My BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!

Omg!!!! My birthday is coming up in like 2 days. My birthday us June 4th. I cannot wait!!!! I get to have a pool party with all my besties!!!!! And I'm getting a new electronical devise. Not sure what exactly. But still. This is going to be my best birthday EVARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!


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Over here we say it brings bad luck to congratulate someone before the actual birthday so I'm not going to do that ^^ But since I'll be away on the 4th of June I'm just going to warn you that I'll be sending you my wishes on the 4th through telepathy...! ^-^ I hope you will have a splendid day!!
bbymonkeyxd #2
Happy early birthday hope you'll have a great one
Happy b-day!!!! ^___^ eat a lot of cake!!!
Happy early birthday!
Have a wonderful birthday on June 4th!

*gives you all of exo*