ask and answer

1. What vegetable do you hate?

2. Which song best represents your life so far?
  • Rokkugo by SJ-T (because everything is backwards)
3. What is the thing you hate the most?
  • People who won't say things and matters straight-forwardly... and flirts
4. What do you put on your pizza?
  • Cheese
  • Pineapple
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mushroom
  • Beef


5. What makes you feel better when you are in a bad mood?
  • Listen to very loud music and eat while crying
6. If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?
  • Me? Go to the countries of my friends here in AFF and climb every roof I see... wuju wuju XD
7. What is your favorite sport?
  • Badminton, cycling and track & field
8. What single piece of technology makes your life easier?
  • cooking stove, er I mean laptop... wuju XD
9. Which was the moment when you felt really proud about yourself?
  • If I finished a task perfectly
10. How important is it for you to have a lot of money?
  • more important than food... how can we exist without MONEY?
11. Who was the last person of the opposite you talked to?
  • simplest96
12. If you could interview anyone, who would you pick?
13. What would be the best job ever for you?
14. What are your super cheap great gift ideas?
  • a card saying we love someone
15. What is one thing your parents allowed you to do that you would never let your kids do?
  • hmmm... to sleep at 12am
16. What fruit do you eat the most often?
  • Apple... but I don't like it .______.
17. What is your favorite sport to watch?
  • my past crush playing badminton ♥♥♥ OMO he is way better than me
18. Do you want to be famous?
  • sometimes but... only here in AFF
19. What color do you wear most frequently?
  • pink ♥
20. Are you left handed or right handed?
  • Right, trying hard to be ambidextrous
21. What question do you ask yourself a lot?
  • Why...
22. What Is Your Favourite Food?
  • Italian and Korean cuisine, bread and sweets
23. What's Your Shoe Size?
  • 6 or 7
24. How old are you?
  • 12, going 13 at 10/01/13
25. Would you say yes if a girl asked you out?
  • what do you mean? if it is by courting me... "miss, I am straight."
26.Favourite Colour?
  • Pink... with blue, black, violet and white XD
27. What your fav. artist that non-Kpop?
  • Adele and Christina Perri
28. What do you normally do everyday?
  • Wake up
  • Sleep
  • Eat
  • Cry when you ignore me
  • take a bath
  • run!!!
29. What were you doing now?
  • answering these questions, chatting with my  friends here, thinking if I should eat or not, breathing and blinking XD
30. Are you outgoing or shy?
  • Outgoing to people close me but shy when I don't know you well
31. If you opened up a restaurant what kind of food would you serve?
  • korean and itaian cuisine
32. What’s your favorite breakfast food?
  • corned beef, BREAD, MILK, canned goods
33. Who would you most like to be stuck in an elevator with?
  • why would I tell the world? then I am busted by him if I do
34. How often do you drink coffee?
  • I drank in the past but it is bad for the health
35. How do you greet your friends?
  • hello. hope you are doing well
36. What phone you want right now?
  • I don't need a new phone. I already have Samsung Y Galaxy
37. What your dream car?
  • Jaejoong's  Lamborghini Murciélago
38. What's one thing you hate sharing?
  • I don't know... I always share

39. What were you thinking now?

  • what to eat

40. What animal that you don't like/scared the most?

  • Any insects
  • Snake... it lets me remembers that person who snatched my past crush away from me


credits to putewi_jae



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I hate snakes too.