
I'm still awake... its 3:15 am right now. I have school tomorrow, do you see my problem? My brain won't shut the up and I'm trapped in this dark, silent void that is my room. I hate tonight. I can feel my self losing it. If it weren't for the fact that I found some ty head-phones to listen to my kpop with, I'd be ing dead. I'm having the emotional equivalant of explosive diareah. Okay? ugh . I should just stay up the remainig 3 hours. My sanity was thrown in a blender, I swear... I'm so not okay. Thank you kpop for keeping me from sticking my head in a toilet. (Not even trying to be funny) Gonna go roll around now and hate things... bye. (P.s. I'm sorry Emily ;~;)


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-sighs loudly-