New hair . . . -______-

I had this new hair last week. I wasn't sure about the haircut so I told my mom to decide. 


Then this wuman tatched me bungs n ai wus layk, "hei. ajummah. dunt tatched it" 

bat shey eggnord meh and cat it. 

and she kypt seying, "Your bangs is so thick." 

And I was, "becus ai dunt want 2 soo mai fourhed. wut L-s?" 

Ai wus relly annoiyd, u know . . steel.

ball sheet. i hit heir. 

nup. em nat dunk. em nut berry dunk. 

em hi en u are? . . . nebearmine.


hear sum ztioa keking sem ussets. 


I'll go to sleep now. It's 4am here already. like since when did the time flew fast? like the heck man? bai. 

sorry for being random . . . kid. lol. 


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