Why must my parents use EXO to bribe me AGAIN -_-

So this isn't the first time my parents use EXO on me, they have done this many time just so that I have to say 'Yes' or do what they say. Even if they don't use EXO I will stay follow what they say they are my parents...*sigh



so I asked my mom to buy me an Etude House BB Cream and FaceShop eye patch, she suddenly said

Mom:"Hey I isn't EXO having a comeback?"

I said yeah tomorrow I guess then she replied to me

Mom: "Why don't you buy their album it's more cheaper then the BB cream and eye patch that you wanted"

Me: "Mom their album isn't that cheap you know"

Mom: "Oh really? Then uhmm I found EXO magazines here in macau do you want me to buy it and send it to you?"

of course I said yes but then she said..

Mom:" Uhmm well you see I have to go to work early tomorrow and I can only go to one store so if I buy you the magazine then no etude for you."

I was pretty shock but then I pick the magazine since she said she will buy me 2 different mags.


I love them but sometimes they use EXO to much on me. I was happy though that my parents support me on kpop.

I can even spazz about EXO and kpop infront of them and I let mom and dad listen to Wolf and the other Highlight Medley songs they liked their voices and all and even said my UB Baekhyun is handsome.



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