Le Depression

We had to write a piece in class today. I don't know why, but my first idea was to write about suicide/depression. We were in groups, and my members instantly said no. I had my mind set on that, so I persuaded and I got my way. They had asked my why he was depressed, I replied that it was because his boyfriend left him and he was his life, his sanity, his everything! They said that it had to be straight because we were going to put it in the library and read it in front of the class. I wanted to make it all BangHim, but no~ no in school. -.- and, to make it worse... I couldn't even use the name I wanted to use. They made me change Himchan to Tyler. I wanted to CUT A BIIIIIIITTTTTTCCCCCHHHH, but I got over it... Anyways, my teacher read it, and now she is worried about me... Like waeee?!?

Anyways, here is the poem...

le depression


Tyler slowly closed his hand into a fist.
He gazed at the white bandages wrapped around his wrist. 
He asked himself, "WHY?!"
"Do I want to die? Why do I even try?"
He unclench end his hand and looked around the room dressed in white
Gazed in awe at the sight
He got himself here for the third time this year
His mother discouraged his cutting habit, but he did not care
His mother asked,"why are you so depressed over a girl?"
He coldly replied, "She was amazing; the center of my world."
He sighed, then the nurse came bursting in with a smile stretching from ear to ear
"Here is your food, Tyler!" Her voice full of cheer
He stuttered and said, "Can I have a knife?"
"Why, no Tyler! I don't want you to take your own life!"
"How about a fork?" He asked with emotionless eyes
"It's not like you wish to eat with it. It is all lies if you say otherwise."
"Fine! Leave me with the spoon, but do me a favor and call my mom." 
The cheery nurse nodded without a qualm.
Five minutes after, his mom came in. 
He was playing with a rolled up napkin trying to throw it into a bin.
"Can I get a knife and fork?"
She nodded and asked, "is it for your pork?"
She happily complied
He took the utensils in his hand, "thank you" he replied
"Bye, my love!" She replied leaving the room.
Little did she know she left her son to his doom
He hesitated as he put the knife up towards his chest.
He thought this was the only way; the best.
He cut the tip of his right index finger off
In the freshly drained blood, wrote "bye forever, I love you mom" as he let out a slight scoff
The nurse suddenly came in looking in awe at the note
In his panic, Tyler cut his throat.
Tyler was now dead
The white sheets he laid on were now red.
i mean, I personally thought that it had nothing to do with anything happening at the time... Actually it kinda did because I was feeling under the weather over the last days that have passed, but still! You still should not judge me for one sad story, right? 
Schu~ I was into the whole story then my teacher asked if she should be worried about me.... /pop!/ hear that? That is my bubble popping ._______.


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That story is so depressing! kekeke. But I don't think that shows you're depressed or whatever. It's just a feeling right? That teacher is weird 0.o
I don't think there would be a need for her to be worried unless you were showing full on signs of depression.

You might be going through a down time, and it might be good for you to get it out through writing... It's a good poem, I think you should write it as the BangHim you originally wanted to and upload it here. I'd love to read it. ^^