Wolf Mv Is Out >.

Wolf mv is out *screams**squeels* 

The Mv was awesome and both versions were totally great. The new style for Exo really suits them, I mean did you see Kai.


 I didn't really someone will look good with that hairstyle but Kai just rocked it *dies*

But didn't you realize that such simple word as wolf will never mean the same to us.

And the first thing i'll think of is "Whooo"

What made it more awesome is Exo M singing korean which made me die partially.

Is it just me or is someone else thinking of Simon and Martina's opinion ....

I really don't understand why people are just bashing on them. Want to cheer, cheer, don't want just turn away and leave exo cause they have much more fans

Many are comparing them to B.A.P and I am feeling sad. I mean I am both an Exo fan and a baby but I see them both awesome.

B.A.P are really making their tour. Exo are just realising their 2nd album. But i don't see why you bash them, it's not their choice isn't it.

Leaving you with these awesome pics I found in tumblr....





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Qwenie #1
i know right!!! luhan is cute