bus, another reffered a few great other places to go to. Without these angels in diguise it would take me twice longer to get to where I want to go.


5. Water. - Yes! Hydration! Having fun is important but physical health is essential. Never, ever forget to take care of yourself while away from home. I was sick a part of the time too which is NO FUN. So yea, water, and food. I neglect these things most of the times and I realized that if I want to keep going on my tight schedule I should take good care of myself better.


6. Dress approriately. - If you want to go to the mountains make sure you have the shoes for it. If you want to go to the beach, spare some shorts, if you go to the city and it's freezing cold add an extra jacket. I didn't get to anticipate the clothes I had when I started doing this and I regret it!


7. PLAN ahead. - maybe the most important of all. Know your itinerary. If you fail to plan your plans will fail. I even have a back up plan (e.g, if it rains I should just go here. etc.etc). Be spontaneous but at the same time a schedule wouldn't hurt. Timing is always important.


I could go on saying a lot more but for now let me stop here. I am just happy to be back and kicking in AFF. I miss this. Oh my, let me tell you I wish I had my laptop with me when I went off. Anyway, I am back to aff, back to work, back to the real world (per se). I think my english went bad from talking to msyelf too much. haha..just kidding. 


in conclusion to this blog (for I need to wander off again since i'll be late for work), I encourage you to pack your things and do a little travelling. It doesn't matter if it's 9000 miles or 9 miles away from home. It always gives you a different perspective about life. It's like stepping back and seeing the bigger picture.




and btw, 28thYuchunDay! MY baby! I miss my Chunnie bunny and he's 28! woot! happy birthday chunnie!






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Welcome back!!! *huggles*
Welcome back ate! Glad that you had fun this summer :)