Wow or Grammar, Can I Eat That?


I posted all my old stories here today and now I'm feeling ashamed. 

All those stories were written quite a while ago - posted now, yes - but I haven't been working through them yet. And most of them really need it. My grammar and general eloquence weren't quite at the level they are today and so I feel very ashamed. Thoughts like "Omg what are the readers thinking about this bull?" or "I bet they think I'm some kind of wannabe writer with no basic English knowledge whatsoever" all but haunt me. 

I really need to revise those stories as quickly as possible and hope people don't judge me based on those things. 


If anyone happens to read this: Please, forgive the awfulness. I'll work on it as soon as I manage to. There's new fics coming up later as well. I really just want to work on all the old fics first before I upload anything new. OTL  




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Perhaps you could hide them first by ticking the draft box when you edit your foreword if you plan on editing them... Just a thought.