Aaaaand I'm An Idiot

Guys... guys. I'm an idiot. I started writing yet another fanfiction.... I HAVE NO TIME! WHY AM I DOING THIS!

Stupid. Stupid. STUPID. *smacks my head*

Well anyways, if you all wanna marvel at my stupidity and watch me stress myself out, come subscribe to my new story: "Nine Tails, One Heart"

Tis' Jongkey. It's gonna be fluffy and adorable, like Orphan to Vampire Prince?

And yes, when I say "Like Orphan to Vampire Prince?" I mean LIKE IT! Lots of surprise and shtuff like that.

I've handwritten the first chapter, just gotta type it up... LATER!

God, I need to finish my Portfolio first. Everyone just go and watch me die in a corner.

Entertain yourselves, go ahead. I give you my permission.

Liviaismuah OUT


link to Nine Tails, One Heart


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