Diamond Application Form | Yoon Suah

Yoon Suah is coming up. So you better get this party started.




You're true self

Username: limea-

Name: Lime or Julie

Activity: 8




Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Name: Yoon Su-Ah


- Wendy ; her english name and used it when she was in NYC.

- Jageun ; means Tiny and her rival always called her that.

- Soosu ; this is just the short way to called her when confusing.

- Sajin ; means Photographer and it fits with her hobby, her close friend/members would called her that.

Age: 20

Birthdate: February 16th, 1993

Ethnicity: Pure Korean

Blood Type: A

Birth Place: New York City, Australia

Hometown: Busan, South Korea


- Korean ( native )

- English ( fluent )

- Chinese ( basic )

- Japanese ( learning )

Personality: Suah is an extrasilence person, and kind of warm inside. Amongst her friends and the person that she use to knew, she is the most calm and relaxable one. She may be looks fiery and cold outside with her coldly-glance and mysterious-glares, but actually, she did that to see if they are really do knew her well or just fake. She loves to spending a time with someone at the day, alone when feeling guilty or upset of her result. Since Suah likes to forced people on being the straightforward and honesty by hurting more than lies with no-longer-safe. Otherwise, she has a child-alike part of soul and is showed without her noticed and it's happened when she sees someone that can made her happy — She is the pro of playing kids' game, especially Hide & Seek and Paper, Scissor, Rock.

However, she had a hot-tempered once you tried to mess with her or do pisses her off too much. Judging her appearance; that person would turn to dead meat soon. She may describe as fiery, fiesty, tough, violent and cold by her image and when a strangers trying to pulled her away; but for her true self, she is the person that will be involved as caring, warmer, friendly, helpful, and child-alike but proper one  plus for hot-tempered and clumsy when nervous.

Backround: Yoon Suah was born in New York City, Australia and that's when she learning English over the top of her head first before others. Korean will be using when around someone that is in the same race as her. When she was 7, people started to called her with the western name as Wendy and she'd be used by it. After being the new senior in her elemantary school, she started to played the piano and applied as a dancer in her class. At first, people might unbelievable to see a kid to danced Hip-Hop, but she showed it, their eyes were about to popped from their sockets. Her dance was inspired by her brother's friend at first but then, she trying to browse the internet and watches every dance covers video of choreograph ones  She was tends to playing basketball also.Step by step, she studied music and since her voice wasn't special for vocal, she trying to fit it in rap and that's when her parents had decided to bring her back to her hometown and where she should be at by now. Her first group that attracted her attention whilst standing on the warm stage is BigBang boy group.




Who Are You?

Ulzzang: Jang Hae Byeol

Links: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7

Backup Ulzzang: Minkyung

Links: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7




The Loved Ones


- Yoon Jaehong | 46 | Father | Ddukbokki seller

- Hwang Sujin | 45 | Mother | Housewife

- Yoon Daesuk | 23 | Eldest brother | Photographer in Starship Ent.

Best Friends:

- William Park | 23 | Funny, derpy, peaceful, charming, over-protective | Back-up dancer under Woollim Ent.

- Lee Sungyeol | 22 | Dorky, childish, kindergarten-boy, serious, tough | INFINITE

- Yoon Bora | 21 | Lovable, tough, protective, hyperactive, independent, loud | SiSTAR


- Kim Donghyun | 22 | Gentle, calm, kind-hearted, caring, friendly | Boyfriend

- Kang Jihyun 'Soyu' | 22 | Patience, nice-to-be-friend, helpful, joyful, adorable, funny | SiSTAR

- Lee Sungjong | 19 | Abit Diva, funny, joyful, easy-going, nice but serious at the times | INFINITE

- Lee Yejin 'Ailee' | 23 | Adorable, loud, friendly, prim and proper, cheerful, bright-hearted | Soloist

- Lee Byunghun 'L.Joe' | 19 | Loving, adorable, introverted, shy but kind of friendly, warmer | Teen Top


- Choi Junhong 'Zelo' | 17 | Abit introverted, shy but friendly, innocent, tough, picky | Because of Suah's height was too short for him, he though she can't really win after him — in basketball competition with him. He keep teasing her about her tall are not even power enough to beat his scores but when she made a deal, in the end she wins but he wasn't b*tchy around. Only congrats to instead but he still wants to teases her with thus.




My Boo Bear <3


Love Interest: Lee Howon 'Hoya'

Age: 22

Relationship: Friends

How you met: They met when shooting for Reply 1997 and when it's Suah's time to appeared as the cameo, he shot his eye-gaze on her at first glance and she looks kinda adorable with her tiny-sized but still had a fiery expression aura on her image that could shivers onto his spine but he still kept on his strong side and was being the bravery person to greets her. When he heard her voice, his shivers and afraid though were shook away by her friendliness. When it's time to go back, the day gone night, and he don't know why but he keep worrying about her safety. So, he decided to asked for the permission of his manager to pick Suah to her dormitory. The manager went weird but thinking of his right mind, he just agreed with it and totally bring her back. It's all happened when she was a trainee but yet, he didn't caught her name afterall but when she met him again while giving away Diamond's CD, they gets to know more about each other and closer. 

How you interact: Brother-sister that is kind of adorable and sort of gentle one.

Backup Love Interest: Lee Sungyeol

Age: 22

How you met: Same as Hoya's but it is when Sungyeol shoot as the cameo student like Suah's, not the minor or main character in that drama called Reply 1997.

How you interact: Brother-sister that is going to be compared with Tom & Jerry but when it comes to good mode only.

Love Rival: Lee Chanhee 'Chunji'

Age: 20

Backup Love Rival: Bang Minsoo 'C.A.P'

Age: 22




Other Info


- Beautiful views

- Ice cream

- Chocolate flavor

- Kitten's paw

- Comfortable clothes

- Redbull

- Babies/Kids

- The color Black

- School uniform

- Hip-Hop music


- Snobs

- Sharpened nails

- Beers/Alcohol

- Bugs

- Disturbance

- No Redbull


- Reading comics

- Watching television

- Taking photos with her Canon camera

- Playing hide & seek


- Has a special necklace that was given by her passed grandfather.

- Has a butterly-patterned bellyring.

- Don't know how to ride a bicycle.

- Don't know much about History and Science subjects and sort of 'Pabo (stupid)'

- Can play basketball and likes to practicing from it and turned to dance moves.

- Have an ability of playing kids' game ; Hide & Seek and Paper, Scissor, Rock is her favorite ones.

- Have an ability on photographing.

- Favorite song is Avril Lavigne's When You're Gone.

- Favorite idols was INFINITE's Hoya, B.A.P's Yongguk and Ailee.

- Favorite food is chips and chocolate.

- Favorite drink is Redbull.

- Favorite color was Red and Black; she loves it to death.

- If she can't be an idol, she would rather to be like her brother ; Photographer.

- Wish to make her own photo albums that she took and give away to her fanbase.

- Casted as cameo student in Reply 1997

- Appeared in Teen Top's To You and UKISS' Stop Girl music video.



Stage Name: Wendy

Persona: Eyegasm Fiery


[ ] Leader, Main Vocal [Age: 23 -25]

[x] Lead Rapper

[ ] Lead Vocal, Visual

[o] Main Rapper, Face Of The Group

[ ] 2nd Leader, Sup-Rapper [Age: 20 - 22]

[ ] Rapper, Vocalist, Main Dancer

[ ] Lead Dancer, Maknae [Age: 15 - 16]



Trainee Years: 4 years

Trainee Life: Easy but mixes up with hard; she is in the middle as medium level when she was a trainee. She discover her looks thru Teen Top's music video for To You and as the backup dancer for UKISS' Stop Girl. Even when those feminine trainees that trying to bully her are failed enough when facing her fiery and cold-imaged by the outside looks and they though she is a gangster but actually, they are wrong. When they tries to explain it to the CEO, he wasn't believe on their words, she heard it all and just ignored as long as the CEO doesn't mind, she will calm.


- Singing/Vocal.

- Flexibility ( but she good at split one only )

- Practicing for over than 7 hours.





Comments: The idea of the girl group's name was unique and nice. I'm looking forward to this one. Hwaiting and wish you a very good luck. (:


- y Love by T-Ara

- Get Out by AOA

- Don't Leave by T-Ara

- Roly Poly (copacabana ver.) by T-Ara

- Freestyle by 4Minute

- Bad Girl by Ladies' Code

- Ice Cream by Hyuna ( rapper and vocalist; and since there's a lyric that says 'My Diamond ring, So bling bling' )


- Suah challenged Zelo on playing the basketball when in Idols Athletic Championship 2013

- Doing a cheerleading with members in Idols Athletic Championship 2013 as Suah and some other members do the split

- Dance battle with the so-called 'y Girl from Kyungtae University' and Suah do the Hip-Hop version with the DJ play her favorite song; Do It Like A Dude by Jessie J

Password: All-Man


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