Panic attacks...

Sorry, this is just a little rant-ish thing.  I've been panicking for the last like 1/2 an hour to an hour about nothing. It was totally normal, you know going to bed and such. Well was just about to close my eyes and drift off to slumber land when bam! Panic attack hits me and now I'm freaking out about dying in my sleep. I feel horrible because I'm keeping my sister up and we both need sleep but I'm so afraid of dying in my sleep right now that I can't even think about sleeping at this moment. Also it doesn't help that today's my birthday and I don't want anything to do with it! I'm actually panicking over that too! The thought of me growing up is causing me to have this! It's either that or the fact that I've had a ton of caffeine along with almost no food and I'm suffering with a cold so I'm on cold medicine. I just want to sleep.... (T ^ T) help....


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